현재 프로젝트 작업이 중단되었습니다. 지속적인 모듈 및 사이트 업데이트로 인해 많은 기능이 더 이상 작동하지 않습니다.
앞으로는 코드도 엉망이므로 전체 프로젝트를 다시 만들 수도 있습니다.
Semid는 다양한 Discord 기능과 OSINT 모듈을 갖춘 프레임워크입니다.
현재 이 작업은 아직 개발 중이지만 모듈은 계속 추가되고 있습니다.
자식 클론 세미드 pip 설치 -r 요구사항.txt
python -m semid $ help SEMID HELP MENU CommandName Args Kwargs Description use Module::Function Function Arguments Use a built in function modules Lists all availabe modules cls Clears the console. help Shows this menu. $ use github::search -u Himatric | Username: Himatric | Name: Hima | Bio: i code or something | Email: None | Twitter: None | Location: None
=> modules SEMID ALL MODULES Module Name Function Name Description tiktok search Searches through a users tiktok profile and through all their videos for information such as discord tag, email and phone number. socials search Searches for a users social media by the username provided. Currently only looks for linktree, but will be updated shortly playstation searchusername Sends a request to PS Resolver's api which returns an IP Address if found playstation searchip Sends a request to PS Resolver's api and gets Username if one is found. discord tokeninfo Gets all information about the token by sending requests to the discord api. discord tokenonliner Makes all the tokens from a provided file online by connecting them directly to Discord's websocket. discord scrapechannel Scrapes messages from a discord channel and outputs them in a file/console discord disabletoken Disables the given token by sending invalid requests to the discord api. doxbin search Searches provided username on doxbin and returns the urls if found. twitter search Scrapes twitter forgot password page and returns twitter account + email/phone if found. github search Sends a requests to the github api with given username, and returns all info about the account.
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