데이터베이스에서 문자열을 검색/바꿉니다.
빠른 링크: 사용 | 설치 | 기여 | 지원하다
wp search-replace <old> <new> [<table>...] [--dry-run] [--network] [--all-tables-with-prefix] [--all-tables] [--export[=<file>]] [--export_insert_size=<rows>] [--skip-tables=<tables>] [--skip-columns=<columns>] [--include-columns=<columns>] [--precise] [--recurse-objects] [--verbose] [--regex] [--regex-flags=<regex-flags>] [--regex-delimiter=<regex-delimiter>] [--regex-limit=<regex-limit>] [--format=<format>] [--report] [--report-changed-only] [--log[=<file>]] [--before_context=<num>] [--after_context=<num>]
선택한 테이블의 모든 행을 검색하고 첫 번째 문자열의 모양을 두 번째 문자열로 바꿉니다.
기본적으로 이 명령은 $wpdb
개체에 등록된 테이블을 사용합니다. 다중 사이트에서는 --network
지정되지 않는 한 현재 사이트의 테이블이 됩니다.
검색/바꾸기는 PHP 직렬화된 데이터를 지능적으로 처리하며 기본 키 값을 변경하지 않습니다.
<old> A string to search for within the database. <new> Replace instances of the first string with this new string. [<table>...] List of database tables to restrict the replacement to. Wildcards are supported, e.g. `'wp_*options'` or `'wp_post*'`. [--dry-run] Run the entire search/replace operation and show report, but don't save changes to the database. [--network] Search/replace through all the tables registered to $wpdb in a multisite install. [--all-tables-with-prefix] Enable replacement on any tables that match the table prefix even if not registered on $wpdb. [--all-tables] Enable replacement on ALL tables in the database, regardless of the prefix, and even if not registered on $wpdb. Overrides --network and --all-tables-with-prefix. [--export[=<file>]] Write transformed data as SQL file instead of saving replacements to the database. If <file> is not supplied, will output to STDOUT. [--export_insert_size=<rows>] Define number of rows in single INSERT statement when doing SQL export. You might want to change this depending on your database configuration (e.g. if you need to do fewer queries). Default: 50 [--skip-tables=<tables>] Do not perform the replacement on specific tables. Use commas to specify multiple tables. Wildcards are supported, e.g. `'wp_*options'` or `'wp_post*'`. [--skip-columns=<columns>] Do not perform the replacement on specific columns. Use commas to specify multiple columns. [--include-columns=<columns>] Perform the replacement on specific columns. Use commas to specify multiple columns. [--precise] Force the use of PHP (instead of SQL) which is more thorough, but slower. [--recurse-objects] Enable recursing into objects to replace strings. Defaults to true; pass --no-recurse-objects to disable. [--verbose] Prints rows to the console as they're updated. [--regex] Runs the search using a regular expression (without delimiters). Warning: search-replace will take about 15-20x longer when using --regex. [--regex-flags=<regex-flags>] Pass PCRE modifiers to regex search-replace (e.g. 'i' for case-insensitivity). [--regex-delimiter=<regex-delimiter>] The delimiter to use for the regex. It must be escaped if it appears in the search string. The default value is the result of `chr(1)`. [--regex-limit=<regex-limit>] The maximum possible replacements for the regex per row (or per unserialized data bit per row). Defaults to -1 (no limit). [--format=<format>] Render output in a particular format. --- default: table options: - table - count --- [--report] Produce report. Defaults to true. [--report-changed-only] Report changed fields only. Defaults to false, unless logging, when it defaults to true. [--log[=<file>]] Log the items changed. If <file> is not supplied or is "-", will output to STDOUT. Warning: causes a significant slow down, similar or worse to enabling --precise or --regex. [--before_context=<num>] For logging, number of characters to display before the old match and the new replacement. Default 40. Ignored if not logging. [--after_context=<num>] For logging, number of characters to display after the old match and the new replacement. Default 40. Ignored if not logging.
# Search and replace but skip one column $ wp search-replace 'http://example.test' 'http://example.com' --skip-columns=guid # Run search/replace operation but dont save in database $ wp search-replace 'foo' 'bar' wp_posts wp_postmeta wp_terms --dry-run # Run case-insensitive regex search/replace operation (slow) $ wp search-replace '[foo id="([0-9]+)"' '[bar id="1"' --regex --regex-flags='i' # Turn your production multisite database into a local dev database $ wp search-replace --url=example.com example.com example.test 'wp_*options' wp_blogs wp_site --network # Search/replace to a SQL file without transforming the database $ wp search-replace foo bar --export=database.sql # Bash script: Search/replace production to development url (multisite compatible) #!/bin/bash if $(wp --url=http://example.com core is-installed --network); then wp search-replace --url=http://example.com 'http://example.com' 'http://example.test' --recurse-objects --network --skip-columns=guid --skip-tables=wp_users else wp search-replace 'http://example.com' 'http://example.test' --recurse-objects --skip-columns=guid --skip-tables=wp_users fi
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