Silent Hill 2 Remake adalah konsep ulang lengkap karya horor asli yang dibuat oleh Tim Bloober, dan ada banyak misteri dan teror yang familiar dan baru untuk diungkap selama perjalanan James melalui jurang Silent Hill. Inilah panduan mendalam kami untuk membantu Anda mengatasi berbagai tujuan, teka-teki, dan rahasia samar lainnya dalam game ini.
Panduan berikut ini dilakukan dengan kedua jenis kesulitan (yaitu - Combat dan Puzzles) yang diatur ke Standar , jadi jika Anda memainkan tingkat kesulitan yang berbeda mungkin ada perbedaan dalam lokasi dan/atau ketersediaan item tertentu seperti minuman kesehatan dan amunisi. Solusi untuk teka-teki juga bervariasi.
Setelah cutscene pembuka yang ikonik, pahami gerakan dan interaksi James, dan ambil Peta pertama Anda dari kursi pengemudi di mobilnya.
Turuni tangga di ujung Area Observasi dan mulailah perjalanan panjang Anda yang dipenuhi kabut menuju Silent Hill. Pada satu titik Anda akan menemukan sebuah sumur dengan cahaya merah yang memancar darinya. Naiklah ke sana; di dalamnya ada kotak merah terang yang menandakan Titik Penyimpanan Manual pertama Anda (mulai sekarang kami akan menyebutnya sebagai "Titik Simpan Merah" ). Temukan dan gunakan sebanyak mungkin ini selama bermain.
Lanjutkan sepanjang jalan utama hingga Anda mencapai gereja dengan kuburan, tempat Anda pertama kali bertemu Angela Orosco . Dia mengaku sedang mencari ibunya bersama ayah dan saudara laki-lakinya, tetapi tidak mengungkapkan banyak hal lainnya. Setelah cutscene, silakan menjelajahi area tersebut, tetapi ketahuilah bahwa tidak ada barang yang bisa diambil di sini. Anda juga dapat berbicara dengan Angela beberapa kali lagi untuk dialog yang lebih unik jika Anda mau.
Tinggalkan kuburan dan terus berjalan di sepanjang jalur utama yang sama, yang membawa Anda melewati area Silent Hill Ranch.
Lanjutkan sampai Anda mencapai barikade besar di jalan dengan pintu kecil yang terkunci. Carilah Toko Suku Cadang Mobil kecil terdekat di sebelah kiri Anda dengan gerbang terbuka. Masuki tempat itu dan belok kiri di sekitar gedung tempat Anda dapat melompat melalui jendela yang terbuka. Carilah meja yang menyala di dalam, dan di dalam laci akan ada Kunci Suku Cadang Mobil yang membuka kunci pintu di luar yang menghalangi jalan Anda.
Terus ikuti jalan lurus sampai Anda menemukan tempat yang familier (jika Anda memainkan aslinya) di bawah jembatan layang yang dipenuhi pagar dan papan rusak. Meskipun Anda tidak dapat memasukinya, Anda dapat berinteraksi dengan tempat tersebut karena ini adalah Sekilas Telur Paskah Masa Lalu .
Belok kiri di bawah area terbuka jembatan layang dan lewati gerbang di depan, yang akan membawa Anda ke Witse Road (sesuai peta Anda) dan masuk ke kota Silent Hill.
Setelah mencapai Sanders Street, sebuah cutscene akan diputar di mana James menemukan peta kota lain yang lebih luas yang berada di bawah tanda. Hal ini memungkinkan Anda melihat sisi barat dan timur peta kota serta semua landmark utama dari atas.
Pertama, pergilah ke Toko Bunga terdekat dan ambil Pesan Toko Bunga (memo) di konter depan.
Selain noda darah di lantai terdekat yang bisa dilihat James, tidak ada lagi yang bisa ditemukan di dalam, jadi kembalilah keluar dan turuni Sanders Street sampai Anda melihat jejak darah yang jauh lebih besar yang mengarah ke utara hingga Lindsey Street. Semua jalur lainnya diblokir oleh barikade besar untuk saat ini, jadi ikuti saja jalannya.
Cutscene lain memperlihatkan sosok aneh berjalan di kejauhan di depan James, dan Anda pasti ingin mengikutinya. Tetap lurus dan cipratan darah akan membawa Anda ke jalan memutar yang menakutkan di sisi kiri jalan antara dua bangunan (lihat di atas).
Sebelum Anda melewati gang, putar dan lari ke Vachss Road hingga Anda mencapai gerbang 'Dilarang Masuk'. Berinteraksi dengannya untuk mendapatkan Sekilas tentang Masa Lalu .
Sekarang, lewati gang tersebut dan ikuti suara-suara aneh tersebut melalui area gang belakang hingga Anda mencapai garasi dengan lubang pecah di bagian bawah pintunya. Merangkak melewatinya untuk memasuki rumah.
Gunakan Red Save Point di dinding terdekat lalu langsung menuju dapur. Ambil Minuman Kesehatan dari salah satu laci dan lanjutkan ke pintu di sebelah kiri Anda. Ikuti apa yang terdengar seperti radio statis di lorong sampai Anda dapat memasuki pintu di sebelah kanan Anda. Di dalam ruangan, Radio akan duduk di kursi berlengan.
Ambil itu, dan sebuah cutscene akan terjadi di mana James menghadapi sosok yang sama dari sebelumnya, yang ternyata adalah monster (dikenal sebagai Figur Berbohong ).
Ini adalah perkenalan pertama Anda dengan sistem pertarungan game, yang memungkinkan Anda menyerang dan menghindar (menggunakan tombol yang sesuai). Gunakan Papan Kayu yang diambil James dari jendela untuk mendaratkan pukulan ke Sosok Berbohong sambil mewaspadai serangan fisik dan asamnya. Terus tekan sampai jatuh ke tanah dan gunakan tombol Serangan yang sama untuk menginjaknya sampai mati.
Lanjutkan melewati rumah sampai Anda menemukan celah pecah di dinding untuk dilewati. Buka kotak P3K di meja sebelah kanan Anda untuk mendapatkan Syringe (barang kesehatan yang kuat) dan kemudian buka jendela lurus ke depan dengan papan Anda untuk keluar dari rumah. Setelah cutscene, Anda dapat melanjutkan dari Martin Street.
Di titik paling utara di Martin Street Anda akan menemukan Sekilas Masa Lalu di dekat pagar kayu putih (lihat di bawah).
Sekarang lari ke selatan dan berinteraksi dengan mayat berlumuran darah di trotoar depan untuk mengambil Buku Korek Api dari Neely's Bar , salah satu tujuan Anda berikutnya. Juga, ambil Martin Street Note beberapa meter di depan mayatnya.
Beberapa monster sekarang akan aktif di berbagai tempat di sekitar Silent Hill, jadi pastikan untuk berhati-hati, pilih pertempuran, dan gunakan item kesehatan Anda dengan bijak.
Lanjutkan sepanjang Katz St sampai Anda menemukan pintu belakang ke kafe Big Jay . Masuk ke dalam dan hati-hati terhadap Sosok Berbohong yang mengintai di dalam. Atasi itu dan pergilah ke depan kafe untuk menemukan Catatan Big Jay di salah satu meja. Minuman Kesehatan akan ada di meja lain di area booth. Tinggalkan pintu masuk depan kafe menuju Neely Street.
Pertama, pergi ke utara di Neely dan pecahkan jendela mobil polisi terdekat untuk mendapatkan Handgun Bullets pertama Anda, yang akan berguna nanti. Saat Anda mencapai Toko Musik I Love Groovy (mudah dikenali dari lonceng angin), pertama-tama putar ke gang di seberangnya untuk menikmati Minuman Kesehatan di atas meja.
Mundur ke Toko Musik dan masuk ke dalam, di mana dua Sosok Berbohong akan menunggu. Lakukan yang terbaik untuk menghadapinya satu per satu, karena saat ini Anda hanya memiliki papan untuk mempertahankan diri. Setelah selesai, kumpulkan Record Store Note dari konter lalu pergi ke belakang dan hancurkan salah satu jendela besar untuk masuk ke ruang rekaman. Di meja rendah di tengah akan ada Lem Vinyl dan Rekaman Vinyl Rusak .
Tinggalkan toko dan akhirnya berjalan menuju Neely's Bar . Di dalamnya akan ada Red Save Point lain di dinding sebelah kiri Anda, Neely's Bar Note di konter, dan pintu terkunci yang memerlukan kunci khusus. Di salah satu jendela ada pesan meresahkan yang berbunyi "Ada LUBANG di sini. Sekarang sudah hilang." . Di dinding belakang terdapat jukebox rusak yang berfungsi sebagai puzzle pertama permainan.
Di dalamnya ada setengah piringan hitam rusak yang tergeletak di trek menunggu untuk diputar. Berinteraksi dengannya untuk menghapusnya dari mesin, menambahkannya ke inventaris Anda. Sekarang, gunakan Lem Vinyl dan separuh Rekaman Vinyl Rusak lainnya untuk menggabungkan kedua bagian. Ini akan memberi Anda Rekaman Vinyl Terpaku , berjudul "The Long Way Home" .
Selanjutnya Anda perlu menyiapkan mesin untuk memutar rekaman tersebut, dan di dalamnya ada tiga bagian yang bisa Anda gerakkan yaitu berwarna biru, merah, dan hijau . Tujuan pertama Anda adalah menghubungkan bagian merah ke bagian hijau sehingga dapat bergerak mundur dan keluar dari bagian biru, yang perlu Anda tekan ke bawah.
Setelah Anda selesai melakukannya, tekan bagian hijau hingga keluar jalur untuk Anda tempatkan Rekaman Vinyl yang Direkatkan. Mekanisme trek kemudian akan terangkat, di mana Anda perlu menekan tombol yang benar untuk memutar rekaman. Namun, tombol '2' yang Anda perlukan tidak ada dan Anda memerlukan Koin juga. Jadi tinggalkan jukebox untuk saat ini.
Catatan Batang Neely menunjukkan bahwa seorang pria lari dengan membawa kancing dan separuh catatannya (yang sudah Anda perbaiki) dan bahwa dia tinggal di Apartemen 9 di Saul Street dekat apotek. Apartemen Saul Street akan dilingkari di peta Anda.
Berjalanlah menuju Apartemen Saul Street . Anda dapat melihat Happy Burger di sepanjang jalan jika Anda mau, tetapi ada tiga Figur Berbohong yang mengintai di dalam dan di sekitarnya. Semua yang ada di dalamnya hanyalah Minuman Kesehatan (di atas meja tepat di sebelah jendela yang Anda lewati) dan Jarum Suntik (area dapur) yang dijaga oleh salah satu monster.
Kecuali jika Anda merasa cukup percaya diri untuk melawan atau melewatinya, kami sarankan untuk mengambil Minuman Kesehatan saja untuk saat ini dan melanjutkan.
Masuk ke Apartemen Saul Street dan catat kantornya tepat di sebelah kanan Anda. Pintunya terkunci, tapi Anda masih bisa masuk dengan menyusuri lorong lebih jauh ke pintu berikutnya di sebelah kanan (Apartemen 1), di mana Anda bisa mendorong lemari keluar dari jalan. Di dalam kantor, Anda juga akan menemukan Kunci Apartemen 5 dan Catatan Kecil tentang kebocoran di sana. Catat juga peta bangunan di dinding lorong (lihat di bawah) untuk menemukan jalan menuju apartemen yang tepat.
Sebelum menuju ke sana, belok kiri melewati tangga dan lewati pintu retak di kiri dan di seberang Apartemen 3, yang mengarah ke Green Pharmacy . Jarum Suntik akan ada di kotak P3K di meja di sebelah kanan Anda saat Anda masuk.
Sekarang mundur ke tangga yang mengarah ke lantai dua apartemen dan ke kanan sampai Anda melihat ruang merangkak di sebelah Apartemen 7 . Pergi melalui itu dan di dalamnya Anda akan menemukan Catatan Penyewa . Kembali melalui crawlspace atau pintu yang dapat Anda buka dan sekarang menuju Apartemen 5. Gunakan kunci untuk masuk dan cari celah di dinding yang membawa Anda ke Apartemen 4 . Selama cutscene, kebisingan yang ditimbulkan James akan menyebabkan gangguan di lantai tiga di atas, di Apartemen 9 yang harus Anda tuju. Seru.
Tidak ada barang yang bisa diambil di sini, jadi lewati celah dinding berikutnya yang mengarah ke sisi lain lorong yang terhalang oleh puing-puing. Pergi melalui jendela yang terbuka ke balkon dan naik tangga darurat sampai Anda menemukan jendela terbuka lainnya di paling kanan atas. Segera setelah Anda melompati tangga darurat, jadi tidak ada jalan untuk kembali.
Pergilah ke pintu di sebelah kamar mandi, dan sebuah cutscene akan diputar di mana James mencoba membuka pintu hanya untuk menemukan pintu itu dirantai tertutup, bau mengerikan dari dalam, dan tangannya dari kenop pintu ternoda dengan zat hitam. Sekarang, masuklah ke kamar mandi di sebelahnya dimana akan ada lubang besar di dinding (lihat di atas). Berinteraksi dengannya untuk 'mencarinya' (termasuk suara indah) sampai James mengeluarkan tombol '2' yang hilang untuk jukebox .
Sekarang pergilah ke atap melalui pintu terdekat dan Anda akan melihat tangga di depan Anda.
Pintu di sebelah kanan Anda mengarah ke tangga dalam ruangan lainnya, tapi sudah hancur total jadi itu bukan pilihan. Turuni tangga dan Anda akan berakhir di area sampah gedung. Keluar melalui pintu yang dikunci dari sisi lain.
Anda dapat terus menyusuri Saul Street, dan di sebelah kiri akan ada Motor Home di belakang gerbang yang terbuka. Sosok Berbohong di dekatnya akan mendekati Anda, jadi tangani dia lalu masuk ke dalam. Ambil Motor Home Note dan Minuman Kesehatan , lalu Saul Street Note di tanah saat Anda pergi yang memberitahu Anda, "Mereka bisa dibunuh. Pastikan saja mereka tetap di bawah" .
Juga, pastikan untuk mengambil Peta Lama (memo lain) yang tergeletak di jalan dekat Rumah Motor juga.
Anda masih memerlukan Koin untuk memutar rekaman di jukebox, jadi jangan kembali ke Neely's Bar dulu. Pertama, lewati Neely Street sampai Anda menemukan gang terbuka dengan pintu belakang ke Grand Market . Anda memerlukan kode untuk membuka kunci pintu, dan Catatan Kode yang ditemukan di dekat truk di Jalan Sanders akan memberi Anda petunjuk.
Pada dasarnya, orang yang terakhir mencobanya mendapatkan nomor '4439' dan merasa mereka "sangat dekat sekarang". Itu berarti Anda dapat memasukkan angka berikutnya hingga Anda dapat melakukannya dengan benar, namun untuk menghemat waktu Anda, kodenya adalah '4444' (tingkat kesulitan Puzzle Standar). Di dalamnya, Anda akan menemukan empat Minuman Kesehatan dan dua kotak amunisi Pistol , jadi pemberhentian ini sangat berharga.
Belok kanan ke atas Jalan Katz dan lari ke Texan Cafe di ujung, dekat barikade besar. Pergi melalui pintu samping yang tidak terkunci ke kasir di belakang konter. Gunakan kunci yang sudah ada di dalam register dan tombol di bagian bawah untuk membuka laci dan mengambil Neely's Bar Coin . Waspadai Sosok Pembohong yang menyergapmu setelahnya.
Sekarang waktunya kembali ke Neely's Bar, tapi sebelum melakukannya, pastikan Anda sudah mengambil Sanders Street Note dari mayat yang tergeletak di dekat truk rig besar di tengah Jalan Sanders.
Masukkan Neely's Bar Coin ke dalam jukebox dan tekan tombol 'C' dan '2' untuk akhirnya memutar rekaman. Lagu yang familier diputar saat James mengalami kilas balik yang terputus-putus. Setelah selesai (atau lebih tepatnya rusak), jukebox mengeluarkan Neely's Bar Key , yang dapat Anda gunakan di pintu terkunci terdekat.
Pergi melalui pintu dan segera lihat ke kanan. Sebuah ruang merangkak dapat dilihat jauh di atas dinding, dan Anda harus menggunakan kereta yang menghalangi jalan untuk mencapainya. Dorong ke arah dinding, lalu panjat ke atas dan melewatinya.
Ambil Minuman Kesehatan dari lemari P3K di dinding lalu masuk ke ruangan berikutnya dan ambil Surat Ruang Belakang dari meja, menandakan bahwa kamu perlu mencari mobil berwarna hijau-biru dengan pelat berakhiran '06' tutup oleh. Tinggalkan pintu belakang yang mengarah ke area gang belakang lain yang penuh dengan mobil.
Satu-satunya mobil di area tersebut yang memiliki sesuatu di dalamnya adalah mobil berwarna hijau terang di sebelah kanan Anda di persimpangan dengan Martin Street. Minuman Kesehatan akan duduk di kursi pengemudi. Mundur dan terus berjalan lurus menuju tanda tanya di peta Anda yang digambar James. Lewati pintu barikade dan mobil hijau-biru yang ditinggalkan akan berada di sebelah kanan Anda, dengan tumpukan pakaian berdarah di sebelahnya.
Berinteraksi dengannya dan James akan menarik Kunci Apartemen Sisi Kayu darinya sebelum disergap oleh beberapa Figur Pembohong. Anda tidak bisa melawan mereka semua jadi carilah jalan keluar melalui gang terdekat (pintu yang Anda lewati akan terkunci jadi jangan coba-coba). Gang tersebut akan membawa Anda kembali ke Katz Street, yang juga penuh dengan Figur Berbohong yang kini harus Anda hindari untuk menjaga kesehatan.
Pertama, lari ke barat sepanjang Katz Street sampai Anda mencapai penghalang besar. Ambil memo Catatan Penghalang yang tergeletak di tanah, dan cari celah di penghalang tempat Anda dapat melihat frasa yang ditulis dengan darah (lihat di bawah) untuk Sekilas tentang Masa Lalu .
Sekarang mundur sampai Anda melihat pintu masuk ke Apartemen Wood Side di sebelah kiri Anda. Sebelum Anda masuk, lari ke tempat sampah di sebelah kanan pintu masuk (terlihat di atas) dan berinteraksi dengannya untuk sekali lagi Sekilas tentang Masa Lalu . Ambil memo Texan Cafe Flyer dari papan terdekat lalu gunakan kunci untuk masuk ke dalam.
