작은 휴대용 오디오 변환기 (WAV FLAC MP3 OGG APE)
바이너리 다운로드 : http://sector-seven.com/software/flicflac
이는 WAV, FLAC, MP3, APE, OGG, M4A 및 AAC 파일을 다른 형식 (입력 형식으로 만 지원되는 M4A 및 AAC 제외)으로 변환하는 간단한 유틸리티입니다.
이러한 외부 명령 줄 인코더/디코더 (패키지에 포함)를 사용합니다.
flac.exe (FLAC Converter) -Flac -Win.zip
Lame.exe (MP3 Converter) - Lame Release 번들
Oggenc.exe 및 Oggdec.exe (OGG Converter)
mac.exe (APE 변환기)
faad.exe (M4A 및 AAC 변환기)
이 패키지를 재분배하는 경우이 인코더의 라이센스를 참조하십시오.
첫 번째 실행에서 FLICFLAC는 필요한 경우 약간의 작은 구성을 수행 할 수있는 작은 INI 파일을 생성하고 필요한 5 개의 컨버터를 Windows Temp 디렉토리 (flac.exe, lame.exe, oggenc.exe, ooggdec에 저장합니다. exe and faad.exe).
형식 버튼 중 하나를 눌러 변환 형식을 선택하십시오.
선택 버튼을 눌러 변환 할 파일을 선택하십시오.
형식 버튼 중 하나를 눌러 변환 형식을 선택하십시오.
파일이나 폴더를 선택 버튼으로 드래그하십시오.
파일 또는 폴더를 형식 버튼 중 하나로 드래그합니다.
파일을 마우스 오른쪽 버튼으로 클릭하고 flicflac으로 변환을 선택하십시오.
이것은 단일 파일에서만 작동합니다.
설정 메뉴를 통해 컨텍스트 메뉴 통합 활성화/비활성화.
기본적으로 Flicflac 은이 메소드를 사용할 때 변환 후 종료됩니다. INI 파일에서 변경 될 수 있습니다.
F8 또는 마우스 오른쪽 클릭 키 (앱)를 눌러 키보드를 통해 설정 메뉴를 활성화하거나 GUI의 어디에서나 마우스 오른쪽 버튼을 클릭하여 활성화 할 수 있습니다.
FLAC 파일은 기본 FLAC 설정 (중간 압축, 중간 속도)으로 인코딩됩니다.
MP3 파일은 기본값 192kbps로 인코딩됩니다. 인코딩 모드 (CBR/VBR) 및 비트 레이트는 INI 파일을 통해 구성 할 수 있습니다.
사전 설정은 쉬운 액세스 메뉴로 제공됩니다.
사전 설정 메뉴는 INI 파일로 구성 할 수 있습니다.
OGG 파일은 품질 설정 5로 인코딩됩니다 (0-10의 척도)
APE 파일은 압축 수준이 2000으로 인코딩됩니다 (1000-2000 규모)
OGG 및 MP3 파일은 ID3 태그 정보로 인코딩됩니다.
