GPT-4가 다양한 제약 조건을 따르는 일일 회의 일정을 생성할 수 있는지 조사합니다.
승인된 강연을 포함하여 공개적으로 이용 가능한 VoxxedDays Zurich 컨퍼런스 일정 세부정보를 가져왔습니다.
? 다른 (작동하는) 접근 방식으로 후속 기사를 게시했습니다.
현재 OptaPlanner를 사용하여 다양한 제약 조건을 사용하여 일정을 생성합니다. 이 접근 방식에 대한 자세한 내용은 이 Devoxx 프레젠테이션에서 확인할 수 있습니다.
높은 제약:
중간 제약:
"from hour";"to hour";"session type";"room name"
"10:35";"11:20";Conference;Room 2
"10:35";"11:20";Conference;Room 8
"10:35";"11:20";Conference;Room 7
"10:35";"11:20";Conference;Room 3
"11:30";"12:15";Conference;Room 3
"11:30";"12:15";Conference;Room 8
"11:30";"12:15";Conference;Room 7
"11:30";"12:15";Conference;Room 2
"13:25";"14:10";Conference;Room 8
"13:25";"14:10";Conference;Room 7
"13:25";"14:10";Conference;Room 3
"13:25";"14:10";Conference;Room 2
"14:20";"15:05";Conference;Room 7
"14:20";"15:05";Conference;Room 8
"14:20";"15:05";Conference;Room 2
"14:20";"15:05";Conference;Room 3
"15:25";"16:10";Conference;Room 3
"15:25";"16:10";Conference;Room 2
"15:25";"16:10";Conference;Room 8
"15:25";"16:10";Conference;Room 7
"16:20";"17:05";Conference;Room 3
"16:20";"17:05";Conference;Room 2
"16:20";"17:05";Conference;Room 8
"16:20";"17:05";Conference;Room 7
"Talk ID";"Talk Title";"Audience Level";"Talk Sumamry";"Track Name";"Speaker Availability days";"Available from";"Available to";"Speaker names"
1411;Unit Test Your Java Architecture With ArchUnit;BEGINNER;ArchUnit is a library in the Java ecosystem that can be used to test architecture within unit tests to help structure code and prevent an unmaintainable code base. jMolecules can also be used to model architectural concepts within the code.;Development Practices;;;;Roland Weisleder
3872;Full-stack development is dead, long live full-stack development!;INTERMEDIATE;Java developers can develop web applications quickly by using frameworks such as Thymeleaf, Vaadin, and Hilla.;UI & UX;;;;Simon Martinelli
4367;Let's talk about software behaviour (BDD);BEGINNER;This session teaches you about Behaviour Driven Development and how it can be useful in software development.;Development Practices;;;;Katrin Rabow
4372;Wasmer Things: An Upside-Down Guide to WebAssembly;INTERMEDIATE;This talk is for all developers interested in learning more about WebAssembly from a low-level perspective. We will explore the WebAssembly specification, how it plugs into your own development ecosystem, and how it is similar to other compilation targets. We will also discuss why many projects are making Wasm their preferred runtime environment.;Mind the Geek;;;;Edoardo Vacchi
4505;Awesome Java applications with GraalVM and Java microservices frameworks;INTERMEDIATE;This session will explore microservices frameworks for Java applications and how to configure them for use with GraalVM Native Image for fast startup and low resource usage.;Server Side Java;;;;Alina Yurenko
4506;Resumability in the next generation frontend framework With O(1) loading time;BEGINNER;"Qwik is a JavaScript framework that uses a new render paradigm called resumability to serialize JavaScript apps into HTML without the need for the hydration technique used in meta-frameworks like Next.js. It enables us to build ""resumable apps"" with near-zero JavaScript and fine-grained lazy loading. It is not the world's first O(1) JavaScript framework. This article covers what Qwik is, how it compares to React and Angular, how to make";UI & UX;;;;Ruby Jane Cabagnot
4515;Developer Joy – How great teams get s%*t done;INTERMEDIATE;In this talk, Sven will discuss how great software teams measure and improve their developer productivity, coordinate work across teams, run microservice teams, and create a healthy and joyful engineering culture. He will share practical advice based on his experience with Atlassian and other tech companies on how to build and run a distributed architecture in the cloud, ensure observability, and keep a healthy balance between dev speed and code quality.;People & Culture;;;;Sven Peters
4521;The monolith must die! - How to convince managers;ADVANCED;We can use the DORA metrics by Google to help us evaluate when it is worth investing in a move from a monolith to microservices. We can also discuss the business view and use it as a basis for the next round of management discussions.;Architecture;;;;Anja Kunkel