Pergilah ke lobi dan ambil peta gedung apartemen dari papan buletin di dinding. Ini akan menunjukkan tata letak Wood Side Apartments 1F-3F , dan Anda dapat menelusuri setiap lantai menggunakan tombol yang sesuai. Selanjutnya, masuk ke lobi kantor dan gunakan Red Save Point di sebelah kiri Anda. Pergilah ke ruangan di luarnya dan buka lemari di sebelah kanan Anda untuk Handgun Ammo .
Di bawah selimut di sisi lain ruangan, James akan menemukan lemari aneh yang berfungsi sebagai teka-teki berikutnya yang harus Anda pecahkan. Anda harus menemukan koin khusus untuk ditempatkan di lekukan, jadi kami akan membahasnya lagi nanti.
Periksa kamar mandi kebersihan di sebelah kanan kantor untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak amunisi Pistol . Pintu lain di sisi itu terkunci untuk saat ini, jadi kembali ke sisi kiri lantai. Pergi ke kiri belakang di mana rak penuh dengan pengikat dokumen berada dan ambil memo Catatan Administrasi dari sana, yang berbicara tentang suara tembakan yang datang dari Apartemen 217 . Juga, ambil Minuman Kesehatan lainnya dari duduk di bawah tangga.
Semua pintu lain di lantai pertama terkunci, jadi untuk saat ini naiklah ke lantai 2F.
Sebagian besar lantai dua saat ini tidak dapat diakses, kecuali apartemen di sebelah kanan Anda. Pintu Apartemen 202 terbuka lebar, jadi masuklah ke dalam. Cahaya yang sangat terang terlihat di ruang tamu, dan ternyata itu adalah manekin yang mengenakan pakaian Mary, dengan Senter terselip di dalamnya. Sebelum mengambilnya, pergilah ke area dapur terlebih dahulu dan ambil Minuman Kesehatan dari salah satu lemari.
Sekarang pergilah dan klaim Senternya, yang akan sangat bermanfaat kedepannya. Monster jenis baru yang bersembunyi di baliknya yang disebut Manekin akan menyergap Anda, jadi setelah QTE singkat, gunakan papan Anda untuk menjatuhkannya. Meskipun tidak mengeluarkan cairan asam seperti yang dilakukan Lying Figures, serangan fisiknya sangat brutal jadi berhati-hatilah. Mereka juga lebih memilih serangan diam-diam dan bahkan kadang-kadang dapat mengelabui radio Anda dengan tetap diam .
Setelah itu, ambil Chute Courtyard Key dari lemari terdekat lalu tinggalkan apartemen.
Jalankan menaiki tangga melewati lantai tiga (saat ini terkunci) hingga Anda mencapai jalan buntu. Lebih banyak Amunisi Pistol akan ada di meja kecil di sini. Jalankan sepanjang jalan kembali ke lantai pertama.
Gunakan Kunci Halaman Chute di pintu sebelah kiri kamar mandi kebersihan, yang akan membawa Anda keluar ke halaman dalam tempat saluran sampah utama gedung berada. Perhatikan jendela terbuka di sebelah kanan saluran dan tarik kereta tangan terdekat ke arahnya untuk naik ke Apartemen 112 .
Di ruangan tepat di sebelah kiri, temukan Handgun Ammo di laci lemari. Di atas meja di dapur sebelah kanan adalah artikel berita lokal tentang terpidana pembunuh Walter Sullivan. Tinggalkan apartemen dan langsung menyusuri lorong menuju Apartemen 109 .
Manekin akan bersembunyi di bawah meja di ruang tamu, jadi bersiaplah untuk melawannya. Setelah itu, ambil Handgun Ammo dari kamar tidur terdekat lalu tinggalkan apartemen. Lanjutkan menyusuri lorong untuk membuka kunci pintu di sebelah kanan Anda yang mengarah ke sisi berlawanan dari Chute Courtyard. Kemudian lanjutkan ke depan untuk melihat kunci di tanah diblokir oleh beberapa jeruji. Berinteraksi dengannya untuk memberi isyarat pada cutscene.
Setelah gadis muda itu menendang kunci dan kabur, ambil jalan pintas melalui halaman kembali ke area lobi. Anda akan melihat bahwa kedua sisi lantai pertama sekarang dapat diakses sepenuhnya dan penuh dengan monster, jadi berhati-hatilah. Pergilah ke sisi kanan terlebih dahulu, karena di situlah Anda perlu mendapatkan kuncinya.
Mampirlah ke Apartemen 108 dan pergi ke lemari besar di kamar tidur yang dilengkapi dengan pegangan aneh berbentuk tangan (lihat di atas). Berinteraksi dengan tangan kiri sehingga mengarah ke bawah dan menjatuhkan Golden Apple Handle . Ambil dan tinggalkan apartemen. Lanjutkan menyusuri lorong untuk mengambil Hallway Key 2F di dekat jeruji. Cepat lari ke Apartemen 107 di seberangnya dan ambil Minuman Kesehatan dari lemari kamar tidur lalu pergi.
Pintu Apartemen 106 sekarang terbuka dengan Sosok Berbohong menghalangi jalan Anda. Kalahkan dan lari ke apartemen untuk mengambil beberapa Handgun Ammo dari lemari di ruang tamu. Lanjutkan kembali ke sisi kiri gedung.
Setelah berurusan dengan lebih banyak Figur Berbohong, masuk ke Apartemen 102 dan ambil Foto Aneh yang duduk di dekat TV berlabel "Hari Valentine" .
Kembali ke lantai dua dengan kunci baru Anda dan buka kunci pintu ganda hijau di sebelah kiri Anda, sehingga seluruh lantai dapat diakses. Saat Anda menyusuri lorong, celah di jendela di sebelah kiri Anda memperlihatkan kereta bayi yang duduk di kolam renang kosong di luar gedung. Anda pasti ingin mengingatnya.
Lanjutkan menyusuri lorong dan belok kanan sampai Anda melihat sesuatu berwarna merah bersinar di kejauhan. Dekati itu, dan ternyata itu tidak lain adalah Kepala Piramida , yang menatap James dari balik jeruji lainnya. Meski meresahkan, dia tidak melakukan apa pun (untuk saat ini), jadi mundurlah sedikit ke Apartemen 213 .
Di dalam sana, cari tempat Sekilas Masa Lalu lainnya di dinding kamar tidur (terlihat di atas), lalu pergi ke celah di dinding dekat dapur yang mengarah ke sisi lain lorong yang terhalang oleh pintu rusak. Pergilah ke Apartemen 217 di akhir.
Masuk ke dalam untuk melihat ruang tamu yang penuh dengan lubang peluru dan selongsong peluru, dengan keranjang belanja berwarna merah di tengahnya. Lihat ke dalamnya dan Anda dihadiahi Pistol , senjata kedua Anda sejauh ini. Selain itu, seperti yang Anda harapkan, apartemen ini penuh dengan Amunisi Pistol untuk diklaim, jadi periksa di mana-mana. Jika Anda rajin mengumpulkan amunisi hingga saat ini, Anda harus memiliki setidaknya 20 peluru atau lebih.
Tinggalkan apartemen dan kembali melalui celah dinding ke 213, di mana sosok misterius berlumuran darah sedang duduk di depan TV statis. Berinteraksi dengannya untuk cutscene singkat, lalu ambil Kunci Apartemen 212 dari lemari terdekat. Tinggalkan apartemen dan Anda akan melihat Kepala Piramida hilang. Gunakan kunci untuk memasuki apartemen lain.
Ambil Minuman Kesehatan dari dapur di dalam, lalu pergi melalui pintu yang terbuka ke balkon. Seberangi ke apartemen di sisi lain, di mana Anda akan menemukan Manekin bersama dengan beberapa Amunisi Pistol di lemari es terbuka. Tinggalkan apartemen dan pergilah ke aula dan putar ke sisi tenggara lantai. Sepanjang jalan, keluarlah ke balkon lain dan tarik tuas terdekat untuk menurunkan pintu darurat ke permukaan tanah untuk jalan pintas lainnya.
Pergilah ke Apartemen 207 di mana Anda akan menemukan Sosok Berbohong, Manekin yang bersembunyi di kamar mandi, dan Amunisi Pistol .
205 diblokir dari balkon jadi kembali ke lorong dan ke Apartemen 208 .
Di dalamnya Anda akan menemukan lemari pakaian besar lainnya dengan tangan emas. Berjalanlah ke sana dan gunakan Golden Apple Handle yang Anda peroleh sebelumnya untuk membuka kunci lemari. Pergi ke kiri dan berinteraksi untuk mendorongnya dan mengungkapkan ruang rahasia dengan tulisan di dinding dan brankas terkunci di tengahnya. Segera setelah Anda masuk, pintu akan tertutup di belakang Anda.
Untuk membuka brankas, Anda perlu memasukkan kombinasi yang benar, dan satu-satunya petunjuk yang Anda peroleh adalah dari tulisan di dinding dekat tempat Anda masuk. Kombinasi yang benar (kesulitan Puzzle Standar) adalah 'kanan 13', 'kiri 7, lalu 'kanan 11' . Brankas akan terbuka, memperlihatkan Man Coin (untuk teka-teki Koin di lantai bawah) dan Kunci Baja untuk digunakan di pintu di sisi lain ruangan (dengan gambar kotak putih di atasnya).
Keluar dari ruangan dan Anda akan kembali ke lorong di mana pintu Apartemen 205 sekarang terbuka lebar. Masuk ke dalam di mana Anda akan menemukan beberapa monster Bug bersama dengan Minuman Kesehatan dalam kaleng obat, Amunisi Pistol di dapur, dan Kunci Tangga Kecil 2F duduk di kursi di tengah ruangan.
Dengan itu di tangan, kembali ke tangga di sisi utara lantai yang dilapisi plastik. Gunakan Kunci Tangga Kecil 2F untuk akhirnya mengaksesnya. Gunakan Red Save Point di dalam lalu naik ke lantai tiga.
Setelah sampai di lantai tiga, langsung menyusuri lorong terlebih dahulu untuk mengambil beberapa Handgun Ammo yang ada di kursi berlengan di jalan buntu. Kemudian mundur dan belok kanan hingga Anda mencapai jalan buntu lain dan celah dinding yang membawa Anda ke Apartemen 311 (lihat di bawah). Waspadai dua Manekin yang menunggu untuk menyergap Anda di dekatnya.
Berjalanlah melewati dan menyeberang ke Apartemen 309 , lalu kembali sebentar ke lorong dan melalui celah lain ke Apartemen 310 . Apartemen ini terbelah dua, jadi pastikan untuk memeriksa kedua sisinya. Sisi di ujung lorong akan memiliki Catatan Aneh untuk Anda ambil dari meja dan beberapa Amunisi Pistol dalam wadah pertolongan pertama.
Perhatikan Manekin yang lebih banyak menyergap dan gunakan balkon untuk menyeberang ke Apartemen 312 , di mana Anda akan menemukan Jarum Suntik di kotak P3K, Minuman Kesehatan , dan memo Catatan Sinister yang tergantung di dinding.
Di sisi kiri apartemen terdapat ruang merangkak dengan residu hitam. Merayapinya dan Anda akan muncul di Ruang Binatu . Ambil paket Jus Kalengan dari meja dan bawa ke saluran terdekat untuk menjatuhkannya. Beratnya akan menyebabkan tumpukan sampah jatuh ke Halaman Saluran , termasuk Koin lainnya. Ambil lebih banyak Amunisi Pistol yang ada di mesin cuci saat Anda keluar.
Ambil tangga utara sampai ke lantai pertama , dan ambil lebih banyak Handgun Ammo yang ada di kotak di bagian bawah. Keluar ke lorong, dan Anda akan mendengar suara muntah yang datang dari kanan. Ikuti mereka ke Apartemen 116 di ujung, di mana sesosok mayat tergeletak di lemari es terbuka dan seseorang muntah di kamar mandi terdekat.
Dekati itu dan sebuah cutscene akan memperkenalkan James kepada Eddie Dombrowski , yang anehnya tampak gelisah dan jelas-jelas tidak sehat. Dia tampak ingin meninggalkan kota dan meminta James untuk ikut, yang dengan sopan menolak. Setelah cutscene, cari item di apartemen dan sebelum pergi ke area kolam, yang penuh dengan Figur Berbohong jadi Anda harus menavigasinya dengan hati-hati.
Bunuh hanya apa yang Anda harus dan pergi ke kereta bayi di kolam yang berisi Koin Ular .
Keluar dari area tersebut kembali ke cara Anda keluar masuk apartemen, lalu menuju pintu ganda yang mengarah kembali ke Chute Courtyard.
Carilah Woman Coin dengan hati-hati di tanah, yang terletak di dekat salah satu kaleng jus (lihat di atas). Sekarang Anda memiliki semua koin yang diperlukan, jadi kembalilah ke kantor lobi untuk menyelesaikan teka-teki tersebut.
Untuk membuka lemari hiasan di kantor lobi, Anda perlu menempatkan tiga koin (dan variannya) ke dalam slot yang benar sesuai dengan puisi yang ditunjukkan di atas, yang akan berubah saat Anda menyelesaikan setiap langkah. Berikut adalah solusi lengkap untuk teka-teki tersebut (Kesulitan Standar), dengan langkah-langkah yang tercantum secara berurutan:
Dengan demikian, teka-teki ini memiliki satu langkah terakhir, yang mengharuskan Anda memilih koin mana yang akan "disalahkan" (Pria, Wanita, atau Ular). Meskipun tidak ada jawaban yang salah, pilihan Anda akan mempengaruhi hasil akhir yang Anda dapatkan . Anda juga akan mendapatkan Kunci Apartemen 201 atas usaha Anda.
Gunakan tangga lobi utama untuk kembali ke lantai dua , dan belok kanan untuk menuju ke Apartemen 201 . Jelajahi sampai Anda menemukan Saputangan di meja tulis, yang akan menampilkan cutscene terkenal dengan Kepala Piramida dan beberapa Manekin.
Setelah dia pergi, kembali ke meja dan ambil Saputangan , lalu dekati pintu merah terang di sisi lain untuk cutscene lain di mana James harus menyeberang dari satu gedung ke gedung lainnya. Meskipun secara teknis ini adalah Apartemen Blue Creek , ini adalah versi yang terjebak di Dunia Lain .
Di Dunia Lain, lingkungan normal tampak sangat berbeda; lebih bobrok, berkarat, dan sering kali dipreteli hingga menjadi kerangka industri yang kotor. Cari tahu arah Anda karena Anda belum memiliki akses ke peta, dan masuk melalui pintu biru terdekat. Ambil Handgun Ammo dari kursi berlengan di sebelah kanan Anda, lalu belok kiri dan ikuti lorong sampai Anda mendapatkan peta Blue Creek Apts 2F-3F .
Lanjutkan menyusuri lorong sampai Anda menemukan sesuatu yang tampak seperti tembok yang bisa pecah . Gunakan Papan Kayu Anda untuk memecahkannya dan lolos. Kumpulkan Amunisi Pistol dari laci terdekat dan berjalanlah dengan hati-hati ke sisi lain apartemen. Jaga monster dan dapatkan lebih banyak Handgun Ammo dari area dapur sebelum keluar ke lorong.
Pada satu titik Anda akan melewati pintu biru ke Apartemen 202 , yang memiliki huruf 'M' terukir berulang kali di dalamnya dan beberapa ngengat mati di depannya. Anda akan kembali lagi nanti.
Untuk saat ini, masuklah ke Apartemen 212 , di mana Anda akan menemukan Red Save Point dan Jam Kakek yang sebenarnya merupakan teka-teki. Namun, untuk menyelesaikannya, Anda harus menemukan jarum Jam, Menit, dan Detik yang hilang terlebih dahulu .
Ada juga catatan tulisan tangan di meja di seberang jam yang memberikan beberapa petunjuk tentang arah mana jarum jam harus diletakkan.
Pergilah ke balkon, di mana ada pepatah jalan bercabang. Di sebelah kanan ada pintu oranye dengan goresan huruf 'H' besar , tapi Anda belum bisa membukanya. Sebaliknya, belok kiri dan masuk ke Apartemen 203 . Ambil Jarum Suntik di dalam dapur dan hancurkan dinding di sana untuk masuk ke 205 .
Kumpulkan Amunisi Pistol dari tempat tidur bayi di sisi lain dan lanjutkan sampai Anda mencapai jendela terbuka lainnya ke balkon lain. Ambil lebih banyak Handgun Ammo dari kamar mandi terdekat sebelum Anda pergi. Naik tangga ke lantai tiga dan naik melalui ruang merangkak untuk mendarat di Apartemen 303 .
Pertama, pergilah ke area dapur, di mana ada tembok lain yang bisa pecah. Setelah itu, Anda akan mencapai Ruang Utilitas di mana Anda akan menemukan Amunisi Pistol dan Minuman Kesehatan .
Pergilah ke lorong dan ke Apartemen 307 di mana Anda akan melihat Radio besar yang dikurung di langit-langit memutar musik. Setelah mengumpulkan lebih banyak Handgun Ammo, pergilah ke ruangan di sebelah kanan dengan Crank Merah di dinding yang katupnya hilang .
Pertama, lewati pintu lain di ruangan yang akan membawa Anda ke balkon lain dan kembali ke Apartemen 305. Jendela akan tertutup di belakang Anda, dan Anda perlu mendobrak pintu yang dirantai di dekatnya menggunakan Engkol Merah lainnya di dinding (terlihat di atas). Dua Sosok Berbohong akan menyerang dengan cepat, jadi buanglah mereka. Pastikan untuk mengambil Kunci Apartemen 306 dari meja sebelum Anda pergi.
Pergilah ke Apartemen 306 dan jelajahi serta kumpulkan semua Amunisi Pistol dan Minuman Kesehatan yang Anda bisa. Di ruang tamu, Anda akan melihat Red Crank lainnya.
Putar untuk membuka pintu di seberang ruangan, dan ambil kembali Katup yang putus setelahnya. Sekarang kembali ke Apartemen 307 dan gunakan Katup di engkol dinding untuk menurunkan Radio yang dikurung.
Dekati setelahnya untuk mendapatkan Jarum Jam untuk Jam Kakek. Dengan itu, kembali ke tangga darurat (gunakan tuas di dinding untuk menurunkan tangga ke lantai dua) ke Apartemen 212 dan letakkan Jarum Jam di Jam untuk memulai Puzzle Jam pertama.
Dalam hal ini, putar Jarum Jam ke '9' pada jam, dan pintu oranye 'H' di dekatnya akhirnya akan terbuka. Pergilah ke pintu 'H' melalui balkon dan itu akan membawa Anda ke Apartemen 210. Di dalam, Anda akan melihat ada banyak tema burung dengan segalanya. Sebuah "jungkat-jungkit" kecil (sebagaimana James menyebutnya) di ruang tamu membutuhkan benda berbentuk burung untuk menimbangnya, dan pintu yang terkunci di dekatnya membutuhkan kunci untuk kunci berbentuk burung.