노래 제목 = 파일 이름
연도 = 현재 연도
아티스트 = INI 파일에서 가져 왔습니다
기본 변환 (한 단계) :
wav2mp3 wav to mp3 (Lame)
mp32wav mp3 to wav (Lame)
flac2wav flac to wav (FLAC)
wav2flac wav to FLAC (FLAC)
wav2ogg wav to ogg (Oggenc)
flac2ogg wav to flac (oggenc)
wav2ape wav to ape (mac)
ape2wav Ape to Wav (Mac)
m4a2wav m4a to wav (FAAD)
aac2wav aac to wav (FAAD)
하이브리드 변환 (두 단계) :
flac2mp3 flac to wav (FLAC) 그런 다음 Wav to Mp3 (Lame)
flac2ape flac to wav (FLAC) 다음 wav to ape (mac)
mp32flac mp3 to wav (Lame) 그런 다음 FLAC (FLAC)를 wav
mp32ogg mp3 to wav (Lame) 그런 다음 wav to ogg (Oggenc)
mp32ape mp3 to wav (Lame) 그런 다음 Ape to Ape (Mac)
OGG2MP3 OGG TO WAV (OGGDEC) 그런 다음 MP3를 wav (Lame)
ape2mp3 Ape to Wav (Mac) 그런 다음 mp3를 wav (Lame)
Ape2ogg Ape to Wav (Mac) 다음 wav to ogg (Oggenc)
Ape2flac Ape to Wav (Mac) 다음 FLAC로 WAV (FLAC)
m4a2flac m4a to wav (FAAD) 그런 다음 Wav to FLAC (FLAC)
m4a2mp3 m4a to wav (faad) 그런 다음 wav to mp3 (lame)
m4a2ogg m4a to wav (faad) 그런 다음 wav to ogg (ooggenc)
m4a2ape m4a to wav (FAAD) 다음 wav to ape (mac)
aac2mp3 aac to wav (faad) 그런 다음 웨이브 to mp3 (lame)
aac2ogg aac to wav (FAAD) 그런 다음 aac2ogg aac to ogg (Oggenc)
aac2ape aac to wav (FAAD) 다음 웨이브 to ape (mac)
MP3 비트 전송률 변환
또한 다른 비트 전송률로 변환하기 위해 MP3에서 MP3에서 지원합니다.
이 코드는 MIT 라이센스에 따라 해제됩니다. Flicflac은 오디오 파일 인코딩을 위해 외부 코덱을 사용합니다. 해당 라이센스를 참조하십시오.
Jastria Rahmat (ijash) - 아이콘
2022 10 28 - 1.11 Updated: MP3 encoder (lame.exe) to version 3.100.1 2020 04 17 - 1.10 Added : Support for AAC and M4A (input only) using faad Fixed : Run as Administrator when enabling/disabling shell integration Changed: Links in About dialog 2016 02 27 - 1.03 Changed: Icon, courtesy of Jastria Rahmat (ijash) Changed: License to MIT Updated: Some minor code tweaks to support newer AutoHotkey version Updated: UI to allow use of Windows theme and act as a tool window 2013 08 16 - 1.02 Changed: MP3 to MP3 conversion will no longer offer to delete the input file 2011 03 09 - 1.01 Added : Support for MP3 to MP3 conversion (bitrate change). Changed: About dialog. 2011 01 07 - 1.00 Added : Support for Monkey's Audio APE format 2010 12 14 - 0.36 Fixed : Shell integration did not work in some cases. Updated: Shell integration now sensitive to UAC. Changed: Minor GUI changes to better fit Windows 7 Changed: Default ID3 artist in INI file is now empty Updated: Lame MP3 version to 3.98.4 2009 10 06 - 0.32 Updated: Lame version to 3.98.2. 2009 06 22 - 0.31 Changed: Recompiled with AutoHotkey due to AVG reporting false positive with older AHK version. 2009 06 09 - 0.30 Added : Configuration in INI to enable/disable flat buttons. (thanks Dr. Drips). 2008 12 11 - 0.29 Fixed : Context menu integration was installed on startup even without user request. Also caused the "Disable Shell Integration" option to be temporary, until the next time you use FlicFlac. Removed: "Open folder when done" checkbox. Now resides in the INI file only. Added : "Always on top" checkbox. Added : Option in INI to choose if you want the window to start inactive or not, when Always on Top is enabled. 2008 12 09 - 0.28 Added : Context menu integration. May be enabled or disabled from the settings menu. Currently supports only single files. No support for multi-files selection or folders. When a conversion is done through the context menu, FlicFlac will exit when its done (may be changed in the INI file). 2008 12 03 - 0.27 Fixed : Ogg encoders were not cleaned on exit. Fixed : Ogg encoders were not tested for existence. Added : DebugMode - if enabled, will log actions to file and (optionally) avoid execution of conversions and deletions. Changed: Executables will no longer be oeverwritten in the temp folder. Improves loading time (was broken in 0.26). Added : Temp folder location is now configurable. Added : CleanupOnExit is now configurable (allows to delete the encoders on exit). Added : All encoder options are now configurable. 2008 12 03 - 0.26 Added : Support for OGG files using OggTools 1.0.1 Changed: Buttons to flat 2008 08 31 - 0.25 Changed: Minor maintenance release - removed tray icon. 2008 06 03 - 0.24 Fixed : GUI did not look right in some XP theme settings (thanks patto). 