4913;Keep your dependencies in check;BEGINNER;We need to stay on top of updating our applications, but doing so can take a lot of time. Luckily, there are plenty of tools that can help, from package managers to bots that can create changes on our repositories. We should evaluate these options to find the best solution for our particular situation.;Build & Deploy;;;;Marit van Dijk
4914;Monorepos - The Benefits, Challenges and Importance of Tooling Support;BEGINNER;This talk will provide clarity about monorepos, why you might want to use one, and how to set them up for success in the long run. We'll discuss what monorepos are, how they differ from other code organization approaches, and the benefits and challenges that come with using them. We'll also explore the tooling available to help create and maintain healthy monorepos.;Development Practices;;;;Juri Strumpflohner
4918;Unleash the power of your applications with Micronaut and GraalVM;BEGINNER;In this talk, Micronaut committer Álvaro Sánchez-Mariscal will demonstrate how to quickly build optimised microservices with Micronaut and GraalVM Native Image. Attendees will learn how the combination of GraalVM Native Image and Micronaut can lead to efficient and highly performant applications that can be deployed to environments like Kubernetes or serverless platforms. The talk will include a live coding demo of an application using Micronaut Data;Server Side Java;;;;Álvaro Sánchez-Mariscal
4921;From User Action to Framework Reaction: A comparison of the Reactivity Concepts in Angular, React, Vue and Svelte;INTERMEDIATE;This talk compares the different approaches Angular, React, Vue and Svelte use to implement reactivity and how this affects application programming and architecture. Live coding demos will be used to demonstrate the differences between the frameworks.;UI & UX;;;;Jonas Bandi
4929;Revisiting Design Patterns after 20;INTERMEDIATE;In this talk, attendees will learn how to use the latest improvements in Java 20 to refactor code using legacy implementations of design patterns such as Strategy, Template Method, Visitor, Command, Decorator, Builder, and more. Live demonstrations will showcase how lambdas, records, switch expressions, and other modern features can improve code design.;Java;;;;Edson Yanaga
4931;Sailing Modern Java;INTERMEDIATE;This talk will cover new features in recent Java versions, such as Pattern Matching for switch, Record Patterns, Virtual Threads, Calling native stuff, Simple Web server, what's gone and what will be gone.;Java;;;;Piotr Przybyl
4945;A Glance At The Java Performance Toolbox;BEGINNER;This talk covers the use of JDK tools to analyze and improve the performance of Java applications. It explains the different functional areas of visibility needed in Java and how the JDK tools can provide that information.;Java;;;;Ana-Maria Mihalceanu
4947;Architecture aspects - evolutionary architecture development;INTERMEDIATE;When designing new software, it is important to consider 23 architectural aspects such as persistence, communication, translations, archiving, scaling, security, exception handling, etc. An evolutionary approach can be taken to tackle these aspects incrementally and learn more about the problem to be solved, allowing us to make an optimal decision as late as possible.;Architecture;;;;Urs Enzler
5251;Enterprise Serverless Adoption. An Experience Report;BEGINNER;This talk will discuss the unique serverless adoption story at the LEGO Group, including an overview of the evolution of serverless adoption, tips on growing serverless teams, best practices, and strategies to achieve sustainability with serverless.;Architecture;;;;Sheen Brisals
5259;Respect estimates;BEGINNER;"In this talk, Donald Knuth's statement, ""Software is hard,"" will be discussed and examples of practices that are often followed, even though they are no longer needed, will be presented. These waste and cults include estimates, tests, agile meetings, and architecture of systems.";Development Practices;;;;Jarek Ratajski