Pergi ke dapur, ambil amunisi pistol dari meja , dan hancurkan dinding di dekatnya untuk mengakses kamar mandi. Masuk ke dalam dan satu -satunya area yang dapat dicari adalah (tentu saja) toilet penuh ... yah, "Goop". 'Cari' sampai James menarik waktu untuk waktu.
Namun, setelah melakukannya, lingkungan di sekitar James tiba -tiba berubah dan Anda perlu menemukan jalan keluar yang berbeda. Tinggalkan kamar mandi dan ambil patung merpati dari rak terdekat (terlihat di bawah). Setelah berurusan dengan sosok berbohong yang masuk (ingat mereka meledak setelah sekarat di dunia lain), letakkan sosok merpati di sisi kiri jungkat -jungkit . Sekarang Anda perlu menemukan sosok lain untuk menyeimbangkannya.
Tinggalkan dan turun ke aula ke apartemen 209 , di mana Anda tiba -tiba Anda mendengar bisikan aneh (kemunduran ke aslinya). Pergi melalui kamar tidur untuk sampai ke kamar mandi dan menghancurkan pintu kamar mandi di dalam untuk mendapatkan bagian patung yang salah (terlihat di bawah).
Berhati -hatilah dengan sosok berbaring di jalan keluar, ambil amunisi pistol dari jalan buntu ke kiri dan sekarang menuju ke apartemen 211 . Anda dapat masuk melalui dinding yang rusak atau pintu yang sebenarnya, dan minuman kesehatan akan duduk di dekat pintu.
Masuk ke dalam dan berurusan dengan dua manekin yang mencoba mendapatkan drop pada Anda. Di ruangan yang sama di sebelah kanan Anda akan melihat bayangan aneh di dinding belakang. Lihat sekeliling dan kepala angsa kayu (terlihat di atas) akan tergantung dari tali di dekat lampu. Ambil dan kemudian gabungkan dalam inventaris Anda dengan bagian patung yang salah untuk membuat patung Swan. Ambil lebih banyak amunisi pistol dari dapur saat keluar dan kembali ke apartemen 210.
Tempatkan patung -patung Swan di jungkat -jungkit dan sesuaikan dengan slot kedua dari pusat untuk menyeimbangkan jungkat -jungkit. Aliran tumpuan kayu akan pecah, mengungkapkan kunci bersayap . Ambil dan gunakan di pintu terkunci di dekatnya. Masuk ke dalam dan Anda akan melihat lubang menganga di lantai yang Anda perlukan untuk melompat ke bawah. Ini membawa Anda ke lantai pertama Blue Creek Apartments.
Buka peta dan Anda akan menemukan diri Anda di apartemen 110 di lantai pertama. Lewati jalan Anda dan Anda akan menemukan sekilas masa lalu (terlihat di atas), yang merupakan kabinet teka -teki koin dari permainan asli. Lanjutkan dan keluar melalui celah di dinding saat pintu masuk terkunci. Pergilah ke utara ke lorong, dan Anda akan melihat bahwa lingkungan terlihat berbeda di sisi itu, kurang rusak.
Masuk ke dalam apartemen 109 yang tampak lebih bersih dan melalui pintu putih di depan. Cutscene akan bermain dengan Angela, yang tampaknya lebih tersesat dari sebelumnya.
Saat cutscene berakhir dan dia meninggalkan pisau, James akan mengambilnya untuk inventarisnya (terlihat di atas).
Ambil kunci ketahanan yang juga ada di atas meja dan kemudian tinggalkan apartemen. Gunakan kunci ketahanan di pintu paling selatan yang mengarah ke area serambi dan pintu ganda terukir dengan huruf 'S' (terlihat di bawah). Namun, terkunci, jadi Anda harus menemukan cara lain.
Pergi melewati foyer ke apartemen 101 , kumpulkan amunisi pistol dan jarum suntik dari sana, dan gunakan untuk memotong penghalang di lorong, dan mengarah ke ruang tangga . Masuk ke dalam, di mana manekin akan menyergap Anda. Bunuh itu, sehingga Anda bisa mendapatkan gambar "Together Forever" (foto aneh) darinya.
Naik tangga (tidak, dia tidak menunggu Anda di sana) dan melewati pintu kembali ke lantai dua. Kembali ke ruang jam (212) karena Anda memiliki tangan kecil dan letakkan di jam. Ubah ke '2' dan tekan 'terima' untuk menyelesaikan bagian selanjutnya dari teka -teki. Ini akan membuka kunci kamar 'M' di lantai dua yang Anda temui beberapa waktu yang lalu.
Pergilah ke aula ke ruang M (atau apartemen 202 ) dan masuk ke dalam untuk teka -teki lain. Seluruh tempat dipenuhi dengan ngengat, dan Anda akan melihat berbagai tampilan taksidermi ngengat di sekitar ruang utama. Di belakang kursi adalah pintu lain yang dirantai dengan kunci kombinasi besar yang perlu Anda selesaikan untuk memutuskannya.
Pada dasarnya, untuk mendapatkan kombinasi yang benar, Anda perlu menghitung semua ngengat yang ditampilkan di seluruh apartemen (termasuk yang tersembunyi di balik dinding yang dapat dipecahkan) dan simbol -simbol pada sayap mereka. Anda memperhitungkan mereka menjadi masalah matematika simbolis di sebelah kunci, dan sekali diselesaikan, Anda akan memiliki angkanya.
Namun, untuk menghemat waktu Anda, kode yang benar untuk kunci (kesulitan standar) adalah 373 . Setelah selesai, masuklah ke dalam di mana Anda akan melihat lubang yang sangat menarik di dinding untuk James untuk memasukkan tangannya. 'Cari' cukup kali dan Anda akan mengambil tangan kedua untuk jam. Tinggalkan apartemen sesudahnya.
Kembali ke ruang jam dan letakkan tangan kedua di dalam jam. Untuk menyelesaikan bagian ketiga dan terakhir dari teka -teki, ubah menjadi '3' dan ini akan membuka kunci kamar ' yang tidak menyenangkan di lantai pertama. Sebelum Anda meninggalkan ruang jam, pastikan untuk mengambil amunisi pistol dari ruang tetangga dan foto aneh "bagaimana waktu terbang".
Pastikan juga untuk menjelajahi tempat lain yang Anda inginkan di apartemen Blue Creek sebelum maju, karena ruang S adalah titik tidak ada pengembalian untuk area ini .
Jika Anda siap, ambil tangga sisi barat lantai dua ke lantai pertama. Sepanjang jalan Anda dapat melihat luka segar di lantai dan dinding, menunjukkan seseorang dengan pisau besar telah menguntit daerah tersebut. Kembali ke area serambi di mana kamar S, ambil napas dalam -dalam dan masuk ke dalam.
Kamar S adalah rumah bagi Pyramid Head sendiri, yang telah bersembunyi dan menunggu kedatangan Anda. Segera setelah dia berbalik menghadap Anda, pertarungan dimulai.
Sebaliknya, ini adalah perjuangan Anda untuk tetap hidup cukup lama karena seperti yang akan Anda sadari dengan cepat, piramida kepala membutuhkan sedikit kerusakan sama sekali . Satu -satunya senjata yang ingin Anda gunakan di sini adalah pistol Anda karena menjaga jarak darinya adalah prioritas utama. Jika Anda mencoba serangan jarak dekat, satu ayunan pisau besarnya akan sangat merusak atau membunuh Anda secara langsung.
Untungnya, ruangan dipenuhi dengan kotak amunisi pistol, jadi manfaatkan itu sambil terus -menerus membuat lingkaran di sekitar ruangan. Terus menembakkan peluru ke dalam dirinya (hindari helmnya) dan pada satu titik dia akan menjadi lebih agresif saat ruangan mulai banjir.
Lanjutkan strategi yang sama sampai akhirnya, sirene mulai menggelegar dan piramida kepala segera menghentikan serangannya. Cutscene akan menunjukkan kepadanya pergi, mengakhiri pertarungan sama sekali. Setelah Anda memiliki kendali, periksa ulang kamar untuk amunisi pistol apa pun yang mungkin Anda lewatkan dan kemudian keluar dari pintu yang sama, yang akan membawa Anda lurus ke luar, kembali ke jalan-jalan kota, dunia lain sekarang pergi.
Tekan Red Save Point tepat di luar setelah pertarungan untuk menyelamatkan kemajuan Anda, lalu periksa mobil di sebelahnya untuk minuman kesehatan . Periksa peta Anda dan sekarang Anda akan menemukan diri Anda di area Vale Selatan Barat di Silent Hill. Anda akan melihat bahwa Rosewater Park di utara dilingkari, artinya itu adalah tujuan utama Anda berikutnya.
Balikkan dan periksa mobil hijau di sebelah kanan Anda untuk amunisi pistol di kursi pengemudi. Terus pergi dan cutscene lain akan bermain di mana James berlari ke gadis muda dari sebelumnya (bernama Laura tetapi dia tidak mengungkapkannya sampai nanti). Dia tampaknya memegang surat tetapi menolak untuk memberi tahu James apa itu, mengatakan bahwa dia "tidak mencintai Mary" dan lepas landas lagi. Cutscene berakhir dengan James bingung bahwa orang lain juga ada di sini untuk Mary.
Lanjutkan melalui terowongan yang membawa Anda langsung ke Taman Rosewater. Ambil kiri pertama menuju area bangku , di mana Anda dapat menemukan jarum suntik di sebelah jaket. Kemudian, ambil jembatan kecil di mana kemudian menyimpang. Ambil jalan yang benar dan ikuti, karena akan ada beberapa amunisi pistol untuk diselamatkan di sisi itu.
Terus lurus dan di bawah tanda 'Taman Rosewater', yang membawa Anda ke area dermaga oleh Danau Toluca.
Ambil jalan tengah yang panjang menyeberang ke gazebo, di mana Anda akan melihat sosok wanita di kabut.
Cutscene mengungkapkan itu adalah seorang wanita yang menyerupai Mary, tetapi dengan lebih banyak lagi datang ke sini. Dia mengungkapkan dirinya sebagai Maria .
Ketika James tumbuh tampak kecewa dan bingung, Maria menawarkan untuk membawanya ke "tempat khusus" lain yang mungkin ada di Mary. Terlepas dari pilihannya untuk pergi sendiri, Maria bersikeras datang bersamanya dengan "semua monster di sekitar". Dia dengan enggan setuju dan sekarang perjalanan Anda termasuk Maria sebagai teman Anda.
Lingkari ke bawah dan di sekitar sisi kiri taman, di mana Anda akan menemukan foto aneh "sangat jauh dari rumah" di area duduk, sedikit lebih banyak amunisi pistol di atas meja catur dan minuman kesehatan di area kamar kecil umum . Tinggalkan Rosewater Park di pintu keluar barat dan ke Nathan Avenue.
Maria memberitahu James untuk memotong Jack's Inn untuk mencapai tujuan mereka, jadi pergilah ke sana di seberang jalan. Pergilah ke kantor motel terlebih dahulu, yang dapat diakses dari pintu di sisi belakang. Ada brankas kecil di bawah meja yang membutuhkan kode untuk dibuka. Ambil catatan meja resepsionis dari papan buletin, yang mengisyaratkan di kamar 107 . Anda akan menemukannya di gedung yang ditinggikan di bagian belakang motel, tetapi Anda harus memecahkan jendela di Kamar 108 untuk sampai ke sana.
Setelah masuk, hancurkan dinding yang terhubung ke Kamar 107, dan di kamar tidur Anda akan menemukan memo Toolbox , yang memberi Anda teka -teki berikut:
Dengan melakukan matematika yang sesuai, Anda akan mendapatkan kode 0451 . Ketika Anda siap untuk meninggalkan ruangan, Maria akan menggodamu dengan pakaian yang dia temukan di lemari, menanyakan apakah itu akan terlihat bagus padanya.
Kembali ke kantor motel, gunakan kode, dan di dalam brankas Anda akan menemukan kunci gerbang . Anda tidak punya banyak waktu untuk melihatnya, ketika peragawati tiba -tiba menyergap Maria. Satu tembakan akan menurunkannya.
Setelah menggunakan Red Save Point duduk di bagasi mobil, sekarang saatnya untuk menjelajahi tempat -tempat lain di daerah tersebut sebelum melanjutkan cerita, karena Anda tidak akan dapat kembali untuk sementara waktu dan itu akan menjadi malam hari (dan lebih banyak lagi berbahaya) saat Anda melakukannya .
Dari tempat Anda memasuki Jack's Inn, kepala ditinggalkan di Nathan Avenue sampai Anda mencapai bahan bakar Octanis . Setelah tiba, Maria akan mengatakan bahwa Anda salah dan menyadari bahwa mengabaikan nasihatnya dan membiarkannya diserang oleh monster sepanjang permainan akan memengaruhi akhir Anda.
Pergi ke belakang bahan bakar octanis di mana Anda akan menemukan mobil yang diangkat oleh jack garasi . Berjalan dan ambil tuas jack garasi darinya, tetapi kebisingan akan membangunkan beberapa monster dalam prosesnya. Jaga sosok dan serangga bohong yang berjalan.
Juga saat Anda di sana, pergilah melintasi Carroll Street ke Pete's Bowl-O-Rama dan pergi menjelajahi di dalam. Sementara di game asli Anda akan menemukan Eddie dan Laura di sini, itu tidak terjadi dalam remake. Tempat ini benar-benar kosong tetapi Anda dapat menemukan titik penyimpanan merah , beberapa amunisi pistol cadangan dan minuman kesehatan tergeletak di sekitar, bersama dengan pizza yang hampir dimakan di dekat jalur bowling.
Berinteraksi dengan itu untuk mendapatkan sekilas masa lalu , dan James akan berkomentar "tempat ini penuh dengan monster, bagaimana seseorang bisa duduk di sini dan makan pizza?". Ini adalah anggukan yang menyenangkan untuk salah satu adegan paling ikonik dari game aslinya, dan Eddie mungkin masih ada di sini.
Tinggalkan Pete saat Anda siap dan menuju kembali ke Nathan Avenue menuju Rosewater Park. Berhati -hatilah dengan monster yang tersebar di sepanjang jalan. Setelah Anda kembali, pergi secara khusus ke tempat parkir di luar Taman Rosewater . Salah satu mobil yang diparkir di dalamnya akan memiliki amunisi pistol , jadi hancurkan dan ambil.
Berlari -lari ke bagian belakang garasi di tempat parkir, di mana Anda akan melihat gerbang yang ditahan oleh jack garasi , meskipun kehilangan tuasnya. Gunakan yang Anda selamatkan dan Anda dapat membuka gerbang sepenuhnya. Di dalam, Anda akan menemukan beberapa barang bermanfaat, termasuk:
Dengan itu, Anda akan membahas banyak dari semua yang perlu Anda jelajahi di area ini untuk saat ini. Jadi kembali melalui tempat parkir Jack's Inn, gunakan titik penyimpanan merah di sana lagi, dan gunakan kunci gerbang yang Anda peroleh sebelumnya untuk membuka kunci gerbang sisi barat dan mendapatkan akses ke seluruh West South Vale.
Jika Anda memutar ke kiri terlebih dahulu, Anda akan menemukan Baldwin Mansion , lokasi yang menonjol dari cerita sampingan permainan asli yang lahir dari sebuah keinginan . Sayangnya, pintunya terkunci dan Maria akan menolak untuk bahkan pergi ke halaman, mengatakan bahwa sementara dia merasa seperti dia pernah ke sana sebelumnya, itu tampaknya menjadi "kenangan buruk".
Dengan itu, pergilah ke selatan Munson Street kemudian gantung kanan di Katz Street karena barikade tinggi lainnya menghalangi Anda. Akhirnya, cutscene akan mengungkapkan bahwa jalan berakhir dengan celah besar lain di tanah, dan Maria bersikeras menemukan cara lain. James merasakan sesuatu dan menemukan jalan pintas gang dekat ketika monster mulai berkerumun dan kabut naik lagi, mirip dengan sebelumnya.
Setelah melewati gerbang gang, James membarikade dengan papan kayunya untuk menjaga monster keluar, satu -satunya senjata jarak dekatnya yang tampaknya hilang. Namun, ia berbalik dan menemukan pipa baja mencuat dari mobil merokok untuk memanfaatkan, memberi Anda peningkatan dalam proses.
Gunakan senjata jarak dekat baru Anda untuk menangkis monster di depan Anda dan membuat jalan melalui lorong -lorong belakang dan pekarangan menuju malam surga . Ambil semua amunisi pistol yang Anda bisa di sepanjang jalan.
Akhirnya, Maria akan mengarahkan Anda ke celah di pagar untuk melarikan diri. Ambillah, dan setelah cutscene singkat, Anda akan menemukan diri Anda tepat di belakang malam surga . Pergilah ke pintu belakang gedung, dan meskipun terkunci Maria akan membukanya untuk Anda. Jelajahi area dapur dan ruang ganti untuk barang -barang, termasuk "Siap Membunuhnya!" Foto aneh .
Setelah itu, pergi melalui pintu terbuka dan di sekitar area belakang panggung (lebih banyak barang di sini) sampai Anda mencapai ruang makan depan dan bar. Cutscene yang panjang akan bermain dengan Maria yang mencoba membujuk James untuk bersantai dan bagi mereka untuk menghabiskan waktu di sana, karena satu dan lain alasan. Dia bersikeras ini bukan "tempat khusus" yang dia maksudkan, bahwa itu hanya jalan pintas.
Pada akhirnya, ia memutuskan lebih baik untuk terus bergerak dan Maria membawanya keluar pintu depan dan ke "tempat khusus" yang sebenarnya ia maksudkan.
Maria membimbing James ke tempat dia tidak pernah berada di Silent Hill (dan baru untuk remake) yang disebut Moonlight Park . Mereka tiba di halaman kecil di mana patung seorang wanita berdiri, dan selama panjang cutscene Maria memberi tahu James tentang kisah yang memikat namun tragis di belakangnya.
Sementara itu, ceritanya jelas mempengaruhi James, yang mulai kehilangan harapan bahwa dia akan menemukan Maria memberikan keadaan. Maria menghiburnya dan bersikeras mereka akan terus mencari, dan tiba -tiba teriakan di dekatnya mengingatkan mereka.
Ikuti Maria menuju sisi belakang teater lamunan di sebelah, di mana akan ada ruang merangkak yang tinggi untuk James untuk masuk dan menyelidiki. Maria bersikeras untuk tetap tinggal karena dia membenci film (ya ampun, tapi tidak bowling?).
Begitu masuk, Anda akan segera mendengar suara -suara tidak lain dari Eddie dan Laura , yang tampaknya menonton film bersama dan Eddie menggoda Laura karena berteriak (yang Anda dengar sebelumnya).