2008 06 01 - 0.23 Added : Custom dialog boxes for delete confirmation and overwrite confirmation. We will now have "Yes to All" and "No to All" dialogs. Added : The files that were not converted due to a "No" answer to an overwrite confirmation request, will be displayed in a message box at the end of the conversion cycle. Changed: Default value for ConfirmBeforeDelete key in INI now includes all three formats, for consistency (since we now have the yes/no to all dialog). 2008 05 31 - 0.22 Added : We will now remember the last selected format (thanks Tom de Rooy). 2008 05 30 - 0.21 Added : Configuration in INI file to confirm before deleting or overwriting certain file types. By default, we will ask before we delete or overwrite FLAC and WAV. Added : A menu for some common operations. Added : Menu item: Open INI. Will start the INI with your default INI editor and wait for you to close it. Then, if it was changed, we will reload ourselves. Added : Sub menu: MP3 encoding presets. The menu elements are completely customizable in the INI file and the last used preset is stored in the INI. Selecting "Custom" will use the settings you have configured in the INI keys (MP3->Mode, CBRKbps, VBRLevel, VBRRate). Changed: When using one of the double conversions (e.g. FLAC2MP3) we will now use a temporary filename for the temporary output instead of using the same filename (to avoid accidental overwrite). 2008 05 29 - 0.20 Added : Support for FLAC2MP3 conversion (thanks teknocide & Weird Energy). This will first do FLAC2WAV then WAV2MP3 since we are using two separate encoders. Added : Support for MP32WAV and MP32FLAC Added : Error message dialog, in case the encoder returns an error code. This is done for two reasons: a) to capture bad behavior done by the external encoders (e.g. attempting to convert ding.wav at 192kbps fails by LAME, but for some reason it still generates an empty MP3 file) and b) to make sure that if we are asked to delete the input file, we got a good exit code from the encoder. Added : Some configuration in the INI file to control how we handle errors. Added : Verification code to make sure we have an up to date INI file. In case an INI file from an older version is found, an option to automatically update it is provided. Changed: The way we delete source files. Instead of letting the encoder delete the source with a command line switch, we will delete it ourselves if the encoder returned a success exit code. This was changed in order to be more generic (for encoders that do not support deletion of input file). Changed: Significant changes to internal conversion functions and to the GUI Changed: !!! IMPORTANT !!! Delete Input File checkbox is now working the same in all file formats (i.e. we will also delete FLAC and WAV files when it is checked). 2008 05 28 - 0.14 Added : Support for VBR encoding for MP3 (thanks Tom de Rooy). 2008 05 28 - 0.13 Fixed : Dragging over non-button control was still attempting to convert. No damage was done, since we did not know which conversion to do, but the regex code was inaccurate. Added : Check for correct windows coordinates on startup (was done only on shutdown by mistake). Added : The state of the two checkboxes is now also remembered in the INI. Added : Drag and drop support for folders. Changed: Some internal code changes. Changed: Hot character for the buttons to be consistent (now all are set to the target format). 2008 05 28 - 0.12 Added : Support for WAV2MP3 conversion, using LAME. Added : Support for dragging files on the buttons (thanks patto). Added : INI file - to remember last folder, last window coordinates and to set MP3 quality and artist ID3 tag. Changed: Status text to marquee progress. Changed: We will no longer erase the converters executables from the windows temporary folder, in order to allow a faster load time. 2008 05 27 - 0.11 Fixed : Names with spaces were not supported... 2008 05 27 - 0.10 Initial Release