C# Reactive Library 및 Unity Development를위한 도구 세트를 나타내는 Unity 패키지.
이 툴셋은 여러 부분으로 구성됩니다.
Zergrush.reactive는 Unirx의 더 나은 대안이되도록 설계된 반응 라이브러리입니다. 주요 목표는 게임/UI 상태의 복잡한 논리 종속성 및 모든 종류의 "주 관찰자"를 관리하는 것입니다. 다음 부분으로 구성됩니다.
Zergrush.codegen은 데이터 모델에 다양한 기능을 추가 할 수있는 코드 생성 도구입니다. 예를 들어 다음과 같이 추가 할 수 있습니다.
Zergrush.utils 위의 라이브러리의 일반적인 gamedev 작업 및 확장을위한 variuos 도구 컬렉션.
현재 설치 프로세스는 다음과 같습니다.
패키지 관리자> + (버튼)> git url에서 패키지 추가 ...
프로젝트에 newTonsoft.json-for-Unity가없는 경우 먼저 설치하십시오.
그런 다음 URL 로이 패키지를 설치하십시오.
Zergrush.reactive의 첫 번째 부분은 EventStream입니다
public interface IEventStream < out T > : IEventStream
IDisposable Subscribe ( Action < T > callback ) ;
보시다시피 업데이트를 받기 위해 구독 할 수있는 간단한 이벤트를 나타냅니다. 일반적으로 귀하의 행동은 서브 라이션 프로세스 중에 호출되지 않습니다. 주요 구현 EventStream은 "send ()"이벤트를 허용합니다.
구독 메소드를 반환 할 수 있습니다. idisposable "Connection"객체. 배치 된 경우이 연결은 더 이상 평가되지 않으며 그 후 초기 콜백이 호출되지 않습니다. 이것에 대한 가장 좋은 usecase 중 하나는 자동 처분을위한 연결 객체를 수집하는 것이므로 "구독 취소"를 잊지 않을 것입니다.
class DogModel
EventStream injured ;
EventStream < string > spokeSomething ;
class MyView : ConnectableMonoBehaviour
void Start ( )
// those connections is just a list of IDisposables that will be auto-disposed in OnDestroy callback
connections += dogModel . injured . Subscribe ( ShowBloodSpashes ) ;
// Subscribe extension allowing pass connections as first argument
dogModel . spokeSomething . Subscribe ( connections , ShowTextBubble ) ;
void ShowBloodSpashes ( ) { .. . }
void ShowTetBubble ( string text ) { .. . }
이벤트 스트림은 필터링, 변환 및 병합 될 수 있습니다. 이와 같이..
// The only real stream allowing to send values
EventStream < int > streamOfNumbers = new EventStream < int > ( ) ;
// Subscribe to this stream and you will receive only event number events sent with streamOfNumbers.
IEventStream < int > streamOfEvenNumbers = streamOfNumbers . Filter ( i => IsEven ( i ) ) ;
// Same with odd numbers.
IEventStream < int > streamOfOddNumbers = streamOfNumbers . Filter ( i => IsOdd ( i ) ) ;
// Here you will receive strings created from numbers
IEventStream < string > streamOfSomeStrings = streamOfEvenNumbers . Map ( i => i . ToString ( ) ) ;
// Here you will receive events from both streams
IEventStream < int > mergedStreamOfNumbers = streamOfEvenNumbers . MergeWith ( streamOfOddNumbers ) ;
그러나 게임 개발에서 도서관의 가장 유용한 부분은 셀입니다.
public interface ICell < out T >
IDisposable ListenUpdates ( Action < T > reaction ) ;
T value { get ; }
셀의 기본 API는 다음과 같습니다.
var moneyCount = new Cell < int > ( ) ;
moneyCount . ListenUpdates ( v => Debug . Log ( $" Money changed to { v } " ) ) ;
moneyCount . value = 10 ;
// It is important that all cell api guerantee that setting same value won't trigger update callback
moneyCount . value = 10 ; // Log won't be trigered
var imRich = moneyCount . Select ( m => m > 100 ) ;
시간이 바뀌는 값을 나타냅니다. 그리고 게임 데이터를 나타내는 데 완벽하게 맞습니다.
class Item
public Cell < int > hpBonus ;
public void Upgrade ( ) => hpBonus . value ++ ;
class Weapon
public Cell < int > damage ;
partial class PlayerData
public Cell < int > money ;
public Cell < int > hp ;
public Cell < int > baseMaxHp ;
public void LevelUp ( )
baseMaxHp . value ++ ;
hp . value = maxHpTotal . value ;
public ReactiveCollection < Item > items ;
public Cell < Weapon > selectedWeapon ;
public void EquipWeapon ( Weapon w ) => selectedWeapon . value = w ;
// Join is the most important operator that transforms ICell<ICell<T>> to just ICell<T>
// That is the core mechanic of cell transformation and
// the one that allows to collapse all dependency layers into one
public ICell < int > damage => selectedWeapon . Map ( w => w . damage ) . Join ( ) ;
// you can use transform api to compose new properties without loosing of its dependancies
// Look how total maxHp is calculated
public ICell < int > maxHpFromItems => items . Map ( i => i . hpBonus ) . ToCellOfCollection ( ) . Map ( itemBuffs => itemBuffs . Sum ( ) ) ;
public ICell < int > maxHpTotal => baseMaxHp . Merge ( maxHpFromItems , ( hp1 , hp2 ) => hp1 + hp2 ) ;
public ICell < float > relativeHp => hp . Merge ( maxHpTotal , ( hp , maxHp ) => hp / ( float ) maxHp ) ;
public ICell < bool > isWounded => relativeHp . Select ( value => value < 0.5f ) ;
이 코드가 충분히 명확하기를 바랍니다
* To generate code press Shift + Alt + C in unity, or "Code Gen" > "Run CodeGen" from menu
* Some time it is difficult to refactor code because of other generated code
* And new code can be generated only if program is fully compiled, that is IMPORTANT!!!