Lihatlah sekeliling dan berinteraksi dengan kabinet terdekat untuk memindahkannya keluar dari jalan pintu, yang menyebabkan keributan. Laura ketakutan dan lari sementara Eddie tetap. Pergi melalui pintu dan sekitar sudut ke kiri untuk pergi ke teater, di mana cutscene lain akan bermain dengan Eddie.
Setelah selesai, pergi melalui pintu di sisi kiri ke ruang teater berikutnya, di mana Laura akan mengolok -olok James dengan menyalakan proyektor. Kepala melalui pintu belakang ke lorong dan kemudian menaiki tangga terdekat. Buat jalan melalui ruang proyeksi dan kembali melalui ruangan yang penuh dengan gulungan film. Peras melalui celah antara dua rak dan James akan melihat Laura di ruang proyeksi berikutnya yang melarikan diri lagi.
Pergi melalui ruang proyeksi kedua dan keluar melalui pintu belakang, dan terus mengejarnya sepanjang jalan keluar pintu depan teater. Pit stop kedua kamar mandi lobi untuk lebih banyak amunisi pistol sebelum Anda pergi.
Berlari di luar dan Maria akan mengatakan mereka masih bisa menangkapnya. Pergi ke kiri jalan dan sekitar sudut, dan cutscene lain akan mengungkapkan Laura berlari ke Rumah Sakit Brookhaven , lokasi utama berikutnya dalam permainan.
Masukkan Rumah Sakit Brookhaven dan segera belok kanan ke kantor masuk . Anda akan melihat kabinet senjata terbuka di mana senapan dulu, mengisyaratkan bahwa kemungkinan masih di rumah sakit di suatu tempat. Ambil kumpulan senapan pertama Anda dari meja terdekat.
Pergi melalui set pintu berikutnya dan lari untuk meraih peta rumah sakit Brookhaven 1F-3F dari rak majalah di bawah papan buletin. Pergi ke kiri ke kantor resepsi dan ambil Catatan loker kunci yang menyebutkan kombinasi gembok dan ruang pemeriksaan 3 . Ada amunisi pistol di atas meja juga.
Putar dan pergi ke ruangan di belakang di mana angin melalui jendela terbuka meniup beberapa dokumen. Gunakan titik penyimpanan merah dan kemudian catat dari kunci brankas di dinding (terlihat di atas) dengan gembok yang disebutkan sebelumnya. Kombinasi yang benar (kesulitan standar) adalah 724 , tetapi Anda masih bisa menuju ke ruang pemeriksaan 3 untuk mendapatkan memo perawat demi penyelesaian, bersama dengan peluru jarum suntik dan senapan . Dengan kotak terbuka, ambil kunci basement .
Sebagian besar rute lain di lantai pertama terkunci untuk saat ini, jadi pergilah ke tangga di sisi timur . Cutscene akan menunjukkan gambar Laura di dinding sebelum melihat James dan melarikan diri, lagi. Jika Anda mengikutinya ke lantai dua, Anda akan menemukan pintu terkunci untuk saat ini, jadi kembalilah ke bawah ke tingkat basement , karena Anda memiliki kunci. Ambil amunisi pistol dari laci di bawah tangga di bagian bawah, lalu menuju pintu.
Lurus ke depan Anda akan menemukan peta untuk ruang bawah tanah Rumah Sakit Brookhaven . Dapatkan bantalan Anda, lalu menuju ke utara ke ruang pompa , di mana Anda akan menemukan amunisi pistol di atas wadah di sebelah kanan Anda. Lanjutkan ke ruang generator, di mana Anda akan melihat generator besar yang saat ini tanpa daya. Corong merah di atas tangki menunjukkan perlu bahan bakar .
Pergilah ke area ruang ketel (terdiri dari dua kamar) dan waspada terhadap manekin yang menyergap. Ambil beberapa amunisi pistol di dekat dinding belakang dan kemudian masuk ke ruang boiler kedua di mana Anda akan menemukan kaleng bahan bakar kosong di sudut belakang.
Tinggalkan ruang ketel dan pergi ke penyimpanan binatu , di mana ada genggam yang perlu didorong. Tujuan Anda untuk itu adalah ruang crawl tinggi lurus ke depan di kamar sebelah (ruang binatu). Manekin lain akan menyergap Anda dalam perjalanan, jadi Anda mungkin ingin mengurusnya terlebih dahulu. Ambil lebih banyak amunisi pistol dari area tersebut juga.
Naik ke ruang penyimpanan , di mana Anda akan menemukan lebih banyak amunisi pistol , jarum suntik , dan tangki bahan bakar besar tempat Anda dapat mengisi kaleng bahan bakar kosong Anda . Setelah selesai, buat jalan kembali ke ruang generator . Isi generator dengan bahan bakar yang Anda kumpulkan dan kemudian nyalakan, yang akan mengembalikan daya ke lift .
Dalam perjalanan ke sana, berhenti di ruang teknologi untuk beberapa amunisi pistol dan senapan . Ambil lift ke lantai dua, dan cutscene akan bermain begitu Anda sampai di sana.
Sementara James memperhatikan sekarang gelap dan hujan di luar, Maria anehnya masuk ke ruang perawatan di dekatnya. James bertanya padanya apa yang salah dan dia bersikeras dia hanya lelah dan memutuskan untuk berhenti dan beristirahat, minum obat dan berbaring. James memilih untuk terus mencari Laura dan mengatakan dia akan kembali.
Kepala keluar dari ruangan dan pergi ke kamar C3 , di mana ada titik penyimpanan merah dan minuman kesehatan . Kamar kecil di sebelahnya memiliki beberapa amunisi pistol , serta kamar C2 di seberang jalan. Pintu ganda di dekat kantor sutradara terkunci untuk saat ini, jadi jalankan kembali ke lorong utara dan melalui pintu -pintu itu, di mana pertemuan pertama Anda dengan perawat kepala gelembung akan berada.
Seperti manekin, perawat kepala gelembung gesit dan dapat menghindari serangan Anda, jadi berhati -hatilah. Selain itu, mereka menggunakan senjata mereka sendiri seperti pipa dan pisau, mereka dapat menyerang berulang kali dan dapat menutupi tanah dengan sangat cepat, jadi mereka jelas salah satu monster paling tangguh dalam permainan. Dan mereka ada di seluruh rumah sakit, jadi gunakan amunisi Anda dengan bijak.
Lanjutkan menyusuri aula sampai Anda mencapai area terbuka antara stasiun perawat dan Kamar L3. Gunakan crawlspace untuk masuk ke kamar L3 , di mana Anda akan menemukan amunisi pistol, kerang senapan, minuman kesehatan, dan foto aneh "gambarnya" di ruang pengamatan .
Backtrack sampai Anda dapat belok kiri dan mengambil jalan pintas menyusuri lorong tengah menuju kantor Direktur . Sepanjang jalan, berhenti di ruang cuci untuk melihat masa lalu yang lain di tempat sampah (terlihat di atas) dan beberapa peluru senapan .
Ambil kiri lain untuk pertama -tama masuk ke kamar C1 , di mana Anda dapat mengambil poster perahu dari dinding untuk mengungkapkan mata merah yang ditarik dalam darah dan transkrip wawancara . Buka kunci pintu ganda yang tidak bisa Anda buka sebelumnya, lalu pergi melintasi aula ke kamar mandi , yang memiliki amunisi pistol dan manekin menunggu untuk menerkam. Gunakan untuk mencapai ruang L2 , di mana Anda dapat menemukan kerang senapan , amunisi pistol , minuman kesehatan , dan dua monster lagi.
Akhirnya, masuk ke kantor sutradara di mana Anda akan menemukan titik penyimpanan merah , pintu yang terkunci, rekaman audio, dan kartu evaluasi untuk pasien #50, #90, dan #130 . Juga, di balik tirai merah Anda akan menemukan simbol yang aman dengan simbol -simbol aneh, meskipun salah satunya hilang.
Di atas semua itu, ada lengan manekin yang ditopang di atas meja menggenggam kunci untuk pintu terkunci yang disebutkan di atas. Untuk mendapatkannya, lengan membutuhkan tiga gelang pasien yang ditempatkan di atasnya.
Untungnya, kartu evaluasi yang Anda ambil memberi Anda beberapa petunjuk tentang di mana menemukannya bersama dengan pelat simbol yang hilang untuk brankas. Periksa peta Anda lalu tinggalkan kantor.
Setelah berurusan dengan perawat gelembung lain, ambil beberapa amunisi pistol dari kamar kecil di seberang aula dan dari kamar M5 . Lebih jauh ke bawah aula, Kamar M1 akan memiliki kerang senapan dan sekilas masa lalu untuk membuka kunci.
Pergi ke lorong barat dan Anda akan melihat bahwa pintu ke kamar L1 , di mana salah satu pasien yang terkenal dipindahkan, dikunci dari sisi itu. Pergi ke ruang ganti wanita di mana Anda akan menemukan senapan yang hilang (yoink), bersama dengan lebih banyak kerang senapan , amunisi pistol , minuman kesehatan , dan jarum bengkok dari boneka beruang di kursi.
Pastikan untuk menggunakan senapan Anda dengan bijak, karena cangkang lebih sulit didapat. Dengan itu, pergilah dan lanjutkan ke lorong ke lounge perawat . Di dalam, Anda akan menemukan kunci ruang L1 dan perawat gelembung yang menjaganya. Setelah mengklaimnya, kembali ke kamar L1 dan usaha di dalam. Kamar ini besar dengan jumlah kekacauan yang tidak nyaman, dan beberapa suara aneh yang datang dari ruangan kecil lebih jauh.
Ada ruang merangkak tinggi yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk masuk ke dalamnya, dan gerobak dorong di pemandangan yang tepat di ruangan untuk mencapainya. Ambil gerobak, gulung di bawah ruang merangkak, dan melompat ke dalam. Terlepas dari suara -suara, ruangan itu kosong kecuali untuk catatan tentang gadis muda yang diakui.
Tinggalkan ruangan dan periksa ruang utilitas di seberang lorong, di mana "sesuatu" melarikan diri melalui lubang di dinding. Tidak ada pilihan lain selain mengikutinya, tentu saja. Setelah tergelincir melalui dinding, Anda akan segera menemukan diri Anda kembali ke lantai pertama, di ruangan yang tidak ditandai. Pintu satu di depan Anda terkunci, jadi pergi melalui ruang merangkak di sebelahnya yang membawa Anda ke ruang rekam medis .
Ambil catatan yang ditulis dari lantai di depan Anda, dan di sisi kiri jauh Anda akan menemukan sekilas masa lalu (terlihat di bawah).
Sekarang pergilah ke tempat di mana Anda akan melihat sesuatu yang duduk di bawah selembar (terlihat di atas), dan ternyata menjadi gelang yang ditandai , yang pertama dari tiga yang Anda butuhkan. Ini menarik perhatian manekin, jadi menghadapinya sesudahnya.
Jalan kembali ke lantai dua, apakah itu melalui lift yang dipulihkan atau tangga timur. Anda dapat memilih untuk mengantarkan gelang bertanda Anda di kantor Direktur atau memegangnya untuk saat ini.
Either way, selanjutnya Anda ingin menuju ke kantor perawat , yang memiliki kunci keypad . Untuk menghemat waktu Anda, kode yang benar (kesulitan standar) adalah 3578 . Sebelum Anda masuk, periksa ruang penyimpanan dengan cepat di sebelahnya untuk beberapa peluru senapan .
Ambil memo staf dari jendela kantor perawat , lalu di dalam Anda akan menemukan amunisi pistol di ruang pertama, dan di ruang perawatan di luarnya ... serangga, di mana -mana. Untungnya mereka adalah jenis yang tidak menyakiti Anda. Lihatlah di bak ketiga di sebelah kanan dan ambil litograf berjamur darinya. Sebelum Anda pergi, ambil catatan ruang perawatan juga.
Pergi keluar pintu sebelah yang membawa Anda ke tangga barat. Pergi ke lantai tiga dan Anda akan mendengar apa yang terdengar seperti gadis muda bersenandung dan lebih banyak gambar di dinding. Laura jelas ada di dekatnya, dan ternyata dia berada di area terbatas lantai yang terhalang oleh pintu logam besar. Buka jendela tampilan untuk melihat Laura di sisi lain. Sekali lagi, dia lari sebelum James bisa menyampaikan kata.
Untuk saat ini, pergilah ke Kamar D1 , yang memiliki kunci kombinasi di atasnya. Biasanya Anda perlu mencari tahu kode menggunakan dua radiografi yang Anda temukan di layar di ruang x-ray .
Untuk membantu menghemat waktu Anda, kode yang benar (kesulitan standar) adalah 04 (kanan), 37 (kiri), 12 (kanan) . Begitu masuk, berinteraksi dengan tempat tidur pasien dan James akan mengupas selimut untuk menemukan sisa -sisa berdarah dari pasien kedua dan gelang kotor .
Setelah itu, jelajahi kamar terdekat lainnya untuk lebih banyak amunisi pistol amunisi . Hancurkan jendela untuk masuk ke ruang ujian 5 dan mengklaim kunci bangsal bagian dalam dari meja.
Dengan tidak ada tempat lain untuk pergi ke lantai 3 atau lebih untuk saat ini, kembali ke lantai pertama dengan kunci bangsal bagian dalam Anda. Ambil tangga timur dan Anda akan melihat bahwa pintu ke ruang pemeriksaan 1 sekarang terbuka. Masuk ke dalam dan berurusan dengan manekin sehingga Anda dapat mengklaim beberapa amunisi pistol dan foto aneh "setidaknya dia ada di sana".
Lanjutkan menyusuri lorong sambil mengawasi perawat gelembung yang bertekad untuk memblokir jalan Anda. Pergi ke lorong tengah dan gunakan kunci bangsal bagian dalam untuk akhirnya mendapatkan akses ke seluruh lantai. Pertama -tama periksa kantor dokter di sebelah kanan Anda untuk amunisi pistol dan catatan kombinasi keypad .
Selanjutnya, pergi dan periksa hari di mana Anda akan menemukan lebih banyak amunisi pistol dan perawat gelembung yang bersembunyi. Setelah mati, gunakan celah di dinding kiri untuk menyeberang ke apotek . Di dalamnya Anda akan menemukan lebih banyak amunisi pistol , dan pipa terbuka yang aneh di lantai dekat wastafel, dengan residu hijau cerah merembes darinya. Ada sesuatu yang macet di dalamnya, dan Anda akan membutuhkan alat yang tepat untuk mengeluarkannya. Untungnya Anda sudah memiliki setengahnya (jarum bengkok).
Untuk saat ini, putar dan perhatikan jendela terbuka yang mengarah ke area taman . Lompat melewatinya dan mulailah menjelajahi, tetapi berhati -hatilah karena merangkak dengan monster (kebanyakan sosok berbohong). Pergi ke gazebo di sisi kiri dan gunakan crawlspace di sisi belakang untuk masuk ke dalamnya. Berurusan dengan manekin di dalam, lalu ambil amunisi pistol dan jarum suntik .
Jalankan jalan Anda ke sisi kanan taman, ambil kerang senapan di atas meja kayu, lalu masukkan rumah kaca . Ambil lebih banyak amunisi pistol dari laci, lalu gunakan jendela terbuka untuk menyeberang ke area kolam .
Apa yang perlu Anda dapatkan adalah di dalam kolam renang, tetapi sayangnya, diisi dengan air yang sangat buruk dan bahkan James memiliki batas dan tidak akan masuk. Di sisi lain kolam, Anda akan melihat pintu kait di lantai Itu membutuhkan kunci untuk dibuka. Ini memberi Anda akses ke sistem pompa kolam, yang akan memungkinkan Anda untuk mengeringkannya, jadi Anda perlu menemukan kunci itu.
Pergi ke kamar mandi , berurusan dengan manekin lain di salah satu kios, lalu kumpulkan amunisi pistol , kerang senapan , dan gulungan tabung medis (terlihat di atas) duduk di salah satu wastafel. Backtrack melalui area taman ke apotek.
Sesampai di sana, masuk ke inventaris Anda dan gabungkan jarum bengkok dengan tabung medis . Pergi ke saluran pembuangan pipa dan gunakan alat baru Anda untuk memancing objek yang macet, yang ternyata menjadi kunci pemeliharaan untuk kolam renang.
Dengan itu, kembali ke kolam lagi dan gunakan kunci perawatan di pintu kait untuk mengakses pompa dan tiriskan kolam sepenuhnya. Turun ke dalamnya dan hancurkan ubin di mana mata bocornya adalah untuk mendapatkan gelang yang berlumuran darah , yang ketiga dan terakhir yang Anda butuhkan.
Kami merekomendasikan Bum Rushing jalan Anda kembali ke apotek, karena banyak monster yang Anda bunuh di taman sebelumnya, termasuk yang ada di kolam renang, akan kembali dan menyerang dan Anda tidak ingin menyia-nyiakan amunisi dan kesehatan yang berharga untuk itu untuk itu .
Sebelum Anda kembali ke atas ke kamar sutradara, pertama -tama Anda harus selesai menjelajahi sisa bangsal bagian dalam di sisi barat. Lewati apotek dan buka gerbang ke Northwest Stairwell. Selanjutnya, pergilah ke dalam dapur , di mana Anda dapat menemukan sebotol penghapus cetakan yang duduk di dekat oven, Anda dapat menggunakannya untuk membersihkan litograf berjamur yang Anda peroleh sebelumnya jika Anda masih memerlukan kode ke kunci kombo di lantai 3.
Ada sedikit hal lain untuk ditemukan selain dari beberapa amunisi pistol di kamar kecil di seberang dapur, dan peluru senapan di daerah kafetaria terdekat. Setelah Anda selesai menjelajah, kembali ke atas ke kamar sutradara.
Tempatkan sisa gelang yang Anda peroleh di lengan manekin, pada titik mana Anda perlu mengaturnya dalam urutan yang benar dan 'memutar' mereka sehingga set angka yang benar menghadap ke luar. Urutan yang benar (kesulitan standar) dari atas ke bawah adalah gelang yang berlumuran darah, gelang yang ditandai, dan gelang kotor dengan angka: 92, 45, 71 berbaris dari atas ke bawah.
Setelah selesai, tangan akan terbuka bagi Anda untuk mengambil kunci ruang penyimpanan direktur . Pergi dan gunakan di pintu terkunci di dekatnya dan menuju ke dalam. Di sana Anda akan menemukan tombol aman yang hilang di meja dan di rak di seberangnya, teka -teki lain.