5261;Game of Loom: implementation patterns and performance implications playing with virtual threads;ADVANCED;Virtual threads are a potentially great game changer in the Java ecosystem, but their benefits and costs need to be carefully weighed before being implemented in a production system.;Java;;;;Mario Fusco
5268;What We've Learned from Scanning 10K+ Kubernetes Clusters;BEGINNER;We analyzed Kubescape data to find the most common misconfigurations and vulnerabilities in Kubernetes deployments. We will explain the implications of these findings and provide simple tips on how to reduce your risk.;Security;;;;Rotem Refael
5298;Why Building Your Ship (Application) with Raw Materials is a Bad Idea!;BEGINNER;This session will discuss how to create a secure and compliant software bill of materials (SBOM) that complies with regulations and best practices, even when the source of certain code cannot be verified. It will also cover what applications are not able to use open source code, and what companies are doing to circumnavigate these tricky waters.;Security;;;;Jamie Coleman
5456;Java Next - From Amber to Loom, from Panama to Valhalla;ADVANCED;This talk is about the four big Java projects: Amber, Panama, Loom, and Valhalla. It will discuss how each project will improve the language and how they will shape Java in the years to come.;Java;;;;Nicolai Parlog
5464;Spring Modulith – Spring for the Architecturally Curious Developer;ADVANCED;This talk discusses how Spring architects can use libraries such as jMolecules and Moduliths to improve the structuring of their code and make it more maintainable.;Server Side Java;;;;Oliver Drotbohm
5487;Spring Security: The Good Parts;INTERMEDIATE;This talk will teach you how to use Spring Security to secure your applications. You will learn about the library's architecture and how to use common abstraction patterns to make your code easier to read and maintain. You will also learn about the latest features in Spring Security 6.0.;Server Side Java;;;;Daniel Garnier-Moiroux
The conference schedule in CSV format:
"from hour";"to hour";"session type";"room name"
"10:35";"11:20";Conference;Room 2
"10:35";"11:20";Conference;Room 8
"10:35";"11:20";Conference;Room 7
"10:35";"11:20";Conference;Room 3
"11:30";"12:15";Conference;Room 3
"11:30";"12:15";Conference;Room 8
"11:30";"12:15";Conference;Room 7
"11:30";"12:15";Conference;Room 2
"13:25";"14:10";Conference;Room 8
"13:25";"14:10";Conference;Room 7
"13:25";"14:10";Conference;Room 3
"13:25";"14:10";Conference;Room 2
"14:20";"15:05";Conference;Room 7
"14:20";"15:05";Conference;Room 8
"14:20";"15:05";Conference;Room 2
"14:20";"15:05";Conference;Room 3
"15:25";"16:10";Conference;Room 3
"15:25";"16:10";Conference;Room 2
"15:25";"16:10";Conference;Room 8
"15:25";"16:10";Conference;Room 7
"16:20";"17:05";Conference;Room 3
"16:20";"17:05";Conference;Room 2
"16:20";"17:05";Conference;Room 8
"16:20";"17:05";Conference;Room 7
The talks in CSV format:
"Talk ID";"Talk Title";"Audience Level";"Talk Sumamry";"Track Name";"Speaker Availability days";"Available from";"Available to";"Speaker names"
1411;Unit Test Your Java Architecture With ArchUnit;BEGINNER;ArchUnit is a library in the Java ecosystem that can be used to test architecture within unit tests to help structure code and prevent an unmaintainable code base. jMolecules can also be used to model architectural concepts within the code.;Development Practices;;;;Roland Weisleder
3872;Full-stack development is dead, long live full-stack development!;INTERMEDIATE;Java developers can develop web applications quickly by using frameworks such as Thymeleaf, Vaadin, and Hilla.;UI & UX;;;;Simon Martinelli
4367;Let's talk about software behaviour (BDD);BEGINNER;This session teaches you about Behaviour Driven Development and how it can be useful in software development.;Development Practices;;;;Katrin Rabow
4372;Wasmer Things: An Upside-Down Guide to WebAssembly;INTERMEDIATE;This talk is for all developers interested in learning more about WebAssembly from a low-level perspective. We will explore the WebAssembly specification, how it plugs into your own development ecosystem, and how it is similar to other compilation targets. We will also discuss why many projects are making Wasm their preferred runtime environment.;Mind the Geek;;;;Edoardo Vacchi
