참고: Saleae Logic 버전 2는 내장된 SPI 분석기 내보내기 기능을 중단합니다. 즉, sniffROM은 현재 Logic 버전 1.x에서 내보낸 데이터에만 작동합니다.
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usage: [-h] [--addrlen [{2,3,4}]] [--endian [{msb,lsb}]]
[--filter [{r,w}]] [-o [O]] [--summary] [--data-map]
[--timing-plot] [-v]
sniffROM - Reconstructs flash memory contents and extracts other data from
passively sniffed commands in a Saleae logic analyzer capture file. Currently
supports SPI and I2C flash chips.
positional arguments:
input_file Saleae Logic SPI or I2C Analyzer Export File (.csv)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--addrlen [{2,3,4}] set length of SPI memory address in bytes (default: 3)
--endian [{msb,lsb}] set endianness of SPI memory bytes (default: msb)
--filter [{r,w}] analyze only Read or Write commands (default: both)
-o [O] flash image output file name (default: output.bin)
--summary print summary of sniffed commands and metadata
--data-map show visual data map
--timing-plot show timing analysis
-v increase verbosity (up to -vvv)