Dalam hal ini, Anda perlu mengatur sembilan buku sehingga duri mereka cocok dan membentuk citra singa bernapas api (seperti yang terlihat di atas). It may seem like there's no reward afterward, but in fact the order of the symbols at the bottom is a clue for what you need to punch into the Director's Safe. Your other clue is the set of numbers from the bracelets.
With that, go over to the safe, place the missing button you found into it, and use both your clues to figure out the correct symbol combination. Essentially, '92-45-71' from the bracelets is the numerical order of the combination, and you need to equate that to the symbol order from the book puzzle, all to form a cryptogram of sorts.
Once the correct combination is done (seen above), the safe will open and inside you can retrieve the Rooftop Key and the Safe Note , which gives some foreshadowing about the key taking James where he needs to go, and that "pain" will be involved, yay.
With that, go back and use the Red Save Point and start your journey up to the roof of Brookhaven.
Once you arrive on the roof, first hang a right onto the nearby metal catwalk that has Shotgun Shells sitting at the end of it. Then go back to where you were and instead go straight, until you find an entrance to another metal catwalk that takes you around the left side of the roof.
At the end of it, you'll find another Glimpse of the Past (seen above) which happens to be the spot where James was shoved off the roof by Pyramid Head in the original game. However, that doesn't seem to be the case here.
Now, go and investigate the yellow double doors that lead back inside. In what looks like the top of a wooden lift, you'll find the Page From a Diary on the floor. Pick it up, and as you try to go back through the doors, Pyramid Head will suddenly appear and grab James by the throat. This time, he shoves James down through the shaft, sending him back to the third floor.
After James collects himself, you'll notice that you landed right on the opposite side of the huge 'Restricted Area' gate where Laura was last seen. First go investigate the Hydrotherapy Room , where you'll find Shotgun Shells , a Health Drink , and a Syringe . Next, when checking the padded rooms, in Room 13 you'll find another Glimpse of the Past covered in blood.
Continue on ahead and through the next set of yellow doors. Soon a cutscene will show James finally finding Laura in a room playing with teddy bears. He pleads for her to stop running and tell him how she knows about Mary. Laura seems hesitant to say much, but admits that she and Mary were friends and that they met at the hospital "last year".
In confusion, James lashes out and calls Laura a liar, who immediately grows cold again and decides to play a trick on him. She baits him to another room nearby with the promise of another letter from Mary. The noise riles up a different kind of monster from within the walls, and now it's time for another boss fight.
As the second boss fight in the game, Flesh Lips is as dangerous as it is disturbing to look at. Encased in a metal cage hanging from the ceiling, Flesh Lips will start the fight by essentially playing peek-a-boo with James, popping out from random places in the ceiling. Again, keeping your distance is a big priority.
While you can use both your Handgun and Shotgun to deal damage, Shotgun is king in this fight as you'll soon realize. Start by shooting its legs (shooting the cage won't do anything), and make note of the Shotgun Shells scattered around the room for your use.
The more damage you deal to it, its cage will start to come apart, allowing you to start damaging the body within as well. Eventually, this will cause Flesh Lips to take on a different form, using the metal bars from its cage like spider legs to chase you around the room.
Deal damage as fast as you can, as this boss hits like a truck and you may find yourself swigging Health Drinks faster than you can blink. Occasionally it will emit a screaming attack that, while terrifying, just serves to stun you for a moment.
Eventually, Flesh Lips will collapse dead and James will go over to assess the damage. Suddenly, a second Flesh Lips monster will appear and capture James, dragging him through the ceiling and into an ominous cutscene that eventually lands us back in the Otherworld.
After being dropped off near the hospital's garden area, get your bearings and check your map. You'll notice that all of your markings have been wiped clean and that Brookhaven's version of the Otherworld spans every floor, including the Basement. So you've got a lot of exploring ahead of you.
Start off by going through the Dayroom and picking up some ammo there along with a Syringe and the Evaluation Card, Patient #3141 from the wheelchair in the middle of the room. Head out into the hall and use the Red Save Point to your left.
Much of the first floor is blocked off right now by large gaping holes in the floor and locked doors, so your only path is to the Elevator. Notice that it's missing the button for the Basement level , and you'll need to find it to reach there. For now head to the second floor.
Once there, head right, and near the Nurse's Office , you'll see something sitting on top of a crate, chained and covered up (with a convenient Red Save Point behind it). Uncover it to find a lock box sealed with two numerical locks and a keyhole, meaning you'll need two codes to unlock it, as well as a key .
While we can provide you with the correct codes for the locks to help save you some legwork, before you can use those you need to find the key first. To do that, you need to get to the third floor.
First, investigate the nearby Nurse's Office for items and watch out for the Bubble Nurses who now wield knives instead of pipes. You'll find both Handgun Ammo and Shotgun Shells here, as well as a Health Drink . Cross your way over to the Treatment Room , and then take the crawlspace at the south wall into the Women's Locker Room . In there, you'll find a Syringe and more Shotgun Shells .
Circle around the hallway to the northwest stairwell, which you can take up to the third floor.
Once there, first head into the X-Ray Room and pick up The Procedure memo from the operating table. Over in Exam Room 4 you'll find a mannequin (no, not the monster) in a surgical chair with its hands in front of its face (seen above). Pick up the Instrument of Force from the tray nearby. This is one of two tools you'll need to get what's hiding inside the mannequin.
Make your way through Exam Room 5 and watch for another Bubble Nurse and Lying Figure in the hallway. Grab some Handgun Ammo from the desk tucked in the corner near Room D3 . Go in there next for Shotgun Shells and a Mannequin that sneaks off to ambush you from around the next corner. Deal with it and retrieve the Health Drink from that corner.
Backtrack to Room D2 and smash the wall on the north side to get in. Use it to cross over to Room D1 , where you'll find a ladder you need to climb down. This brings you down into the Kitchen on the first floor. Grab some Handgun Ammo from the Pantry area and ignore the back room behind it, as you'll only find a Mannequin in there. Explore the nearby Restrooms if you want for more Handgun Ammo and a Shotgun Shell .
Head down the south side of the Kitchen and around to the Cafeteria . Deal with two Bubble Nurses and a Mannequin there then retrieve the Handgun Ammo on the middle table. Head into the Storage and Medical Records rooms next, where you'll find more Handgun Ammo , Shotgun Shells , and a Health Drink .
Slip through the wall crack near the back into an unmarked room, and on the wall to your right you'll see a familiar hand mural (seen above), and above it in a crevice, the Key of Bliss, the other tool you need . Take it and make your way back up the ladder in the Kitchen.
Head back to your mannequin friend in the surgical chair in Exam Room 4 . Use the Instrument of Force to break the right arm off, push the left arm away, and then use the Key of Bliss to brutally lobotomize the Lapis Eye Key from the eye socket. This is the key you need for the safe box.
With that done, make your way back down to the second floor via the stairwell.
Head back to the chained box on the second floor, and first use the Red Save Point behind it. Use the Lapis Eye Key you just got on the box. This leaves the two numerical locks for you to crack. Luckily, we've got both of those codes figured out for you to save time.
If you're wanting to collect all of the memos in the game for the achievement, however, you should still visit Room M2 on the second floor for the Calendar Page , which provides the hint for the combination lock.
Once open, a cutscene will play where it's revealed that nothing is in the box, which leaves James dejected. However, a curtain nearby suddenly falls to reveal a strange door with a partial statue of a woman on it. James approaches it and finds the '-1' Elevator Button in its mouth, allowing you to use the elevator to reach the Basement .
To open the Lady of the Door , you need to find the two rings missing from both her hands (seen above). To find one of them, the Basement is conveniently your next destination. Head to the Elevator and use the -1 Button to repair and take it down to the bowels of Brookhaven.
However, along the way, a mysterious voice will come over the radio system and enact a Trick or Treat game show just for James. It recites three quiz questions related to Silent Hill and its history that you'll need the right answers to when the time comes. So that you have them handy, here are the correct answers:
Soon you'll arrive in the Basement, and the right path is blocked so you'll need to navigate around on the left side of the floor. Check the Kitchen Disposal Room for some Handgun Ammo and Shotgun Shells then go through the Maintenance Room to get to the Generator Room . From there, head south into Laundry Storage where you can find Handgun Ammo then further into the Laundry Room and Storage Room which has a Health Drink .
You'll come out on the other side of the huge gap in the floor, so you can continue down and around. The rest of the hallway is blocked, but a gap in the wall nearby will take you into the first Boiler Room . Cross into the second Boiler Room , deal with the Bubble Nurse patrolling the area, and then use the high crawlspace on the right side to make it out to the other side of the east hallway.
Your options are still very limited, so just go straight ahead through the next wall crack into the Pump Room . Sitting on a table to your right is the Copper Ring (seen below), the first of two that you need. As soon as you grab it a cutscene shows Maria suddenly appearing from the shadows, seemingly better than earlier.
James almost mistakes her for Mary, which of course doesn't sit well with Maria. The conversation instead turns to Laura, with whom Maria feels a strange connection that she can't explain and just insists on finding her. With that, Maria returns as your companion.
Continue through the Pump Room and back out into the hallway. The Tech Room is blocked, so the only way forward is back up to the first floor . Make your way up through the rooms on the east side, starting with Exam Room 2 . Cross into Exam Room 3 where you can find a Syringe , then cut back into the hallway.
Follow Maria as she remarks about a "stroll in the rain", strangely unbothered by the Otherworld around them. The rest of the rooms on the right side are blocked, so the path takes you instead to the Pool area. Pick up the "They musn't know" Strange Photo from a nearby bench, then make your way around the pool (now a giant gaping pit) to the Shower Room , then across the hall to the Doctor's Lounge .
The room itself is mostly empty except for a large fridge that's been toppled over. James finds himself unable to open it alone and Maria teases him for it before offering to help with a hint of exasperation. They manage to open it together and upon peeking inside Maria finds a Lead Ring . It just so happens to be the other ring you need for the Lady of the Door.
Cross through the Locker Room to your left and pick up the Dissociated Note in there before continuing to the central hallway. Use the Red Save Point nearby before heading in the direction of the elevator. Before taking it though, head over to the Pharmacy , where you'll find an ornate box sitting on the counter.
This is the "prize box" for the Trick or Treat quiz you received earlier, and you need to use the buttons on the top of it to punch in the correct answers. As mentioned earlier, the correct order is: 2,3,1.
If you punch them in correctly, you'll receive a nice reward of 5 x Shotgun Shells and 2 x Syringes . If you put the answers in wrong, you'll get pain instead, to put it lightly. When you're ready, take the elevator back to the second floor.
Once you're there, use the Red Save Point then go over to the Lady of the Door and place both rings on both hands. A cutscene plays as the door opens and James steps through, but Maria seems almost terrified to follow.
The path behind the door leads down a winding stairwell. Pick up the Ominous Note on the way down that reads, "It is done. Sick no more." Keep going down and there will be another Red Save Point for you to use if you haven't already. Continue down the steps and soon your map will be inaccessible, hinting that you've gone somewhere else entirely.
At the very bottom, go through the door and follow the path through the winding hallway. At a certain point, however, a cutscene triggers and James suddenly spots Pyramid Head approaching them, a spear in hand this time.
As soon as you regain control hit and hold your 'Sprint' button as Pyramid Head will be moving much faster this time, determined to catch both of you. Evade the obstacles that fall in your way and holes in the floor and keep going until you reach an elevator ahead.
James gets in first but the elevator tries to force itself shut as Maria tries to get in. However, Pyramid Head catches up and impales Maria with his spear, killing her instantly as the elevator shuts closed.
Soon the elevator opens, bringing you back to the first floor. The music calms and the threat is gone, and no monsters are present. Make your way across to the Reception Office , and on the desk by the open window is the Hospital Entrance Key . James sees Laura run off down the street into the darkness.
For now, make your way out of Brookhaven and into the stormy night.
Unfortunately, the Otherworld has now spilled out onto the streets and brought the monsters from the hospital with it, so tread carefully. Before you head straight to the story's next objective you can try to do some exploring in the area for items.
There isn't much to the left as the entire street is nothing but a chasm in that direction. There is a nearby wrecked ambulance that has a Health Drink and Syringe lying near it, if you feel up to dealing with the Bubble Nurses guarding it.
Head down the street to the right and you can find some Handgun Ammo and Shotgun Shells inside cars. Go through the door beyond a barricade near Heaven's Night and you can find more ammo in a nearby garage shed. Go all the way to the far right end of the street behind Heaven's Night where you'll see another shed area. On the right wall inside it you'll find a breakable spot, so tear it down and slip through.
Enter the Garage and grab the Syringe and Handgun Ammo , then use the Red Save Point on the wall. Head out and you'll catch Laura just beyond a gate ahead. Deal with the Bubble Nurse and Mannequin in your way first, then run to the far right corner where the door you used to get into Heaven's Night is. Some Handgun Ammo will be on the ground there.
Backtrack to grab the handcart and push it in front of the gate, so you can jump over it. Soon you'll find yourself on Rendell Street and near the Lakeside Diner . First, grab Handgun Ammo sitting on the tire of a truck nearby then head towards the diner, then more on the front deck of a house on the left.
Deal with the Bubble Nurses in your way and then grab a Health Drink from one of the cars parked near the diner. Head inside and venture behind the counter for some Handgun Ammo and Shotgun Shells . Deal with more monsters in your way and use the double gate doors on the other side to leave.
Maneuver between the school bus and big rig truck, and you'll find more Handgun Ammo sitting on the bed of a pickup and Shotgun Shells on a barrel behind it. Pass through the gate back onto Rendell Street and head east. Be sure to check the front porches of the houses and cars you pass for more items.
Soon you'll reach Munson Street , but there's nowhere to go but south towards the edge of your map. You'll catch another glimpse of Laura as she runs through a large gate, so follow her through. Cross the long and dark metal catwalk until you reach the other side.
Now you're back on the east side of town on Saul Street . Go into the Motor Home to your right, where you'll find a Red Save Point , Handgun Ammo , and the Note on a Map which has an ominously foreshadowing written message and a clue about where to go next for a "letter and a wrench ".
As you go further down the street, there will be a high crawlspace you can climb up and through to enter a warehouse. Navigate through it, pick up more ammo and deal with monsters along the way until you reach a breakable wall at the back of it. Slip through and continue on until you reach the other side of the chasm on Neely Street .
This will bring you face-to-face with Neely's Bar once again. Go inside and you'll see the jukebox is on, but rather than playing music it sounds like breathing. A threatening message on the wall behind it suggests that if he wants to see Mary "he should just die" but that he "might be going to a different place than Mary" when he does.
Go over to the counter to collect another Glimpse of the Past , then behind it for some ammo and a Red Save Point . Go to the door on the left that's slightly open and grab a Health Drink on your way out the back of the bar.
Go through the back alley area, grab some Handgun Ammo from a nearby car, a Health Drink on the ground near the chasm in front of you, and make your way around the corner to the back of a Laundromat . There will be a high crawlspace for you to climb up through.
Once inside, you'll hear a phone ringing somewhere nearby. Smash and grab the nearby Health Drink and deal with the two Bubble Nurses that approach you through the wall crack. Go through the crack yourself afterward, make your way through the front of the laundromat, and jump through the open window on the right to the street.
Turn left and you'll notice it's a payphone ringing. Walk over and answer it, but no one is on the other line. After James hangs up the phone, a piece of paper drops in the change slot. It reveals yet another message that implies that "the key is in the park, at the feet of the praying woman", and that "the wrench will open the gate". With that, pick up the Wrench sitting under the phone.
Now you'll need to head back north to Rosewater Park to find what you need. Head to Neely Street and run north until you reach a tall barricade with a door. Head through and you'll find another huge gate ahead. Use your Wrench to open it and pass through.
You'll find yourself going over another metal catwalk, but this time a new monster called a Mandarin is crawling beneath it. Even though it's beneath the grate, it can still attack you if too close, so keep your distance and keep running until you reach the end of the tunnel. Beyond that, you'll find yourself back in the same tunnel you used to enter Rosewater Park.
Head inside and make your way toward the west side of the entrance area. There are no items are monsters to worry about here, so just head straight for the iron gate on the west side . Follow the path straight across until you see what looks like a statue lit up ahead. Approach it and you'll notice that Angela is surprisingly there too.
After the cutscene, interact with the praying woman statue and James will dig up a metal tin that contains the Historical Society Key . The Historical Society is located further west on Nathan Avenue , so leave the park and make your way there.
The journey along Nathan Avenue to the Silent Hill Historical Society is a somber and quiet one, as there are no monsters anywhere on the road. Soon enough you'll see the building lit up in the fog to your right. Use the Historical Society Key and head inside. Use the Red Save Point near the entrance.
As you explore, it's definitely hard to miss the portrait straight ahead that depicts Pyramid Head himself. Make your way toward the back of the museum and there will be a strange dark tunnel in the wall for you to enter. You won't be returning to the surface of Silent Hill for a while beyond this point .
The staircase you take down through the tunnel is very, very long, and the distant sound of foghorns accompanies your descent. That is a reference to the Little Baroness steamboat that sank in Toluca Lake decades earlier, of which there's a picture in the Historical Society.
This staircase seemingly takes you deep beneath the lake, but when you finally cross through a door at the bottom, you'll find yourself in Toluca Prison .
Grab the Syringe from a first aid kit on the table in the small room you pass through, then continue on through the next door. You don't have a map of this area yet, so keep an eye on your surroundings. The door to your right is locked, so head left down the hall . The path will diverge, and left is a dead end so go right .
You'll soon see another door, so go through it. Inside, you'll find nowhere to go but a large dark hole in the floor, forcing you to go deeper. Interact with it twice and James will hesitantly take the plunge.
Upon reaching the bottom, you'll find yourself in what looks like a well with no visible way out. There is a way out, however, and you just need to find the right spot on the wall to break through . Keep trying different spots until one lets you out and has a door on the other side.
You're now in what seems to be a flooded area of the prison, shaped like a maze. Go right and then turn left when you can and head straight towards the door ahead of you. Deal with the Lying Figure that blocks your way and you'll then see that there are two doors. The one in front of you is locked, so take the right door .
Down the hall ahead is what looks like another deep hole, but is blocked off by a locked prison gate. Backtrack a bit and go through the door on your right, where on the floor you'll find the Spiral Writing Key .
After picking it up, however, the lights will shut off and then turn back on to reveal the room suddenly covered in bugs who will bite James occasionally, causing damage.
To escape the room you need to use the keypad (seen above) and figure out the correct code, which is a random combination of the numbers 2, 3, and 9 (the only ones not covered in blood). The solution for every playthrough, regardless of difficulty, is entirely random , so it's an anxious test of trial and error. To help you out, here are all of the possible combinations for you to work through:
2-3-9 | 2-9-3 |
3-2-9 | 3-9-2 |
9-2-3 | 9-3-2 |
Once you break out, go back over to the locked prison gate and use the Spiral Writing Key on it, revealing the next hole for you to jump down. Interact twice to jump further into the abyss.