4505;Awesome Java applications with GraalVM and Java microservices frameworks;INTERMEDIATE;This session will explore microservices frameworks for Java applications and how to configure them for use with GraalVM Native Image for fast startup and low resource usage.;Server Side Java;;;;Alina Yurenko
4506;Resumability in the next generation frontend framework With O(1) loading time;BEGINNER;"Qwik is a JavaScript framework that uses a new render paradigm called resumability to serialize JavaScript apps into HTML without the need for the hydration technique used in meta-frameworks like Next.js. It enables us to build ""resumable apps"" with near-zero JavaScript and fine-grained lazy loading. It is not the world's first O(1) JavaScript framework. This article covers what Qwik is, how it compares to React and Angular, how to make";UI & UX;;;;Ruby Jane Cabagnot
4515;Developer Joy – How great teams get s%*t done;INTERMEDIATE;In this talk, Sven will discuss how great software teams measure and improve their developer productivity, coordinate work across teams, run microservice teams, and create a healthy and joyful engineering culture. He will share practical advice based on his experience with Atlassian and other tech companies on how to build and run a distributed architecture in the cloud, ensure observability, and keep a healthy balance between dev speed and code quality.;People & Culture;;;;Sven Peters
4521;The monolith must die! - How to convince managers;ADVANCED;We can use the DORA metrics by Google to help us evaluate when it is worth investing in a move from a monolith to microservices. We can also discuss the business view and use it as a basis for the next round of management discussions.;Architecture;;;;Anja Kunkel
4913;Keep your dependencies in check;BEGINNER;We need to stay on top of updating our applications, but doing so can take a lot of time. Luckily, there are plenty of tools that can help, from package managers to bots that can create changes on our repositories. We should evaluate these options to find the best solution for our particular situation.;Build & Deploy;;;;Marit van Dijk
4914;Monorepos - The Benefits, Challenges and Importance of Tooling Support;BEGINNER;This talk will provide clarity about monorepos, why you might want to use one, and how to set them up for success in the long run. We'll discuss what monorepos are, how they differ from other code organization approaches, and the benefits and challenges that come with using them. We'll also explore the tooling available to help create and maintain healthy monorepos.;Development Practices;;;;Juri Strumpflohner
4918;Unleash the power of your applications with Micronaut and GraalVM;BEGINNER;In this talk, Micronaut committer Álvaro Sánchez-Mariscal will demonstrate how to quickly build optimised microservices with Micronaut and GraalVM Native Image. Attendees will learn how the combination of GraalVM Native Image and Micronaut can lead to efficient and highly performant applications that can be deployed to environments like Kubernetes or serverless platforms. The talk will include a live coding demo of an application using Micronaut Data;Server Side Java;;;;Álvaro Sánchez-Mariscal
4921;From User Action to Framework Reaction: A comparison of the Reactivity Concepts in Angular, React, Vue and Svelte;INTERMEDIATE;This talk compares the different approaches Angular, React, Vue and Svelte use to implement reactivity and how this affects application programming and architecture. Live coding demos will be used to demonstrate the differences between the frameworks.;UI & UX;;;;Jonas Bandi
4929;Revisiting Design Patterns after 20;INTERMEDIATE;In this talk, attendees will learn how to use the latest improvements in Java 20 to refactor code using legacy implementations of design patterns such as Strategy, Template Method, Visitor, Command, Decorator, Builder, and more. Live demonstrations will showcase how lambdas, records, switch expressions, and other modern features can improve code design.;Java;;;;Edson Yanaga
4931;Sailing Modern Java;INTERMEDIATE;This talk will cover new features in recent Java versions, such as Pattern Matching for switch, Record Patterns, Virtual Threads, Calling native stuff, Simple Web server, what's gone and what will be gone.;Java;;;;Piotr Przybyl
