채팅베이스 파이썬
이것은 공식 Google 제품이 아닙니다.
$ pip install git+git://github.com/google/chatbase-python.git
계정 구성 및 API 키 획득에 대한 정보는 시작하기 섹션을 참조하세요.
from chatbase import Message
msg = Message ( api_key = "x" ,
platform = "kik" ,
version = "0.1" ,
user_id = "unique-str" ,
message = "this is a test" ,
intent = "test" )
resp = msg . send ()
from chatbase import FacebookAgentMessage , FacebookUserMessage
# Agent messages
agnMsg = FacebookAgentMessage ( api_key = "x" , intent = "y" , version = "1" , message = "a" )
# Make sure to set the recipient and message IDs
agnMsg . set_recipient_id ( "123" )
agnMsg . set_message_id ( "xyz" )
resp = agnMsg . send ()
# User messages
usrMsg = FacebookUserMessage ( api_key = "x" , intent = "y" , version = "1" , message = "a" )
# Make sure to set the recipient, sender and message IDs
usrMsg . set_recipient_id ( "123" )
usrMsg . set_sender_id ( "456" )
usrMsg . set_message_id ( "xyz" )
resp = usrMsg . send ()
from chatbase import MessageSet
# When we init the message set we can set several properties which will be
# propagated to all message created from the set!
set = MessageSet ( api_key = "x" , platform = "x" , version = "1" , user_id = "123" )
msg = set . new_message ( intent = "impress" , content = "goes to 11" )
# one can still edit the message normally and these changes will be reflected
# in the containing set
msg . user_id = "shark-sandwich"
# Message type objects can be appended:
msg2 = Message ( api_key = "x" ,
platform = "my_platform" ,
version = "0.1" ,
user_id = "unique-str" ,
message = "this is a test" ,
intent = "test" )
set . append_message ( msg2 )
# Sending the set will send all contained messages to the batch endpoint
resp = set . send ()
from chatbase import FacebookAgentMessageSet , FacebookUserMessageSet
# Agent Message Set
agnSet = FacebookAgentMessageSet ( api_key = "x" , version = "y" )
msg = agnSet . new_message ( intent = "a" , message = "b" )
# Don't forget to set the message and recipient ids
msg . set_recipient_id ( "123" )
msg . set_message_id ( "xyz" )
resp = agnSet . send ()
# User Message Set
usrSet = FacebookUserMessageSet ( api_key = "a" , version = "b" )
msg = usrSet . new_message ( intent = "c" , message = "d" )
# Don't for get to set the message, recipient and sender ids
msg . set_recipient_id ( "123" )
msg . set_sender_id ( "456" )
msg . set_message_id ( "xyz" )
resp = usrSet . send ()
디렉토리에 테스트를 배치하십시오. 테스트를 실행하려면 저장소 루트에서 다음 명령을 실행하십시오.
$ python -m unittest discover ./chatbase/tests/