After your next fall, you'll land in the Canteen room of the prison. Grab a Health Drink from the food line at the back of the room, then explore the right side of the room to find a Glimpse of the Past on one of the tables. When you're ready, approach the body under the bright light hunched over a table, recently killed.
Eddie appears from the shadows, remarking that killing a person "ain't no big deal". James tries to understand Eddie's reasoning for what happened until it becomes clear that Eddie killed them for how they "looked at him". Eddie gets defensive when James reprimands him before opting to go off on his own.
Once he's gone, go through the same doors and ahead you'll find the prison's Armory . After using the Red Save Point , on the back wall, you can finally grab a map of the entire prison .
There's also Handgun Ammo , a Syringe , Rifle Ammo , and a Hunting Rifle weapon , though it's currently locked in a cabinet. You'll need to find the key for it, and thankfully there's a hint in the nearby Gun Cabinet Notice .
For now, start exploring the surrounding areas such as the Church to the left of the Armory. Inside you'll find an object called The Heaviest Weight up at the pulpit. Over in the Vestry you can find a Syringe .
Head next through the double doors to Block A and Block B . To your right as you enter, you'll notice a door with a Hornless Ox portrait on it. Meanwhile, over in Block B is a door with an Eyeless Boar portrait , the far end of Block A is a door with a Headless Serpent , and the door to the Basement has a Wingless Dove .
The levers on the walls can give you some temporary light in the block, as even with the flashlight it's uncomfortably dark. However, it will also send Mannequins scurrying up walls to the ceiling. Yep, you now have "Spider Mannequins" to deal with.
In Cell A3 you'll find Rifle Ammo and a Glimpse of the Past in the form of a shrine. In Cell A5 will be Handgun Ammo . Over in Cell A7 there's a crawlspace that takes you to Cell B1 , which has a Health Drink and a hiding Mannequin. Cell B3 has a breakable wall that lets you cross to Cell A9 and A8 , which has Shotgun Shells and another Mannequin.
After exploring both blocks, head east down the hallway to the Yard , and use the Red Save Point to your left. This area is unbearably dark, but to keep your...bearings (aha), just run straight ahead. You'll hear a strange galloping noise circling around you, but rest assured there are no monsters in this area.
You'll soon see something ahead of you with a cover over it. Interact to pull it off, revealing a statue with a scale contraption at its base. This is where you put The Heaviest Weight to use, as you need to use it with the smaller weight already available.
Place the smaller weight on the left scale, and the Heaviest Weight on the right scale , which will tip the arrow above it to the Serpent symbol. This means the Serpent Door within the prison has been unlocked. Head back inside.
The Serpent Door is over at the far end of Block A, to your left after returning from the Yard. Head through it and you'll pass by a lit room with an electric chair in it.
Enter the Guardroom , where you can find a Syringe , Shotgun Shells , and another wall lever you can use to light your way while keeping the spider crawling Mannequins at bay.
Make your way down the block, and in Cell E4 you can grab the Family Photo (memo). Further on, the room next to the Death Chamber has some Handgun Ammo . Now make your way across to the other side of the block, which has much higher ceilings crawling with spider Mannequins. Do your best to keep the lights on as you explore and deal with them when they jump back down to attack.
Investigate the rooms on the northeast side, including the Witness Room where you'll find, Handgun Ammo , a Red Save Point , and the machine used to operate the electric chair. Interact with it and you'll see a power gauge along with a sequence of switches and the lever to pull when ready.
The instructions note that you don't want to throw the lever when the power is in the red, but that's actually exactly what you want to do. You'll need to press the switches in the correct order to where they're all turned on at once , sending the power to maximum. Once you have, pull the lever which will overload the power system and automatically unlock all cell doors in the area.
This means you can now enter the Death Chamber and claim the Medium Weight sitting on the electric chair. Now you need to focus on making it through the rest of the block alive, as the alarms have riled up all monsters in the area, and you can no longer use the lights. The path you came in is blocked so exit via the Death Chamber.
Explore the open cells to find more Handgun Ammo , Shotgun Shells , and a Health Drink . In Cell E1 near the start of the block is a breakable wall, so bash it down to get to the other side of the block. You can find several more Shotgun Shells in the cells on this side. When ready, go into Cell E10 and slide through the wall gap into the Witness Checkpoint area.
Pick up the Handgun Ammo and Health Drink you find here, as well as the Armory Key hanging in a cabinet on the wall. This will allow you to go and claim the Hunting Rifle . Head back to the Armory and do just that, then use the Red Save Point before heading back to the Scales of Justice statue in the Yard.
Once you return to the statue in the Yard , your next objective is to place the smallest and Heaviest Weight on the left scale, and your newly acquired Medium Weight on the right scale . Upon doing so, the Hornless Ox Door (seen above) near the entrance to the entire block will unlock.
Head back and through the new door then up the stairs to the second floor of the prison. This area is absolutely crawling with spider Mannequins, so keep your wits about you as you progress through. Go down the first row of cells on the right and use Cell C2 to cross into C3 . Cell C4 has a crawlspace but requires a key to be unlocked . Grab the Health Drink from Cell C5 then head to the Guardroom on the right side.
Inside you'll find the Block D Key in a desk drawer along with a Red Save Point , some Handgun Ammo , and a prison guard's notes about something important in Cell D5 . Start making your way to the other side of the block. Use the breakable wall to get into Cell C6 for a Health Drink and a Syringe . Continue down the walkway and use the Block D Key on the door ahead to get into D Block.
Keep the lights on as you make your way around to Cell D5 , which is a padded room. Inside a first aid kit box you'll find the Shiv Key , and the Threatening Note on the wall that says "we could both use a bath". With that, head back across to the C Block and use the Shiv Key on Cell C4 .
Slip through the crawlspace and grab the Paranoid Note off the pipe. Slip between the pipes on the left side, then down through another crawlspace.
This brings you to the Toilets Room , where you can find some Handgun Ammo on a bench and a Health Drink in a stall. Head over to the Showers area next and deal with the Bubble Nurse patrolling the center of the area. Make note of all the corpses scattered everywhere too, because they won't be still for long.
Venture up the right side of the room, where you'll find another tablet-shaped Glimpse of the Past on the floor.
Head towards the back and underneath the rotating fan you'll find a strange "curtain" structure with a hole in the wall that obviously you'll need to have James stick his hand in. Interact with it and you'll obtain the Heavy Weight (seen above).
This will rile up several monsters in both rooms and rather than fight them all, bum rush back to the crawlspace in the Toilets Room and escape through. Make your way all the way back through the block and out the Ox Door.
Once again, head back to the Yard to complete the next step of the Scales of Justice. This time, place all of the weights you have on the right scale, except for the smallest weight which you'll put on the left scale. This will unlock the Eyeless Boar Door next which leads to the Administrative Section of the prison. Head back inside and straight ahead to that door, which will be on your right.
Head inside and take the hallway around the Warehouse room, which you can access from the door on the left side. In there, you'll find a couple of monsters along with some ammo and the "Old Man's always prepared" Strange Photo .
Now make your way to the Visitation Room , and grab the Prisoner's Note from station 7 before backtracking to station 5 where you can jump through to the other side.
Grab the Shotgun Shells from station 7 before moving on towards the Break Room . On the way there, stop in the Women's Restroom for a Health Drink and a surprise in the last stall, then the Men's Restroom for a Red Save Point .
Cut through the Break Room , grab the Handgun Ammo that's in there, then head north to the Infirmary . As expected, there are a few Bubble Nurses to deal with in there, so fight your way through them to the very back room of the Infirmary. There you'll find Shotgun Shells , a Health Drink , and the Upper Floor Key .
Backtrack on the other side of the Break Room to find another Glimpse of the Past on the floor in front of you, consisting of a horseshoe and a melted wax figurine.
Run back over to the Restrooms and use the Upper Floor Key on the locked gate near the Men's Restroom (by the wall that says "Reap What You Sow"). Take the stairs all the way up to the Warden's Office on the third floor, use the Red Save Point in the nearby storage room, and grab the Handgun Ammo there as well.
Go back into the office where there's a typewriter on the desk. The paper set in it has the word "sick" typed endlessly, and all you need to do is type repeatedly (any keys) until the desk drawer underneath opens. Inside you can claim the Light Weight . Now you need to make your way back to the Yard once again for the next step.
Once you're back at the Scales of Justice, this time you'll need to place every weight on the left scale, except for the Medium Weight which you put over on the right scale . This will open up the Wingless Dove Door , which leads to the Basement level . Head back inside and immediately turn left to find the door down a flight of stairs.
Once inside, start exploring the lower half of the cell block and when you look inside Cell F6 you'll notice the last weight you need sitting on a sheet. For now, go over to Cell F9 and bash through the breakable wall to get to F10 , where there's a ladder you can take up to unlock one of the doors on the first floor.
Head back down and make your way through all the sneaky Mannequins to Cell F14 and grab the Health Drink there. In F16 you'll notice piles of books and glyphs painted on the walls. If you wait long enough, you'll hear an otherworldly voice chanting something.
Use the crawlspace on the other side of the hall to get into the next room. Grab the Shotgun Shells from the desk, and view the note on the wall that mentions a prisoner being moved to Cell F6 , where the weight you need is. Go over to the button panel where there are options lit for Cells F5 and F6.
Press F6 and head over to claim the Lightest Weight from inside the cell along with the Confession memo. The door will slam shut temporarily for a nice jumpscare but you'll be able to leave soon enough. Remember to use the ladder in Cell F10 to get out since the entrance is caved in.
Time to head back to the Scales of Justice for the final time.
Head back out into the Yard , where it's now raining somehow (being that you're supposedly miles underground). Go over to the Scales of Justice and this time, do the following to perfectly balance the scales:
Putting all the scales back in their respective slots underneath the scale first can help you figure out which weight is which if you're having difficulty. Once the weight is balanced and the arrow centers on the sword symbol, something will fall out of the statue's hand and it's the Execution Lever . This is what you'll need for the next puzzle ahead.
For the Gallows Puzzle , place the Execution Lever in the slot on the platform between both rows of Gallows. The slab in front of you will open to reveal six criminals and their sins, and six slates depicting justifications for those sins.
You'll need to sort out which slates go with which passages regarding the sins of various criminals, and some passages can be different depending on your playthrough and difficulty. At the end, you'll need to choose which criminal was "justified" in their actions, or acting in self-defense.
This is arguably the most difficult puzzle in the entire game, but to help you match up the slates with the correct passages, here are the possible answers for each.
Passage No. | Puisi | Possible Answers |
SAYA | For your grace I do not plead, For the flames I did set free, Sisters shrieked and children cried, No one made it out alive. | Answer #1 - Though the young ones' deaths I mourn, Their tormentors are no more, On young souls the nuns did prey, Took their innocence away. Answer #2 - I watched them burn, I heard them cry, I felt a soothing warmth inside, It felt so good, I cannot lie, And for my bliss, they had to die. |
II | The wealth of others I did take, The seventh statute I did break, And yet my deeds I don't regret, I had my reasons, that is that. | Answer #1 - The reason, if I have to say, Was to survive another day, To them, it was a loaf of bread, To me, a cherished step ahead. Answer #2 - What were those reasons you might ask, The truth allow me to unmask, Jadi begitu. I crave, I need, I take, 'Tis all the sense it needs to make. |
AKU AKU AKU | I took the child you are quite right, Carried her off into the night, She did not scream, she did not bawl, I was her father, after all. | Answer #1 - Forgive me, child, for I have failed, To save you from her wretched ways, She whom I loved, who gave you life, A monster hiding in plain sight. Answer #2 - My only daughter, joy of days, They wanted to take you away, Hush, little baby, and be still, If I can't have you, no one will. |
IV | Once the sun has ceased its reign, I cut through the rusty chain, Pushed the door and snuck within, Filled my pockets to the brim. | Answer #1 - So my guilt is plain to see, I had robbed the pharmacy, Yet, I did so not for gain, But so I could ease the pain. Answer #2 - I departed with great haste, Leaving not a single trace, Ever faithful to my creed, All is right, which feeds my greed. |
V | Mommy dearest, mommy sweet, Your love for me was so deep, "Why, oh, why?", you shouted out, When my knife pierced through your heart. | Answer #1 - You broke my legs, I couldn't walk, You pulled my teeth, I couldn't talk, You fed me pills to slow my mind, I took your life 'fore you took mine. Answer #2 - You were, oh, so kind to me, Filled my heart with joy and glee, In the end, it was for naught, "Why, oh, why?", you ask. Mengapa tidak? |
VI | I waited long, I bid my time, I waited to commit my crime, The man appeared, he saw me not, A bloody end is what he got. | Answer #1 - In truth, he was less man than beast, And on my flesh and soul he'd feast, My will to live he'd try to break, There is so much a man can take. Answer #2 - In truth, I did not hesitate, As my blade sealed the poor man's fate, He knew the rules, they are quite clear, Go against me, your end is near. |
For the passage(s) that has Answer #1 as their choice, that will be the one you want to choose as innocent or "justified". More than one passage may indicate innocence based on this, and you need to decide which one best describes self-defense or defense of another (such as a child).
When you've made your choice, go over to the corresponding noose and pull it down.
If you guessed correctly, you'll fall through the platform and land inside The Labyrinth . If you guessed wrong, you'll instead fall into a room with several monsters you'll need to run through and make your way back up to the Gallows and try again.
After successfully completing the Gallows Puzzle, ahead of you will be not one but two more massive holes to jump into, sending you to a depth clearly beyond reality. Afterward, you'll take a mineshaft elevator down to a floor with a Red Save Point . Use it and enter through the door ahead.
Follow the path through what resembles an apartment hallway, and you'll hear whispers behind the doors you pass. If you budge the doors, they'll hush in response. Keep going until you reach a section of the hallway decorated with newspaper clippings, including a bloodied one on the floor you can read about the murder of Thomas Orosco, Angela's father .
Suddenly, Angela's screams can be heard from behind the door ahead, alluding to a conflict with her father. Go inside, grab the Health Drink and Shotgun Shells from the kitchen area, then take a deep breath and go through the darker door on the left, where you'll see one of two more doors. The one in front of you is likely the bedroom of Angela's brother.
Go to the one on the left, where you'll find Angela cowering inside. Before James can figure out what's wrong, a much larger monster called the Abstract Daddy suddenly attacks and slams him through a wall. Take a deep breath and prepare for one of the most challenging and emotionally devastating fights in the game.
If it wasn't already obvious, Abstract Daddy is the disturbing manifestation of Angela's intense trauma from being sexually abused by her father as a child, and its physical form is meant to embody that. It makes it one of the most intense and consequential fights in the game.
The battle begins with Abstract Daddy confronting you in the hallway, and once again, keeping your distance from him is imperative. If he manages to charge and grab you, he can deal significant damage in each instance, so be sure to keep your health topped off.
You may initially think you're fighting him in tight quarters, but the "arena" has suddenly taken the form of a seemingly endless maze within Angela's home. This allows you to land hits on Abstract Daddy while constantly keeping your distance. Prioritize your Hunting Rifle and Shotgun for dealing damage, and time your shots well because he has an insane amount of health.
At certain junctions when you've dealt enough damage, Abstract Daddy will disappear briefly, allowing you time to recover and reload your weapons . Make sure to explore everywhere you can for extra ammo and health. As you travel through the maze, you'll see Angela fleeing in terror herself, and occasionally a scratchy recording of her father will play, further inferring his verbal abuse.
The fight occurs over multiple phases, and at least three times you'll need to trigger the next one by finding a static TV and smashing it with your pipe. The further into the fight you go, the more the environment changes into something closer to the Otherworld, and the walls turn...well, "fleshy".
Eventually, you'll arrive at the final phase of the fight in a wide-open area. By this point, you've likely exhausted most of your ammo if not your health stores as well, so make use of the items spread around the room. Keep dealing damage, and Abstract Daddy's attacks will gradually slow down and become easier to dodge. Soon enough, he'll go down and a cutscene will follow.
Angela approaches in rage and slams a TV on top of the Abstract Daddy, killing it. The environment has also returned to the way it was before the fight began. James tries to console Angela though to little effect, and the two argue over his possessiveness of Mary and how he treated her while she was sick.
Soon enough, Angela will retreat and now you're free to explore the rest of the Labyrinth.
After you move on from "Angela's apartment", you'll soon find yourself in a strange, maze-like area, and in front of you a barrier made of what looks like monsters from Silent Hill. If you try to cross through it, James will feel nauseous and back off, so you need to find a way to remove it. James will call it the "Strange Wall" on your map.
For now, head right and use the Red Save Point along the way. Go all the way across (the door to your right is locked) and down the stairwell and through the door ahead. On the other side is something, or rather someone, that James definitely didn't expect to see.
Maria is "alive" and well, sitting in a cell, and chides James for seeming to think she had been killed by Pyramid Head "in that long hallway". She laughs and muses about how he was "always so forgetful". She eerily sounds like Mary, which James notices and mentions. However, she rebuffs that she's not "his Mary", and insists that she's all he needs since she's "real".
Grappling with the situation, James starts to walk away and says with some hesitation that he'll find a way to get her out of the cell.
Head back up the stairs to the path you walked before, and now you'll find the Rotating Cube Puzzle contraption in the center of it, along with what looks like an entire building in the chasm next to you. The rotating cube features different faces on each side, along with different symbols.
Depending on how you turn it, the building in front of you will rotate as well and reveal new paths and three other main areas for you to explore. Those areas include: the Rotten Area, the Desolate Area , and the Ruined Area .
This puzzle serves as the focal point of the Labyrinth, and your goal here is to use it to access each of those different areas one by one. For easy reference, here are the symbols required for each area:
Simbol | Area Unlocked |
Upward-facing triangle with a cross underneath | Rotten Area |
Infinity symbol with a vertical line above crossed through twice | Desolate Area |
Downward-facing triangle with a cross underneath | Ruined Area |
None (side axis of the cube) | Opsional; Find the "Your best buddy!" Strange Photo inside the cube itself. |
So for now, you'll want to start with accessing the Rotten Area . Turn the cube in the proper direction, then go into the building and take the stairs that lead up to the path on the left side. Go down the hallway and at the end there will be three doors, for each of the three areas. Go through the Green Door on your left to enter the Rotten Area.
You'll start in a hallway completely covered in bugs, so move through carefully and watch out for where the floors switch to metal grates, as Mandarins will be lurking beneath. Remember that all of your maps for the Labyrinth are hand-drawn, so you have to learn the area as you go.
