DISCOtoolkit은 DISCO 데이터베이스의 데이터 및 도구에 대한 액세스를 제공하는 R 패키지입니다. 그 기능은 다음과 같습니다:
DISCOtoolkit은 다음 패키지에 의존합니다:
devtools :: install_github( " [email protected]:JinmiaoChenLab/DISCOtoolkit.git " )
library( DISCOtoolkit )
# find samples from normal lung tissue and sequenced by 10X Genomics 5' platform
# retain samples containing more than 100 Macrophages(or its children)
metadata = FilterDiscoMetadata(
sample_id = NULL ,
project_id = NULL ,
tissue = " lung " ,
disease = NULL ,
platform = c( " 10x5' " ),
sample_type = c( " control " , " adjacent normal " ),
cell_type = " Macrophage " ,
cell_type_confidence = " high " ,
include_cell_type_children = T ,
min_cell_per_sample = 100
# ## print information ###
# Fetching sample metadata
# Filtering sample
# Fetching cell type information
# Fetching ontology from DISCO database
# 18 samples and 64592 cells were found
# download filtered data into 'disco_data' folder
DownloadDiscoData( metadata , output_dir = " disco_data " )
library( DISCOtoolkit )
library( Seurat )
metadata = FilterDiscoMetadata(
sample_id = " ERX2757110 "
DownloadDiscoData( metadata , output_dir = " disco_data " )
rna = readRDS( " disco_data/ERX2757110.rds " )
rna = CreateSeuratObject( rna )
rna = NormalizeData( rna )
rna = FindVariableFeatures( rna )
rna = ScaleData( rna )
rna = RunPCA( rna )
rna = FindNeighbors( rna , dims = 1 : 10 )
rna = FindClusters( rna )
rna_average = AverageExpression( rna )
predict_ct = CELLiDCluster( rna = as.matrix( rna_average $ RNA ))
# It will download reference data and differential expression gene (DEG) data from DISCO and save them in the 'DISCOtmp' folder by default. You can reuse this data for subsequent CELLiD analyses as follow:
ref_data = readRDS( " DISCOtmp/ref_data.rds " )
ref_deg = readRDS( " DISCOtmp/ref_deg.rds " )
predict_ct = CELLiDCluster( rna = as.matrix( rna_average $ RNA ), ref_data = ref_data , ref_deg = ref_deg )
rna $ cell_type = predict_ct $ predict_cell_type_1 [as.numeric( rna $ seurat_clusters )]
rna = RunUMAP( rna , dims = 1 : 10 )
DimPlot( rna , group.by = " cell_type " , label = T )
markers = FindMarkers( rna , ident.1 = 0 , only.pos = T , logfc.threshold = 0.5 )
cellid_input = data.frame ( gene = rownames( markers ), logFC = markers $ avg_log2FC )
cellid_res = CELLiDEnrichment( cellid_input )
# also it will download 'ref_geneset.rds' in 'DISCOtmp' folder by default,
# You can reuse this data for subsequent CELLiDEnrichment analyses as follow:
ref = readRDS( " DISCOtmp/ref_geneset.rds " )
cellid_res = CELLiDEnrichment( cellid_input , reference = ref )