* Use "Code Gen" > "Generate Stubs" or Shift + Alt + S to generate stub code before or during your refactor
* And when you program is compilable generate code normal way again
* Versioning is not supported for BinarySerialization by now
* Json serialization is not very sensitive for versions
* Code generation starts with defining tag with task enum value describing which functionality we want to generate
* The simplest one is the following...
[ GenTask (
GenTaskFlags . Serialization | // Fast binary serialize/deserialize methods
GenTaskFlags . JsonSerialization | // Json serialize/deserialize methods
GenTaskFlags . Hash | // Fast hash code calculation
GenTaskFlags . UpdateFrom | // Deep copy optimized for copying into other created similar model
GenTaskFlags . CompareChech | // Function that prints all differences between two models into error log
GenTaskFlags . DefaultConstructor | // Generate Constructor that constructs all class type fields with defaults
GenTaskFlags . PolymorphicConstruction // Allows to save ancestor as base class values as fields or in containers
) ]
// All generated code will be placed into "x_generated" folder
[ GenInLocalFolder ]
public partial class CodeGenSamples : ISerializable
// All fields are automatically included
int intField ;
// All properties are not included by default
string stringPropWithoutTagNotIncluded { get ; set ; }
// You need to specify which properties to include with GenInclude tag
[ GenInclude ] string stringProp { get ; set ; }
// You can ignore some fields with GenIgnoreTag
[ GenIgnore ] int someTempIgnoredField ;
// all ref type fields considered not null by default, if null expect exception during generated function calls
string stringFieldMustNotBeNull ;
// Use CanBeNull tag for fields that can be null so code for this case will be generated
[ CanBeNull ] string stringFieldThatCanBeNull ;
// Extension methods for external classes used in generated classes will be generated.
// But extension methods can't access private members, so be careful with that
ExternalClass externalClass ;
Vector3 vector ;
// Other generated objects can be included
[ CanBeNull ] OtherData otherData ;
// You can ignore specific parts of code generation, for example if you do not want default construction of this field
[ GenIgnore ( GenTaskFlags . DefaultConstructor ) ]
OtherData otherData2 ;
List < int > listsOfPrimitivesAreOk ;
List < OtherData > listsOfDataAreOk ;
int [ ] arraysAreOk ;
// Dictionaries are supported but not for deep copy (UpdateFrom) for now...
[ GenIgnore ( GenTaskFlags . UpdateFrom ) ] Dictionary < int , OtherData > dictsAreOk ;
[ GenIgnore ( GenTaskFlags . UpdateFrom ) ] Dictionary < int , List < List < string > > > complexStructuresAreAlsoOk ;
[ GenIgnore ] int [ , ] multyDimArraysAreNotSupported ;
// ZergRush.Reactive primitives are supported
Cell < OtherData > reactiveValue ;
ReactiveCollection < int > reactiveCollections ;
[ GenIgnore ( GenTaskFlags . DefaultConstructor ) ]
public List < CodeGenSamples > ancestorArray = new List < CodeGenSamples >
// because of PolymorphicConstruction, Ancestor class will be serialized in right way
new Ancestor ( )
} ;
static void HowToUse ( )
var data = new CodeGenSamples ( ) ;
// json serialize
string jsonData = data . SaveToJsonString ( ) ;
// binary serialize
byte [ ] binaryData = data . SaveToBinary ( ) ;
// json deserialize
data = jsonData . LoadFromJsonString < CodeGenSamples > ( ) ;
// binary deserialize
var data2 = binaryData . LoadFromBinary < CodeGenSamples > ( ) ;
// deep copy data2 into data
data . UpdateFrom ( data2 ) ;
// compare data hashes
if ( data . CalculateHash ( ) != data2 . CalculateHash ( ) )
// and check for differences if hashes are not equal
data . CompareCheck ( data2 , new Stack < string > ( ) ) ;
// polymorphic construction example
var ancestor = CreatePolymorphic ( ( ushort ) Types . Ancestor ) ;
// All class tags are inhereted, so its handy to create one base class for you model classes with all tags you want
[ GenInLocalFolder ]
public partial class Ancestor : CodeGenSamples
public int fields ;
[ GenTask ( GenTaskFlags . SimpleDataPack ) ]
[ GenInLocalFolder ]
public partial class OtherData
public int someData ;
[ GenInLocalFolder ]
public class ExternalClass
public int somePublicField ;
// private fields are not included in extension methods generation
int somePrivateField ;