After that first metal grate path, turn left and find some Handgun Ammo on a dresser (which you're probably starved for after Abstract Daddy) at a dead end. Backtrack to the main hallway and continue on until you see a door ahead. Go through it and you'll enter a room with a Suspended Cage high up, three other different doors, and a Red Save Point .
To bring down the Suspended Cage you'll need something to cut its tether, so for now head through the door to your left.
Go down the hall, grab Rifle Ammo from a small cabinet on your right, and continue straight to the open door at the end. Be extra careful here as not only are there bugs everywhere, but the floor of the entire main hallway area is metal grating, so Mandarins will be patrolling.
Keep your distance from them (these seem to be invincible so don't waste your ammo) and make your way down the hall until you reach the second left. Take it and follow the next hallway until you find another door. Inside the floor will be normal, so you get a breather. Deal with a couple of Mannequins lurking there and claim a Syringe and Handgun Ammo .
Take the pushcart in the room over to the high crawlspace near the door, and climb up and through to the next room over. Inside you'll notice the fridge in the kitchen shaking nonstop. Approach it and through all the lovely muck that pours out from it, James will find a small can of Lighter Gas . Grab the Handgun Ammo and Health Drink nearby as well.
Carefully make your way back out into the main hallway and bum rush your way back to the Suspended Cage Room.
Now take the door to the south and sprint across the grated hallway all the way south until you can leapfrog over a box and find a set of double doors ahead of you. Go through them and grab a Health Drink on your way through the next door ahead. Watch out for a Mannequin in the dark and grab Shotgun Shells from a small cabinet.
In the next room you'll find a bed that's been brutally split in half (could venture a guess who did that) and on the wall behind it a hole oozing blood. James knows the deal by now, so go over and interact with it until you pull out the Lighter Wick .
Now, before you go back to the Suspended Cage room, exit through the door beyond the bedroom, and run down the hallway until you can turn right and follow the path to another door. Go through and inside is just one huge room with a desk right in the center. Deal with the Bubble Nurse patrolling it and then check the drawer to claim the Iron Key .
Now make your way back to the Suspended Cage Room and go back through the first door you went through where you found a locked door requiring a key. Use the Iron Key to unlock it and you'll find a bathroom inside. Interact with the nearby bathtub and James will quickly learn that the liquid bubbling inside it is too acidic for him to touch. This means you need to drain it somehow.
Go through the nearby gap in the wall and follow the narrow hallway all the way down until you reach a bug-filled room with a red crank. Turn it until the pipes burst and the tub breaks open, draining all of the bad stuff out so you can reach your prize. Return to it to claim the Broken Lighter .
Return to the Suspended Cage room and combine the Broken Lighter with the Lighter Gas and the Lighter Wick to make an actual Lighter . Use it on the tether holding up the cage and soon the entire thing will fall and break through the floor, leaving a large hole behind, perfect for you to jump through. Use the nearby Red Save Point and then do just that.
This brings you back to the Labyrinth Center with the Rotating Cube Puzzle, and now it's time to move on to the next area. Turn the cube to the appropriate direction (as seen in the table above) to unlock the Desolate Area next. Run through the building and back up to the left-side path, and this time take the door straight ahead.
Upon entering the Desolate Area , use the nearby Red Save Point and make note of the locked door to your right, and the ladder to your left. Continue straight ahead and find the second door on your right and go through it. There will be a wall crack by a closet for you to take to the room adjacent, where you'll find some Rifle Ammo , Shotgun Ammo , and a Mannequin hiding behind a bookshelf.
Backtrack to the small bedroom where you find a Health Drink and Ladder II . Go down it to reach the Flooded Level , and follow the path until you find a hole you can peek through to see a key (which you will need).
Keep going and you'll see that the door to that room is locked. Make your way south until you find Ladder I and climb up, where ahead of you will be the Handcuffed Gate (seen above). You'll need a certain key you already saw to unlock it, but for now, go through the door to your left.
Follow the hallway until you can make two rights to find another ladder that will take you back down to a cave area. Follow it until it brings you to the room where you spotted the key. Pick up the Small Key and head back to Ladder I to use it on the Handcuffed Gate . Now you can access the rest of the Desolate Area.
Follow the corridor to the next room and look for a pushcart you can use to reach a high crawlspace. Climb up and through and continue until you find Ladder IV to take back down to the Flooded Level . Another crawlspace ahead will bring you to a Wire Barrier that prohibits you from going forward. You'll need something to help get rid of those wires.
Go through the next hallway on the right, full of bugs of course, and suddenly Pyramid Head will appear and start giving chase. This is not a boss fight, you're simply in his domain now and need to avoid him at all costs while completing your objectives.
Go up Ladder V and follow the long hallway up until you can turn left, but quickly go right for some Handgun Ammo in a dresser at the dead end. Backtrack and go left through the wide open door to the room where you can remove a set of Wirecutters from a broken fuse box.
As tempting as it might be, do NOT take the south corridor past the fuse box as that will bring you back to the tunnel with the crawlspace that caved in after passing through, meaning you'll have to backtrack much further around the map.
Instead, go back down Ladder V to the area where Pyramid Head was, but he'll no longer be there. Instead, you'll have to deal with Mandarins and other monsters in your way.
For some extra items and a Strange Photo you can make your way to and up the ladder you initially passed while evading Pyramid Head. Otherwise, head back to the tunnel with the barrier of Wires and use the Wirecutters to get through. Go down the next ladder ahead, and grab a nearby Health Drink before dropping down another hole that brings you back to the Rotating Cube Puzzle once more.
Be sure to use the Red Save Point nearby to save all your recent progress. Now it's time to turn the cube in the appropriate direction for the Ruined Area . Remember, the symbol is an upside-down triangle with a cross underneath . Cross through the building and up the path to where you can now take the red door to the right.
The Ruined Area of the Labyrinth is quite different from the other areas in that it's essentially a monster gauntlet. You'll enter different areas where you need to defeat various monsters to progress forward. Make sure to gather all of the ammo and health items in the areas first, then go interact with the red door at the back for the alarm to go off and the monsters to come alive .
In the first two areas, it'll be mostly regular monsters such as Lying Figures, Mannequins, and Bubble Nurses. The third area will be full of bugs and you'll need to kill Mandarins crawling beneath the floors. The Shotgun and Hunting Rifle are best for those.
At the end of it all, you'll get a gracious Red Save Point , which we recommend because soon after you'll run into Pyramid Head yet again. He'll give chase and you need to run in the other direction until you reach a familiar-looking barrier made of monsters. This time, however, you're able to get through before Pyramid Head catches you. Continue on into the next room, where you'll find Maria at last, but it seems it's too late once again.
James finds himself overcome with grief at the sight of Maria clearly dead and murdered (likely by the same culprit), and him unable to help her in time. Likely a similar grief to the loss of Mary, he whispers her name and leaves, powerless to do anything else.
Once you leave the room, head up the stairs to where the Rotating Cube Puzzle normally is, but now it's been brutally destroyed, and among the rubble is the Great Knife , Pyramid Head's main weapon.
Interact with the Great Knife and James will pry it loose, allowing you to wield it, sort of. Drag it left toward the Strange Barrier and you'll now be able to pass through it. Drag the Great Knife all the way until you're completely through the barrier with a ladder ahead of you. You can now drop it and continue on (sorry, you can't keep it in your inventory this time).
After climbing the ladder, follow the hallway until you can climb back down another ladder, which leads you to a small cemetery area. You can salvage some Shotgun Shells and a Health Drink here. Among the gravestones you'll find three that are of particular importance: Angela Orosco, Eddie Dombrowski, and James Sunderland.
To progress onward, you'll need to jump down into the hole that is your grave. When you're ready, take the plunge to the deepest reaches of the abyss, where your final adversary of the Labyrinth will be waiting. Follow the long hallway ahead of you, and at the end will be a freezer door soaked in blood. Go through it, and Eddie will be on the other side.
Clearly having lost himself, Eddie claims the corpse in front of him has been following him the whole time, laughing and insulting him. He then accuses James of doing the same, and that Silent Hill called them both because they're "not like other people". Determined to punish James the same way, he coerces him to the meat freezer for a fight.
Grab the Health Drinks on both sides of the room, make sure your guns are reloaded, and then follow Eddie through the same door.
Make your way into the freezer and Eddie will officially engage you in a fight, and you'll want to avoid getting shot by him as much as possible because even just one shot from his gun hurts a lot .
Use the hanging sacks of meat for cover as Eddie circles around for sneak attacks. Do your best to keep him in your sights, or at least a sense of where he is, at all times. There will be some extra Shotgun Shells scattered around the walls of the room.
Shoot him enough times and he'll shoot a gas pipe that fills the room with fog, making it harder to spot where he is. Do your best to keep your back to a wall while waiting for him to approach. After a few more shots, the conveyors of meat will start to rotate, and you'll need to be wary of being caught in the open.
Be extra vigilant as Eddie will get more aggressive now with more gunshots and will attempt to sneak behind you for a pistol whip. Keep damaging him as much as possible and soon he'll succumb to his wounds and collapse, dead.
There's nothing left to do, so find the black double doors and open them to find your way out. Go through one more door, and you'll find yourself somehow back outside at the edge of Toluca Lake.
With all that James has experienced so far, it's now time to go to the one other "special place" Mary could be, which is the Lakeview Hotel . To get there though, you'll need to get across Toluca Lake, meaning you'll need a boat of some kind. Walk down the pier after using the Red Save Point and a small rowboat will be waiting for you.
After James climbs in and starts rowing, you'll soon need to take over yourself. You can control both oars separately (to turn if you veer off-course) with the appropriate controls or together at the same time to row straight.
Your goal is to follow the light in the distance, which is coming from Lakeview Hotel. As you get closer, the light will grow bigger and brighter, so follow it until James reaches the pier in front of the hotel.
After another brief cutscene, you'll find yourself at the Lakeview pier. Go immediately to your right where you should spot the Lakeview Hotel Garden Map posted on a wall. Take it to get a look at where you are, which is the massive front entrance to the hotel.
For now, head up the central stairs and north in the direction of the garden area. Go up the next set of stairs and head left to find some Handgun Ammo in a gazebo. Now run to the far right side and on a small bench will be the Rotten Apple . Take it and make your way up the east side of the garden. Inside the Fish Fountain, you'll find a Glimpse of the Past in the form of a broken music box.
There's nothing else of note outside for now, so head to the hotel's entrance where you'll hear a piano being played inside.
Go through the double doors and head right to collect the Lakeview Hotel 1F-3F Map , which also shows a map for the Venus Tears Bar in the Basement. Now, circle around to the front of the lobby, where you'll see a large and ornate Music Box (seen above) that requires a special key to open it.
Backtrack a bit and go inside the Check-In Room on the right to find a Red Save Point , a keyring that contains both the Room 312 Key and the Ornamental Key , and the Receptionist Memo that mentions the videotape James and Mary left now being kept in the Employee Section of the first floor .
Go check out the far right side of the lobby for some Handgun Ammo and head into Cafe Toluca . Grab a Health Drink from one of the tables, then go behind the bar to find the Room 102 Key at the far end. Go around the corner to find a breakable spot in the wall, letting you through to the Lost and Found Room. There you'll find more Handgun Ammo and the Lost and Found Note .
Go back to the Music Box machine and use the Ornamental Key to open it. Inside you'll see that three figurines are required to play the music reels. For now, head down the left side of the lobby and through the open door on the left, where the piano tunes are coming from.
While looking around in the Lake Shore Restaurant , James gets startled by Laura hiding near the piano. The two of them talk about Mary and how they both want to find her for very similar reasons. In a letter from Mary addressed to Laura, it's revealed that Mary cared deeply for her and even hinted at adoption, if things had been different and she wasn't sick.
After James reads the letter which ends with Mary wishing Laura a happy eighth birthday, he asks her how old she is. Laura reveals that she turned eight "last week". That would mean that James' timeline of events has completely crumbled, as Mary didn't die three years ago after all, or even last year. If that letter is real, then Mary died only days ago.
Before James realizes that, however, Laura says that there was a second letter for James. She hands the envelope to him, but somehow it's empty. For now, she runs off to look for it.
After leaving the Restaurant, follow Laura to the hotel rooms on the east side of the floor . As soon as you go through the parlor doors, however, you'll see that monsters are dwelling in the halls. Deal with the ones in your way and check the small cabinet outside Room 101 for some Handgun Ammo . There's nothing of note in that room, so go to Room 102 .
Use the key to get in, and inside you'll find a nice trove of useful items, including a Syringe , Health Drink , Shotgun Ammo , and Rifle Ammo .
Leave the room, and right across from the door, there's a crawlspace that leads into Room 103 . Slip through and grab the Health Drink from the bedside table before heading out to the patio. To the right, you'll notice that you can go all the way across to the other side. Every other room along the way is locked from the patio side, except for Room 106 at the very end.
Go inside and check the bedside table for some Handgun Ammo , then go out into the hallway. A couple of Mannequins will ambush you in the dark, so take care of them first. Go check Room 104 , the only other accessible room on that side for the "aftermath..." Strange Photo and some Rifle Ammo .
Room 107 at the far south end requires a key to get in, so for now check the Utility Room nearby. Inside there's some Handgun Ammo and the Sunrise Wing Key , which unlocks an area of the second floor. Afterward, go unlock the door nearby that leads back to the front entrance area, if you want.
For now, make your way back to the lobby and up to the hotel's second floor.
Upon reaching the second floor, you'll notice that the west half of the floor is locked off. So for now, go to the east side, which happens to be the Sunrise Wing where you can use the key you just got. Head inside and watch out for more lovely spider Mannequins crawling the walls and ceilings.
Before you investigate the Reading Room, duck into the Cloakroom on your left, which gives you access to the Hall room next door. Go in there and grab the Room 202 Key from a couch on the left side, then deal with a couple of Mannequins to get to the back of the room where you'll find the Ripe Apple (yum).
The patio is accessible and leads to the west side of the floor, but hold off on that for now.
Now head into the Reading Room on your right, which James has marked on the map. Inside will be a Red Save Point along with four books you can pick up, including:
You'll need to place these books in the correct spots on the nearby bookshelf with a bronze emblem marked with two spears. Notice that the spine of each book has a different gold symbol, including an Eagle, Angel, Lion, and a Bull .
Next, look at the huge painting on the opposite wall, and you'll notice that it contains all of the aforementioned symbols as painted subjects. Two are in the background while the other two are in the foreground . Based on that, the books need to go on the shelf in the following order:
Buku | Lokasi |
The One Who Soared (Eagle) | Top Right Slot |
Revelations: A New Understanding (Angel) | Top Left Slot |
Stalwart to the End (Bull) | Bottom Left Slot |
Pride Before the Fall (Lion) | Bottom Right Slot |
Once done, the bookshelf will slide back to reveal a secret room that also connects to Room 205. Go inside where you'll find a series of Photos (#1-3) in the room along with a Briefcase that requires a letter-based combination to open.
Normally, to figure out the code you would need to replace the broken light bulb in the nearby Vanity Mirror with a new one. To do that you need to find the Paint Can (Room 318), the Can Opener (fallen book in Lake Shore Restaurant), and the new Lightbulb (locked left side of Garden area; use Boltcutters to access).
However, if you'd rather save time, the correct combination (Standard Difficulty) is "DEED DONE" . So input "DEED" on the left combination lock and "DONE" on the right one. Inside the Briefcase will be the Employee Elevator Key .
Up top, only Room 209 is accessible but has nothing valuable (only a Mannequin to jumpscare you). Head south and into Room 206 , where you can use a crawlspace to enter 207 and claim some Rifle Ammo . Double back out to the hall and Room 204 will have a Health Drink and Handgun Ammo for the taking.
Finally, go to Room 202 and use the key you got to enter. Inside you'll find an ominous room with a small table and a platter on top of it. On the wall behind it is a broken mirror with words inside written in blood. "Mirror, Mirror, on the wall, Who's the sweetest of them all, Peel away the shiny skin, See the rotting flesh within."
On the floor beneath the mirror are five broken shards . A sixth one can be found in the bedroom on the opposite side; grab it before you start the puzzle. When ready, you first need to place either the Ripe Apple or Rotten Apple on the platter. For the sake of completing the puzzle, your choice doesn't matter.
Next, you'll be required to place each of the broken shards on the floor back into the mirror in the correct spots . The last one will be the one you took from the bedroom.
Once done, the mirror will reform and you'll then want to head to Room 201 next door to claim your reward, the Snow White Figurine .
Now make your way back through all of the spider Mannequins to the Cloakroom , and cut through the Hall room to the extended patio outside. Use it to reach the Nurse's Office on the left side of the floor, where you'll find a Bubble Nurse and a medical record sitting on a desk with the initials "MSS". Mary's perhaps?
Go out to the hallway and unlock the double doors to your left to make the Sunset Wing on the west side accessible. Go straight and around the corner to get some Shotgun Shells from a drawer. Bypass the Employee Elevator Room for now (for a specific reason) and explore the rest of the rooms on the floor first.
Note that the third floor is accessible from this side . Grab some Shotgun Shells from the drawer near Room 214. Go straight up the hall to the window at the far north end, where a Mannequin will be hiding and some Rifle Ammo on a table. Double back and turn right to find more Rifle Ammo at the end of that hall.
Inside Room 212 you'll find another Glimpse of the Past in an open briefcase. Leave and now head up to the third floor.
Go up the stairs to the third floor and first head into the Conference Room in front of you. Go across the room and pick up the Cleaning Staff Note With Room 107 Key off the fireplace. Now interact with the fireplace itself, and you'll notice one of the Music Box Figurines is stuck inside it . You'll need something to unlock the fireplace first.
For now, run back out into the hallway, and you'll notice double doors locked by an iron gate. If you approach it, Mary's voice will suddenly shout for James, surprising him. You'll need a key to access that part of the floor, however. For now, go check the Utility Room around the corner, where you'll find Handgun Ammo , Shotgun Ammo , and a set of Boltcutters (used to unlock the outside Garden's left side).
Double back around the hallway to where you see a bright red 'Exit' sign. This will take you outside and down a stairwell (grab the ammo from the table on the way down) to the second floor, into the southeast corner you couldn't access before.
First go into Room 215 , where you'll find a breakable wall that will take you to 214 . Unlock the door in there, and you now have a handy shortcut to the other side of the Sunset Wing.
Now double back to Room 217 , a room full of bird cages where the patio doors will blow open, making another path for you. Grab the ammo from the suitcase on the bed and go look outside, where you'll see another red book lying on the glass ceiling across the way. Use your Handgun to shoot the cracked glass plate underneath it, so it falls into the Lake Shore Restaurant below.
Use your new shortcut and head all the way back down to the first floor and to the restaurant, where the book will be lying on top of a box. Interact with it, and it will open to reveal the Can Opener (for the Paint Can, if you're uncovering the briefcase code yourself). Take it and then head to Room 107 , now that you have the key for it.