4945;A Glance At The Java Performance Toolbox;BEGINNER;This talk covers the use of JDK tools to analyze and improve the performance of Java applications. It explains the different functional areas of visibility needed in Java and how the JDK tools can provide that information.;Java;;;;Ana-Maria Mihalceanu
4947;Architecture aspects - evolutionary architecture development;INTERMEDIATE;When designing new software, it is important to consider 23 architectural aspects such as persistence, communication, translations, archiving, scaling, security, exception handling, etc. An evolutionary approach can be taken to tackle these aspects incrementally and learn more about the problem to be solved, allowing us to make an optimal decision as late as possible.;Architecture;;;;Urs Enzler
5251;Enterprise Serverless Adoption. An Experience Report;BEGINNER;This talk will discuss the unique serverless adoption story at the LEGO Group, including an overview of the evolution of serverless adoption, tips on growing serverless teams, best practices, and strategies to achieve sustainability with serverless.;Architecture;;;;Sheen Brisals
5259;Respect estimates;BEGINNER;"In this talk, Donald Knuth's statement, ""Software is hard,"" will be discussed and examples of practices that are often followed, even though they are no longer needed, will be presented. These waste and cults include estimates, tests, agile meetings, and architecture of systems.";Development Practices;;;;Jarek Ratajski
5261;Game of Loom: implementation patterns and performance implications playing with virtual threads;ADVANCED;Virtual threads are a potentially great game changer in the Java ecosystem, but their benefits and costs need to be carefully weighed before being implemented in a production system.;Java;;;;Mario Fusco
5268;What We've Learned from Scanning 10K+ Kubernetes Clusters;BEGINNER;We analyzed Kubescape data to find the most common misconfigurations and vulnerabilities in Kubernetes deployments. We will explain the implications of these findings and provide simple tips on how to reduce your risk.;Security;;;;Rotem Refael
5298;Why Building Your Ship (Application) with Raw Materials is a Bad Idea!;BEGINNER;This session will discuss how to create a secure and compliant software bill of materials (SBOM) that complies with regulations and best practices, even when the source of certain code cannot be verified. It will also cover what applications are not able to use open source code, and what companies are doing to circumnavigate these tricky waters.;Security;;;;Jamie Coleman
5456;Java Next - From Amber to Loom, from Panama to Valhalla;ADVANCED;This talk is about the four big Java projects: Amber, Panama, Loom, and Valhalla. It will discuss how each project will improve the language and how they will shape Java in the years to come.;Java;;;;Nicolai Parlog
5464;Spring Modulith – Spring for the Architecturally Curious Developer;ADVANCED;This talk discusses how Spring architects can use libraries such as jMolecules and Moduliths to improve the structuring of their code and make it more maintainable.;Server Side Java;;;;Oliver Drotbohm
5487;Spring Security: The Good Parts;INTERMEDIATE;This talk will teach you how to use Spring Security to secure your applications. You will learn about the library's architecture and how to use common abstraction patterns to make your code easier to read and maintain. You will also learn about the latest features in Spring Security 6.0.;Server Side Java;;;;Daniel Garnier-Moiroux
Create me a conference schedule with following constraints:
1. HIGH CONSTRAINT: Talks have great educational flow
2. HIGH CONSTRAINT: Use the talk summary to decide which talks should follow each other
3. HIGH CONSTRAINT: Don't have the same tracks at the same time.
4. HIGH CONSTRAINT: A speaker can't speak at different rooms during the same time.
5. List the talk id, from/to schedule time, room name, title, speaker names, level and track name
6. Only use the listed talks!
7. Use markdown to list the generated schedule
정의되지 않은 새로운 일정 슬롯 및 TALKS를 생성합니다.
