3.js에서 VRM을 사용하십시오
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당신은 필요할 것입니다 :
Ones는 ESM입니다. 그렇지 않으면 UMD이며 모듈을 Global THREE
에 주입합니다..min
JSDELIVR과 같은 CDN을 통해 모든 종속성을 가져올 수 있습니다.
< script type =" importmap " >
"imports" : {
"three" : "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/build/three.module.js" ,
"three/addons/" : "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/examples/jsm/" ,
"@pixiv/three-vrm" : "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@pixiv/three-vrm@3/lib/three-vrm.module.min.js"
</ script >
< script type =" module " >
import * as THREE from 'three' ;
import { GLTFLoader } from 'three/addons/loaders/GLTFLoader.js' ;
import { VRMLoaderPlugin } from '@pixiv/three-vrm' ;
// ... Setup renderer, camera, scene ...
// Create a GLTFLoader - The loader for loading VRM models
const loader = new GLTFLoader ( ) ;
// Install a GLTFLoader plugin that enables VRM support
loader . register ( ( parser ) => {
return new VRMLoaderPlugin ( parser ) ;
} ) ;
loader . load (
// URL of the VRM you want to load
'/models/VRM1_Constraint_Twist_Sample.vrm' ,
// called when the resource is loaded
( gltf ) => {
// retrieve a VRM instance from gltf
const vrm = gltf . userData . vrm ;
// add the loaded vrm to the scene
scene . add ( vrm . scene ) ;
// deal with vrm features
console . log ( vrm ) ;
} ,
// called while loading is progressing
( progress ) => console . log ( 'Loading model...' , 100.0 * ( progress . loaded / progress . total ) , '%' ) ,
// called when loading has errors
( error ) => console . error ( error ) ,
) ;
// ... Perform the render loop ...
</ script >
3.js에 익숙하지 않은 경우 Three.js 문서를 참조하십시오 : https://threejs.org/docs/#manual/en/introduction/creating-a-scene
전체 코드의 예를 참조하십시오 : https://github.com/pixiv/three-vrm/blob/release/packages/three-vrm/examples/basic.html
및 @pixiv/three-vrm
npm install three @pixiv/three-vrm
V3에서 시작하여 WebGpurenderer 호환성을 제공합니다. WebGpurenderer와 함께 3VRM을 사용하려면 MToonMaterialLoaderPlugin
의 materialType
옵션을 위해 WebGPU 호환 MToonNodeMaterial
은 3.js r167 이상을 지원합니다. 3.JS의 Nodemateial 시스템은 여전히 개발 중이므로 3VRM의 다른 부분보다 3.js의 이전 버전과 호환성을 깨뜨릴 수 있습니다.
import { GLTFLoader } from 'three/addons/loaders/GLTFLoader.js' ;
import { MToonMaterialLoaderPlugin , VRMLoaderPlugin } from '@pixiv/three-vrm' ;
import { MToonNodeMaterial } from '@pixiv/three-vrm/nodes' ;
// ... Setup renderer, camera, scene ...
// Create a GLTFLoader
const loader = new GLTFLoader ( ) ;
// Register a VRMLoaderPlugin
loader . register ( ( parser ) => {
// create a WebGPU compatible MToonMaterialLoaderPlugin
const mtoonMaterialPlugin = new MToonMaterialLoaderPlugin ( parser , {
// set the material type to MToonNodeMaterial
materialType : MToonNodeMaterial ,
} ) ;
return new VRMLoaderPlugin ( parser , {
// Specify the MToonMaterialLoaderPlugin to use in the VRMLoaderPlugin instance
mtoonMaterialPlugin ,
} ) ;
} ) ;
// ... Load the VRM and perform the render loop ...
전체 코드의 예를 참조하십시오 : https://github.com/pixiv/three-vrm/blob/release/packages/three-vrm/examples/webgpu-dnd.html
참조 : 기고 .md