Unlock it and go inside. First, pick up the Cleaning Staff Note #3 from the nearby table, then a Health Drink from the bathroom, and then head outside to the patio area.
Turns out that this leads to the east side of the Garden area that you couldn't access initially. Grab Shotgun Shells from the table near the doors then start exploring the area. Deal with the monsters patrolling the grounds and make your way to the gazebo in the back corner. Inspect the overturned cleaning bucket and you'll get the Fireplace Key .
Now you can head back up to the third floor to put that key to good use.
Make your way back up to the third floor of the hotel (notice that some walls and windows are starting to wither) and go into the Conference Room . Run over to the fireplace and use the Fireplace Key to unlock it and retrieve the Cinderella Figurine .
A cutscene follows that shows a huge Mandarin enemy burst through the side of the room and attack James. While it may look like it at first, this isn't a boss fight. Just unload some Shotgun Shells (or whatever you have) into it until it dies.
Go into the side room the monster came from and grab a Health Drink and ammo from the phone table, then turn your attention to the shelf ahead. Push it out of the way to reveal a breakable wall. Bust through it to get into Room 317 . The wall behind you will collapse, so the only way forward is outside.
Hop across the low fence to the patio of Room 318 and go inside to see what looks like a catastrophic mess of blood on every surface, but it turns out to be red paint. There's an unopened Paint Can for you to claim, and you can combine it with the Can Opener to open it. You just need a Lightbulb to dip in the paint itself, which is at the fish statue in the Garden area.
You can take all those items back to Room 205 behind the Reading Room and use them on the Vanity Mirror to reveal the aforementioned code.
Once you've taken care of everything mentioned up to this point, it's now time to head back to the Employee Elevator Room on the second floor. If you attempt to go into the elevator immediately, you'll notice a loud alarm go off, meaning there's too much weight present.
In other words, you're going to need to offload everything you're carrying. Your weapons, your healing items, your flashlight, your key items, everything.
Use the Red Save Point inside, and then interact with the nearby cabinet. Inside, you'll see containers for each type of item you're carrying. Start dumping everything you have into them, however, you're oddly allowed to keep your photo of Mary , her letter (which if you look is now strangely blank), her handkerchief, and Angela's Knife .
Now you can enter the elevator and take it to the first floor , the only place you can go. Be forewarned, there are Mandarins patrolling these areas, and you will need to do your best to sneak around and avoid them since you have no means of killing them. If you walk quietly and keep your distance, they won't detect you.
Jump into the Break Room across the hall in front of you first, and grab the map for the Employee Section of the hotel(since you had to leave your other map behind). Now go to the Break Room Safe on the other side of the room.
The safe requires a keypad code to unlock it, and normally to figure it out you would need to solve the Gem Box Puzzle located in the Manager's Office and find all of the gems around the floor to do so.
However, since this area is especially dangerous, we have the code for you to help save both time and your health. The correct code for the Break Room Safe is 7414. Inside you'll find the Video Tape and Basement Key , which will allow you to go to the Basement level of the Employee Section.
Tiptoe past the Mandarins and unlock the door to the stairwell that will take you down there.
Upon reaching the Basement level, check your map and carefully make your way south to the Maintenance Room first, avoiding the one patrolling Mandarin as you go. Once there, pick up the blue Pump Valve sitting on a table.
Exit the room via the gap in the wall to save yourself time on the Mandarin's patrol route (we recommend tailing it and then shortcutting up the middle once it's passed back around) and now head for the Liquor Storage Room .
Go inside, slide through another gap in the wall on the left side (wait for the Mandarin to pass before you do), and use the Pump Valve to cut off pressure from a nearby steam valve that's blocking access to the Boiler Room . Once done, go into the Boiler Room and grab the Venus Tears Bar Key hanging on a pipe by the boiler.
Leave the room and grab your Pump Valve because you'll need it one more time. Use the key to unlock the door to your left to the Venus Tears Bar Kitchen and go in. There will be one more spewing steam pipe that you need to depressurize, so use the Pump Valve nearby to do so.
Go through the next door to the bar itself, where you'll find a broken jukebox underneath a shattered aquarium that's flooded the room. Grab the "Better leave..." Strange Photo behind the bar, then go over and pick up the Little Mermaid Figurine off the floor, then use the Red Save Point nearby.
Leave the Venus Tears Bar through the front entrance and now make your way back up to the second floor to quickly reclaim your items from the Employee Elevator Room. Once that's done, head back down to the first floor where the Music Box is, now that you have everything you need.
Approach the Music Box and look inside to place the three figurines you've collected in their respective spots. Your goal is to send those figurines along the correct track etched into the discs to their correct doors.
To do that, you need to rotate the discs inside the machine until they form the correct paths to the correct doors. The solution for all three figurines is:
Once you've aligned the tracks, press the button at the bottom right and the machine will prepare the sequence. However, there's one more step to complete.
You can now view the poems for the respective princesses on the facade of the machine, and there is a key above each passage (seen below). Your goal here is to turn each key the correct number of times, according to the numbers mentioned in each passage.
For Snow White, turn her key seven times. For Little Mermaid, turn her key five times. Finally, for Cinderella, turn her key one time.
Once you do, a familiar tune will play for James and he'll receive the 3F Corridor Key . This will unlock the gated hallway on the third floor, where you heard Mary's voice.
It's now time to face the music, literally?
Go all the way up to the third floor and use the 3F Corridor Key on the gate. Go down the hall to the last room on the right and use the Room 312 Key to enter.
As you'll recall, this is the room where James and Mary stayed during their last visit to Silent Hill. Despite his assumption, Mary doesn't seem to be here either, but there's a TV with a VCR for your use. Go over and put the Video Tape you got from the Basement inside the VCR.
During the cutscene, the tape begins with the final moments of their visit to the town, and Mary asking James to bring them back one day. At one point she coughs, and the tape devolves into a mess of static and unstable images. However, among them a sequence plays of James approaching Mary in her bed and suddenly suffocating her with a pillow, revealing that he actually killed her.
James sits in silence, at last faced with the actual truth that he's subconsciously denied this entire time, to the point of believing Mary was dead for three years yet actually still alive (in fact it was only days, thanks to Laura's information).
After an emotional scene with Laura, the room transforms, though not into the usual version of the Otherworld. Instead, everything in the room is burnt and drenched in water, as if in the aftermath of a fire. Mary's voice suddenly calls out to James on his radio.
Once you have control, leave the room.
With the truth now known, the rest of the hotel appears to also be burnt, soaked, and falling apart. Go into Room 314 and grab Handgun Ammo from the bedside table, then go into the bathroom and through the wall gap to the hallway. There's more Handgun Ammo inside a table drawer to your right.
Also, be aware that there are NO monsters in Lakeview's Otherworld, so you can travel freely without having to worry.
The only way forward is south down the hall, so head that way and duck through the debris. You'll notice there's a high crawlspace to your left as you pass. Go down the hall and to the left where there's a pushcart for you to use. Crawl into the room ahead first where there's an ominous message scratched on the wall and a Syringe on a table.
Take the pushcart down the hall to the crawlspace, but it quickly collapses through the floor, ruining that plan. Instead, jump down the hole that's been made, bringing you to the second floor. Go down the hall and grab a Health Drink from Room 207 before going into the nearby Restroom .
Use it to cross over into the Reading Room , and you'll find a Glimpse of the Past (seen above) sitting on a nearby couch. Use the Red Save Point then leave the room through the double doors. Go across to the Cloakroom and into the Hall. In the back left corner, you'll see the lit Elevator through a hole in the wall, which you need to get to.
To do that, go to the right side of the Hall and look up to spot a crawlspace. Use the shelf under it to climb through to the Nurse's Office . Make your way around through the office, listen to an ominous tape recording on the table if you wish, and then continue through the wall crack to the hallway. Follow it all the way to the Elevator and take it down to the Basement .
Once you exit the elevator, make your way through the flood to the Venus Tears Bar . Use the Red Save Point behind the bar and then head through the kitchen area and then to Liquor Storage . Grab the Rifle Ammo that's in there and then use the high crawlspace in the wall beside the locked door to get out.
Ahead of you will be a door that's glowing strangely bright from the other side. Head over and go inside, where a cutscene will play with Angela standing on a fiery stairwell.
This serves as Angela's final farewell as she goes up the stairs, her fate unknown but hinted. James leaves to continue on.
Make your way through the rest of the Basement, where you'll notice there are now some monsters but they will not attack James . They're entirely passive, so just leave them be and save your ammo . Go into the Manager's Office, cross into the TV Room, and follow a hall that leads off the map.
Continue until you come across a set of nine Red Save Points . The game obviously insists that you save here, so do so. With that, take a deep breath and go through the double doors ahead.
Inside is a seemingly dark and empty room, but suddenly Mary...or rather, Maria's voice yells for James. Once again she's "alive" but held captive now by two Pyramid Heads. Despite James' pleas, they proceed to stab Maria dead once again, and he yells in frustration.
He finally makes his confession of needing Maria, an alluring shadow of his deceased wife, to soothe his pain and at the same time punish him for what he's done. That punishment has clearly been dealt, and James declares, "I don't need you anymore", likely referring to both Maria and Pyramid Head.
With that, they both approach James with spears in hand, ready to test that declaration.
As soon as James says, "I'm ready", the battle begins. Both Pyramid Heads will quickly advance toward you with their spears, and your goal here is to deal as much damage as possible to both of them. You'll need every bullet you've got, and if you need more, there are plenty of ammo boxes and Health Drinks scattered around the room .
Starting with the Hunting Rifle is optimal, as it has the best range with the most damage dealt. After that, you can interchange between the Handgun and Shotgun as needed. Keep your distance as they'll both attempt various lunge and stabbing attacks with their spears. Kite them around the room while unloading as many shots as possible, and eventually, a cutscene will trigger.
Both Pyramid Heads will go to the center of the room and ceremoniously impale themselves with their own spears. Their judgment has been made, so their presence is no longer needed.
Approach them and take the Scarlet Egg and Rust-colored Egg from their hands. Use these to unlock the doors that lead out.
You'll arrive back outside on a metal walkway, where there are several more ammo cartridges to pick up, along with a Syringe and the "SHAPE FORCES THE MIND" Strange Photo at the back right corner.
Reload all your weapons, top off your health, and head all the way up the stairs until you reach the top of the building. From here, a cutscene with Mary will play that's influenced by your decisions up to that point in the game. How you treated Maria, whether you looked at certain items often, whether you kept your health high or low, etc. They will all affect the subsequent ending as well.
Once Mary (or Maria) succumbs to her turmoil and transforms into a monstrous version of herself, you'll be forced to fight her to ultimately bring peace or at least some sort of finality.
Like the Flesh Lips boss much earlier in the game, she'll be encased in a floating cage, and you'll need to keep your distance and deal damage, preferably with either your Hunting Rifle or Handgun . She also uses flocks of moths to chase and deal ranged damage to James, while also using a tentacle appendage to deal brutal stabbing attacks.
Once you deal enough damage, the cage surrounding Mary will morph into something akin to a spider, also similar to Flesh Lips' second form. She'll force James down into a dark passage area right underneath the metal platform, and you'll need to do damage whenever she appears from above.
The final phase of the fight will collapse the entire area, and you'll need to keep shooting while dodging her charge and swing attacks with her metal "legs". Her attacks hit hard, so be sure to stay topped off as much as possible. This is the final boss of the game, so make use of everything you have.
Eventually, her cage will collapse, leaving her unable to move and mumbling James' name. Go over and shoot one last time to end the fight.
Afterward, your designated ending will play out, again depending on your actions up to now. Selamat!
Below we've listed all 43 unlockable achievements/trophies in Silent Hill 2 Remake, including 31 hidden ones. Unlocking all of them will require multiple playthroughs.
Achievement/Trophy | How to Unlock |
Kamu Membuatku Bahagia | Collect all other trophies/achievements dalam permainan. |
Tidak Ada Jalan untuk Kembali Sekarang | Try to leave Silent Hill in the Observation area. (Walk down the opposite direction on the road at the start of the game until James turns back.) |
Nikmati Masa Tinggal Anda | Mencapai Silent Hill. |
Bagus dan Nyaman | Jangkau Apartemen Sisi Kayu. |
Jangan Berpesta! | Shoot all the balloons in Wood Side Apartments. (Shoot all balloons in the "Welcome Home" apartment; recommend saving before doing so to recover the bullets used.) |
Dunia lain | Masuki Dunia Lain untuk pertama kalinya. |
Lulus | Made your way out of Blue Creek Apartments. |
Misterius | Temui Maria. |
Semua Tampak Tertib | Temukan rahasia Kamar 106. |
Sisa | Find the pizza in Pete's Bowl-O-Rama |
Diakui | Mencapai Rumah Sakit Brookhaven. |
Bahan Bakar Mimpi Buruk | Kalahkan Bibir Daging. |
Alone Again. | Survive the Chase in Brookhaven Hospital. |
Ke dalam jurang maut | Mencapai ujung tangga panjang. |
Tidak bisa dimaafkan | Kalahkan Ayah Abstrak. |
Tempat Suci Batin | Find His Room. (When Pyramid Head first chases you in the Desolate Area of the Labyrinth, run left past a ladder and through double doors to find his lair. Quickly exit after to avoid getting caught by him.) |
Seorang Manusia | Bunuh Eddie. |
Secercah Harapan | Mencapai Hotel Lakeview. |
Bencana Danau Toluca | Habiskan 10 menit di Danau Toluca. |
Benar-benar Istimewa | Usang |
It's Bread. | Berinteraksi dengan roti. |
Obselete | Hancurkan apa yang tidak Anda perlukan. |
That Part of Me. | Kalahkan Dia. |
Penebang | Temukan gergaji mesin. |
Tanpa belas kasihan | Habisi 50 musuh dengan serangan hentakan. |
Bukan Masalah Besar | Bunuh 75 musuh dengan senjata jarak jauh. |
Trauma Kekuatan Tumpul | Bunuh 75 musuh dengan senjata jarak dekat. |
You Never Know... | Cobalah untuk membuka pintu yang terkunci 50 kali. |
Hancur | Hancurkan 50 jendela. |
Berdamai | Reach the "Leave" ending |
Lingkaran Setan | Reach the "Maria" ending |
Satu-satunya Jalan Keluar | Reach the "In Water" ending |
Menentang Bahkan Kematian | Reach the "Rebirth" ending |
Boi yang Paling Baik | Reach the "Dog" ending |
Topi Kertas Timah | Reach the "UFO" ending |
Saya Melihat Kota Itu | Selesaikan Game Baru Plus pada tingkat kesulitan apa pun. |
Radio Diam | Selesaikan permainan tanpa menggunakan radio. |
James of All Trades | Kill at least one enemy with Wooden Plank, Steel Pipe, Handgun, Shotgun and Rifle in a single playthrough. |
Potongan Tidak Diatur | Kumpulkan semua Foto Aneh dalam satu permainan. |
Arsiparis | Kumpulkan semua memo dalam satu permainan. |
Lebih Cepat Dari Kabut | Complete the game in under 10 hours. |
As Close as You Like | Selesaikan permainan tanpa membunuh musuh menggunakan senjata jarak jauh. |
Pesta Seperti Ini Tahun 2001 | Lihat semua akhiran klasik (Leave, Maria, In Water, Rebirth, Dog). |
Gema | Saksikan semua kilasan masa lalu dalam satu permainan. |
There are a total of eight possible endings in Silent Hill 2 Remake, and each has its own requirements to be unlocked. Only three specific endings ("Leave", "Maria", and "In Water") can be obtained during your first playthrough, while the rest can be unlocked during New Game Plus.
This is the "Best" ending for Silent Hill 2 Remake, as the story ends with James leaving Silent Hill with Laura in tow, having received forgiveness from Mary and realizing that he's allowed to move on. He and Laura leave Silent Hill together, and it's assumed that James adopts her as his daughter, since Mary wasn't able to.
Requirements for this ending:
Getting this ending also unlocks the 'Making Peace' achievement .
This is the designated "Bad" ending, as James instead leaves Silent Hill with Maria, having chosen her over Mary. At one point, Maria lets out a coughing fit and James acts annoyed, telling her to do something about it. He's learned nothing from his journey and Maria is likely doomed to succumb to the same illness that took Mary, the cycle beginning all over again.
Requirements for this ending:
Getting this ending also unlocks the 'Vicious Circle' achievement .
Debatably another "bad" ending, this is absolutely the most tragic ending in Silent Hill 2 Remake. After everything, James finds himself unable to move on from Mary's death and confesses that he simply can't live without her in his life. James drives his car into the depths of Toluca Lake in an attempt to reunite with Mary in death.
Requirements for this ending:
Getting this ending also unlocks the 'Only Way Out' achievement .
In this ending, after obtaining all the necessary ritual items James takes Mary's body and rows out to the island in the middle of Toluca Lake, where an old church is located. While its history is shrouded in mystery, James is determined to revive Mary using a strange ritual there, and we never know if it actually works.
Requirements for this ending:
Getting this ending also unlocks the 'Defy Even Death' achievement .
This is one of the game's two comical endings, and probably its most infamous. It has James open a door at the Lakeview Hotel to reveal a Shiba Inu dog named Mira sitting at a big computer console, controlling everything that's happened in Silent Hill up to that point.
Requirements for this ending:
Getting this ending also unlocks the 'The Goodest Boi' achievement .
The second comical ending, presented as a silent film sequence, also takes place at the Lakeview Hotel and sees aliens actually visit James along with a hilarious cameo of a character from the original game.
Requirements for this ending:
Getting this ending also unlocks the 'Tinfoil Hat' achievement .
This is the first of two new endings added in Silent Hill 2 Remake, and it acts as a sort of expansion of the "In Water" ending. As James expresses that he simply can't live without Mary, in this version she appears next to him in the car, soothing him with her touch and voice.
James asks if she'll wait for him, and Mary insists that she's "always been waiting for him". The scene ends there, likely meaning that James chooses to live instead.
Requirements for this ending:
This is the second of two new endings added in Silent Hill 2 Remake, and it essentially presents the tape scene in the Lakeview Hotel much differently. Instead of the tape showing Mary's visible symptoms of illness and her death, James stays behind the camera in their hotel room and eventually puts it down as they continue packing. He promises to bring her back to Silent Hill, and the tape ends.
In the present, James is no longer sitting in the chair, seemingly gone. It alludes that because of the change in events on the tape, Mary was never sick and thus was never killed, meaning that the events of Silent Hill 2, at least for James, never happened.
Requirements for this ending:
Be sure to check out all of our latest gaming guides and news for the Silent Hill franchise here at Pro Game Guides, such as Silent Hill the Short Message walkthrough.