이 접근 방식에서 나는 트랙당 모든 대화를 그룹화 하고 트랙당 GPT에게 대화의 의미론적 의미를 기반으로 대화의 최적 순서를 제안하도록 요청했습니다.
또한 다음과 같은 소프트 제약 조건도 고려해 달라고 요청했습니다.
트랙별 출력은 다음과 같습니다.
Development Practices: 4367, 5259, 1411, 4914
UI & UX: 4506, 4921, 3872
Mind the Geek: 4372
Server Side Java: 4918, 4505, 5464, 5487
People & Culture: 4515
Architecture: 5251, 4947, 4521
Build & Deploy: 4913
Java: 4945, 4931, 4929, 5456, 5261
Security: 5298, 5268
트랙별로 제안된 GPT4 출력은 다음과 같습니다.
Development Practices :
Based on the factors mentioned, here is the suggested order for the talks:
1. "Let's talk about software behaviour (BDD)" (id: 4367) - This talk is a good starting point as it covers a beginner-level topic and introduces a useful concept (BDD) that can be applied in software development.
2. "Respect estimates" (id: 5259) - This talk builds on the previous one by discussing some of the common practices in software development and how they can be improved. It is still at a beginner level and provides some practical advice.
3. "Unit Test Your Java Architecture With ArchUnit" (id: 1411) - This talk introduces a more technical topic (unit testing) and is relevant to the development practices track. It also builds on the previous talk by emphasizing the importance of good testing practices.
4. "Monorepos - The Benefits, Challenges and Importance of Tooling Support" (id: 4914) - This talk is also relevant to the development practices track and introduces a more advanced topic (monorepos). It builds on the previous talk by discussing some of the challenges of managing large codebases and how monorepos can help.
The suggested order is: 4367, 5259, 1411, 4914
Therefore, the comma delimited list of talk ids is: 4367,5259,1411,4914
지금은 제안된 강연을 수동으로 가져와서 GPT-4 프롬프트에 복사했습니다.
Create me a conference schedule with following constraints:
1. HIGH CONSTRAINT: Respect the order of the talk ids. First id needs to be scheduled first etc.
2. HIGH CONSTRAINT: Don't have the same tracks at the same time.
3. List the talk id, from/to schedule time, room name, track name
4. Only use the listed talks!
5. Use markdown to list the generated schedule
The schedule to populate is :
"from hour";"to hour";"room name"
"10:35";"11:20";Room 2
"10:35";"11:20";Room 8
"10:35";"11:20";Room 7
"10:35";"11:20";Room 3
"11:30";"12:15";Room 3
"11:30";"12:15";Room 8
"11:30";"12:15";Room 7
"11:30";"12:15";Room 2
"13:25";"14:10";Room 8
"13:25";"14:10";Room 7
"13:25";"14:10";Room 3
"13:25";"14:10";Room 2
"14:20";"15:05";Room 7
"14:20";"15:05";Room 8
"14:20";"15:05";Room 2
"14:20";"15:05";Room 3
"15:25";"16:10";Room 3
"15:25";"16:10";Room 2
"15:25";"16:10";Room 8
"15:25";"16:10";Room 7
"16:20";"17:05";Room 3
"16:20";"17:05";Room 2
"16:20";"17:05";Room 8
"16:20";"17:05";Room 7
The ordered talk ids per track:
1. Development Practices: 4367, 5259, 1411, 4914
2. UI & UX: 4506, 4921, 3872
3. Mind the Geek: 4372
4. Server Side Java: 4918, 4505, 5464, 5487
5. People & Culture: 4515
6. Architecture: 5251, 4947, 4521
7. Build & Deploy: 4913
8. Java: 4945, 4931, 4929, 5456, 5261
9. Security: 5298, 5268
적어도 지금은 GPT4가 트랙별 대화 순서에 따라 일정을 만들었습니다.
