Perishop is a web app that provides you with 300+ Shops.
Aplikasi perishop dibangun menggunakan tumpukan rata -rata:
M: MongoDB (NoSQL / Non Relational database)
E: ExpressJs (Web application framework for building APIs)
A: Angular (Javascript MVC framework for front end web development)
N: NodeJs (Environment for running Javascript in the server side)
Contains source code of the front end side :
- Components : client-perishop/src/app/components
- Services : client-perishop/src/app/services
- Modules : client-perishop/src/app
- Package.json (dependencies)
- Angular CLI generated files
This is the folder you need to try the app, please don't delete it.
It contains the project build after running :
> ng build
Berisi dua file:
? Shops.js :
Handling Shops end points.
? Users.js :
Handling Users end points.
? Shops.js :
Holds the definition of Shop Model using Mongoose Schema, for querying the database and handling all CRUD operations that concerns shops records.
? Users.js :
Holds the definition of User Model using Mongoose Schema, for querying the database and handling all CRUD operations that deals with users records.
Holds an Object with database path to connect to using mongoose.
Holds the database folder where all records go and mongoDB journaling is saved.
? app.js
Is the entry point to the app. It holds a set of imports among which : Express, Mongoose, BodyParser, Passport and other middleware.
Fitur penishop adalah:
Buat folder proyek (misalnya: Perishopapp) dan CD ke dalamnya:
~$ cd ..../perishopApp
Klon Repositori GitHub di folder proyek Anda dengan menjalankan:
~$ .../perishopApp // present working directory
git clone
Anda perlu menginstal MongoDB: server komunitas
Jika Anda menggunakan MacOS atau Linux, lewati langkah ini, jika Windows mengunduh dan menginstal git:
Setelah MongoDB dan Git terpasang, buka bash git dan CD ke:
~$ cd .../mongodb/bin (... : wherever path you installed mongodb in, usually C:/mongodb/bin)
Kemudian jalankan perintah ini:
~$ mongod --dbpath=".../perishopApp/perishop/database"
Buka Terminal Bash Git lain:
~$ cd .../perishopApp/perishop (... : wherever the path to your perishopApp folder is)
Dan kemudian jalankan perintah ini:
~$ start
Buka browser Anda dan pergi ke:
Selamat! Anda berada di halaman beranda
Jika Anda ingin memeriksa catatan dalam database, ikuti langkah -langkah ini:
Buka baris perintah (CMD) sebagai administrator di windows atau (terminal) di macOS dan linux dan jalankan:
> mongo
Setelah itu jika Anda melihat Terminal Git Bash tempat Anda menjalankan:
~$ mongod --dbpath=".../perishopApp/perishop/database"
Anda akan melihat di suatu tempat di akhir (2 koneksi sekarang terbuka): Koneksi pertama adalah dari aplikasi itu sendiri (saat Anda menjalankan ~ $ start) dan yang kedua adalah yang baru saja kami jalankan: (> mongo).
Sekarang Anda dapat menjalankan perintah ini:
> show dbs // to show all available databases
> use perishop // to use the perishop database displayed among available dbs
> show collections // to show all collections inside perishop db
> db.users.find().pretty() // to list all signed up users and their information
> db.shops.find().pretty() // to list all shops and their information
Nikmati ✌️