MegaHAL é um chatterbot de aprendizagem.
Você pode executá-lo como um aplicativo de linha de comando ou incorporá-lo em seu próprio aplicativo e fazer chamadas por meio de uma API simples. Por exemplo, veja o repositório megahal-server, que permite conversar com MegaHAL online.
Ele é construído sobre Sooth, um modelo preditivo estocástico simples.
Esta nova versão do MegaHAL foi escrita em homenagem ao original, que escrevi há cerca de vinte anos. No final das contas, a versão Ruby tem uma fração do tamanho da versão C original.
O registro mais antigo que tenho do MegaHAL é uma postagem da USENET de 30 de abril de 1995, que está reproduzida no final deste README.
Executar a versão de linha de comando do MegaHAL é simples:
> gem install megahal
> megahal
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| # # ###### #### ## # # ## # |
| ## ## # # # # # # # # # # |
| # ## # ##### # # # ###### # # # |
| # # # # ### ###### # # ###### # |
| # # # # # # # # # # # # |
| # # ###### #### # # # # # # ###### |
| |
| Type "/help" for options and "/quit" to terminate. |
Greetings and salutations to thee and thine.
Se você digitar /help
no prompt, será apresentado um menu:
1. cancel
2. reset
3. brain
4. train
5. load
6. save
7. ignore
8. quit
Faça uma seleção digitando o número ou o nome do item de menu:
: voltar sem fazer uma seleçãoreset
: limpe o cérebro do MegaHAL, restaurando-o a uma lousa em brancobrain
: escolha entre uma série de personalidades existentes (veja abaixo)train
: forneça ao MegaHAL um arquivo de texto simples para aprenderload
: carrega um cérebro salvo anteriormente de um arquivosave
: salva o cérebro MegaHAL atual em um arquivoignore
: evita que o MegaHAL aprenda com a entrada do usuário; isso é bom se você quiser conversar sem introduzir alterações no cérebroquit
: sai imediatamente do MegaHAL, perdendo todas as alterações não salvas Se você selecionar o item de menu brain
acima, será apresentada uma lista de cérebros MegaHAL pré-existentes para você escolher:
: voltar sem fazer uma seleçãodefault
: a personalidade usada na competição Loebner de 1998aliens
: Bispo de Aliens!ferris
: O próprio Sr. Ferris Bueller! Bueller! Bueller!pepys
: Samuel Pepys, retirado do feed do Twitter @samuelpepyspulp
: Marsellus Wallace de Pulp Fiction!sherlock
: Sherlock Holmes, com citações retiradas de todos os livrosstartrek
: Dados de Star Trek (graças a mbaker)starwars
: Threepio da Trilogia Star Wars! Aqui está um exemplo de transcrição de conversa, retirado diretamente do arquivo megahal.log
(que é escrito toda vez que você interage com o MegaHAL):
(brain changed to sherlock holmes)
MH10: On the strange coincidences, the plannings, the cross-purposes, the wonderful chains of events, working through generations, and leading to the composition of a woman.
USER: Who are you?
MH10: You could never guess how I employed my morning, or what I ended by doing.
USER: Did you play a game?
MH10: Come, Watson, come! The game is afoot.
USER: How exciting!
MH10: Isn't it gorgeous! What do you think of it.
USER: I think it's great. What are we going to do?
MH10: I think, perhaps, it is simplicity itself.
USER: Tell me then.
MH10: Your statement is, I want you?
USER: Ummm... no.
MH10: Yes, certainly.
USER: I think you're confused.
MH10: I think that you have been too busy to think of it.
USER: Are you saying what I think you're saying?
MH10: You know how to look into it.
USER: So do you by the sound of it.
MH10: I have been of material assistance to me for fifty minutes.
USER: Is this non-stop double entendre?
MH10: More than that it is a great thing for me to be able to understand that I have ever listened.
USER: Let's go and do something. Or get a bite to eat.
MH10: That is interesting.
USER: Why?
MH10: Because there are fifty who can reason analytically.
USER: Name them.
MH10: My name is Sherlock Holmes.
USER: And who are the other forty-nine?
MH10: I want to ascertain.
USER: You mean that you don't know?
MH10: Light a cigar and let me see if I can do what you have told me I think that both inferences are permissible.
USER: Well, it's been interesting. I must leave.
MH10: No crime, but a very interesting statement.
USER: Goodbye.
MH10: You must get home instantly and act.
MegaHAL Stopped
Have a weird conversation with a computer
Recently I added a feature to my home page allowing the user to "talk" to a
computer program of mine. The program was not written very intelligently, so
most of the time its replies consisted of incoherent babble.
Version 2 came and went, and now version 3 - MegaHAL - is ready for release.
The new features of the program are:-
* A second-order markov model is used, and it is doubly-linked. This
means that the computers sentences tend to be more grammatical.
* Punctuation is supported, which segments the sentences realistically.
* The reply given by the computer is based upon one of the words in
the input string. The word selected is one that maximises the ratio
(number of times since word was last used)/(number of times word has
* The computers reply is generated from this keyword, and may be up to
100 words long. The reply is generated in such a way that it is
impossible to get stuck in infinite loops.
* The keyword used is highlighted in the reply.
Some example conversations are given below:-
USER: you are crazy
USER: What is the meaning of life oh wise one?
USER: this is not getting us very far
USER: I have no idea.
USER: Is it really?
USER: My name is Jason.
The last response was generated from a combination of a discussion
about Alan Turing, and Monty Python's Lumberjack Song. Surely this
must be a sign of intelligence ;^)
Have fun!
Direitos autorais (c) 2018 Jason Hutchens. Consulte UNLICENSE para obter mais detalhes.