그러나 "동시에 동일한 트랙을 보유하지 마십시오"라는 제약 조건이 충족되지 않는 것으로 나타났습니다.
가능하다면 추가적인 "신속한 엔지니어링"을 통해 이를 좀 더 강화해야 할 것 같습니다.
일정 정보를 간단한 행렬 표현으로 변환합니다. 플레이하기가 더 쉽고 토큰이 적습니다.
그럼 트랙과 "정렬된" 토크 ID를 살펴보겠습니다.
1. Development Practices: 4367, 5259, 1411, 4914
2. UI & UX: 4506, 4921, 3872
3. Mind the Geek: 4372
4. Server Side Java: 4918, 4505, 5464, 5487
5. People & Culture: 4515
6. Architecture: 5251, 4947, 4521
7. Build & Deploy: 4913
8. Java: 4945, 4931, 4929, 5456, 5261
9. Security: 5298, 5268
각 트랙에는 고유한 가치가 있으므로 10 = 개발 사례, 20 = UI 및 UX 등입니다.
트랙 ID 시퀀스에 10,000을 곱하고 이를 토크 ID에 추가합니다.
104367, 105259, 101411, 104914
204506, 204921, 203872
404918, 404505, 405464, 405487
605251, 604947, 604521
804945, 804931, 804929, 805456, 805261
905298, 905268
또한 가장 화제가 많은 트랙을 먼저 정렬합니다.
804945, 804931, 804929, 805456, 805261
104367, 105259, 101411, 104914
404918, 404505, 405464, 405487
204506, 204921, 203872
605251, 604947, 604521
그런데 토크 ID의 순서는 위에서 언급한 의미론적 교육 흐름을 기반으로 합니다.
이제 우리가 다룰 json 배열은 다음과 같습니다.
sortedTalks = [
{'sortedTalks': [804945, 804931, 804929, 805456, 805261]},
{'sortedTalks' : [104367, 105259, 101411, 104914]},
{'sortedTalks' : [404918, 404505, 405464, 405487]},
{'sortedTalks' : [204506, 204921, 203872]},
{'sortedTalks' : [605251, 604947, 604521]},
{'sortedTalks' : [905298, 905268]},
{'sortedTalks' : [304372]},
{'sortedTalks' : [504515]},
{'sortedTalks' : [704913]}
현재로서는 비밀 컨텍스트와 함께 다음 GPT 프롬프트를 사용하면 예상되는 결과를 얻을 수 있습니다.
"각 강연이 열별로 제공되는 순서대로 나열되는 6x4 매트릭스를 만듭니다. 각 매트릭스 행에서 강연 ID는 동일한 트랙에서 나올 수 없습니다."
다음과 같은 "완벽한" 일정을 생성했습니까?
설명된 접근 방식은 특히 대화 요약의 "교육 흐름" 분석을 통해 일일 회의에 완전히 수용 가능한 전략입니다. 그러나 추가 하드 및 소프트 제약 조건을 사용하여 이를 여러 날(예: Devoxx Belgium)로 확장하는 것은 (현재로서는) 추가 코드를 통해서만 달성할 수 있는 과제입니다.
GPT에서 제안하는 대화 순서(대화 요약의 의미 분석을 기반으로 함)는 크게 향상되었습니다. 이것을 OptaPlanner에 입력하면 두 가지 장점을 모두 누릴 수 있습니다.
새로운 OpenAI o1-mini 모델로 동일한 프롬프트를 시도했지만 여전히 운이 없습니다('24년 9월 13일).
다음은 훌륭한 교육 흐름, 대화 요약을 기반으로 한 논리적 진행, 지정된 모든 제약 사항 준수를 보장하기 위해 구성된 컨퍼런스 일정 입니다.
방 | 토크ID | 제목 | 스피커 | 수준 | 트랙 이름 |
방 2 | 1411 | ArchUnit을 사용하여 Java 아키텍처 단위 테스트 | 롤랜드 바이슬레더 | 초보자 | 개발 관행 |
방 3 | 4367 | 소프트웨어 동작(BDD)에 대해 이야기해 봅시다. | 카트린 라보우 | 초보자 | 개발 관행 |
방 7 | 3872 | 풀스택 개발은 끝났습니다. 풀스택 개발이여 만세! | 사이먼 마르티넬리 | 중급 | UI & UX |
방 8 | 4913 | 종속성을 확인하세요 | 마리트 반 다이크 | 초보자 | 구축 및 배포 |
방 | 토크ID | 제목 | 스피커 | 수준 | 트랙 이름 |
방 2 | 4521 | 사용자 작업에서 프레임워크 반응까지: Angular, React, Vue 및 Svelte의 반응성 개념 비교 | 조나스 반디 | 중급 | UI & UX |
방 3 | 4521* | 참고: 트랙이 겹치는 것을 피하세요. 이 슬롯은 고유한 트랙으로 채워집니다. | |||
방 7 | 4914 | Monorepos - 툴링 지원의 이점, 과제 및 중요성 | 주리 슈트럼프플로너 | 초보자 | 개발 관행 |
방 8 | 5251 | 엔터프라이즈 서버리스 채택. 경험 보고서 | 쉰 브리살 | 초보자 | 건축학 |
*룸 3 슬롯은 계속 사용 가능하며 필요한 경우 휴식/환영 세션을 할당받을 수 있습니다.
방 | 토크ID | 제목 | 스피커 | 수준 | 트랙 이름 |
방 2 | 4947 | 아키텍처 측면 - 진화적인 아키텍처 개발 | 우르스 엔츨러 | 중급 | 건축학 |
방 3 | 4505 | GraalVM 및 Java 마이크로서비스 프레임워크를 갖춘 멋진 Java 애플리케이션 | 알리나 유렌코 | 중급 | 서버측 자바 |
방 7 | 5259 | 견적 존중 | 야렉 라타이스키 | 초보자 | 개발 관행 |
방 8 | 4521* | 참고: 트랙이 겹치는 것을 피하세요. 2호실에는 이미 배정되어 있습니다. |
*트랙 고유성을 보장하기 위해 룸 8을 조정하고 가능한 경우 다른 트랙을 할당할 수도 있습니다.
방 | 토크ID | 제목 | 스피커 | 수준 | 트랙 이름 |
방 2 | 4515 | Developer Joy – 훌륭한 팀이 얼마나 성과를 잘 내는가 | 스벤 피터스 | 중급 | 사람과 문화 |
방 3 | 5261 | Game of Loom: 가상 스레드를 이용한 구현 패턴 및 성능 영향 | 마리오 푸스코 | 고급의 | 자바 |
방 7 | 4945 | Java 성능 도구 상자 살펴보기 | 아나-마리아 미할체아누 | 초보자 | 자바 |
방 8 | 4921 | 사용자 작업에서 프레임워크 반응까지: Angular, React, Vue 및 Svelte의 반응성 개념 비교 | 조나스 반디 | 중급 | UI & UX |
방 | 토크ID | 제목 | 스피커 | 수준 | 트랙 이름 |
방 2 | 4947* | 참고: 트랙이 겹치지 않도록 하세요. 고유한 트랙을 할당합니다. | |||
방 3 | 5464 | 스프링 모듈리스 - 건축학적으로 호기심이 많은 개발자를 위한 스프링 | 올리버 드로트봄 | 고급의 | 서버측 자바 |
방 7 | 4929 | 20세 이후의 디자인 패턴 재검토 | 에드손 야나가 | 중급 | 자바 |
방 8 | 5251* | 참고: 트랙이 겹치지 않도록 하세요. 고유한 트랙을 할당합니다. |