Deep Q Learning for Lunar Landing
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# Deep Q-Learning for Lunar Landing
## Part 0 - Installing the required packages and importing the libraries
### Installing Gymnasium
``` bash
! pip install gymnasium
! pip install " gymnasium[atari, accept-rom-license] "
! apt-get install -y swig
! pip install gymnasium[box2d]
import os
import random
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch . nn as nn
import torch . optim as optim
import torch . nn . functional as F
import torch . autograd as autograd
from torch . autograd import Variable
from collections import deque , namedtuple
class Network ( nn . Module ):
def __init__ ( self , state_size , action_size , seed = 42 ):
super ( Network , self ). __init__ ()
self . seed = torch . manual_seed ( seed )
self . fc1 = nn . Linear ( state_size , 64 )
self . fc2 = nn . Linear ( 64 , 64 )
self . fc3 = nn . Linear ( 64 , action_size )
def forward ( self , state ):
x = self . fc1 ( state )
x = F . relu ( x )
x = self . fc2 ( x )
x = F . relu ( x )
return self . fc3 ( x )
`` `
## Part 2 - Training the AI
### Setting up the environment
`` ` python
import gymnasium as gym
env = gym . make ( 'LunarLander-v2' )
state_shape = env . observation_space . shape
state_size = env . observation_space . shape [ 0 ]
number_actions = env . action_space . n
print ( 'State shape: ' , state_shape )
print ( 'State size: ' , state_size )
print ( 'Number of actions: ' , number_actions )
learning_rate = 5e-4
minibatch_size = 100
discount_factor = 0.99
replay_buffer_size = int ( 1e5 )
interpolation_parameter = 1e-3
class ReplayMemory ( object ):
def __init__ ( self , capacity ):
self . device = torch . device ( "cuda:0" if torch . cuda . is_available () else "cpu" )
self . capacity = capacity
self . memory = []
def push ( self , event ):
self . memory . append ( event )
if len ( self . memory ) > self . capacity :
del self . memory [ 0 ]
def sample ( self , batch_size ):
experiences = random . sample ( self . memory , k = batch_size )
states = torch . from_numpy ( np . vstack ([ e [ 0 ] for e in experiences if e is not None ])). float (). to ( self . device )
actions = torch . from_numpy ( np . vstack ([ e [ 1 ] for e in experiences if e is not None ])). long (). to ( self . device )
rewards = torch . from_numpy ( np . vstack ([ e [ 2 ] for e in experiences if e is not None ])). float (). to ( self . device )
next_states = torch . from_numpy ( np . vstack ([ e [ 3 ] for e in experiences if e is not None ])). float (). to ( self . device )
dones = torch . from_numpy ( np . vstack ([ e [ 4 ] for e in experiences if e is not None ]). astype ( np . uint8 )). float (). to ( self . device )
return states , next_states , actions , rewards , dones
class Agent ():
def __init__ ( self , state_size , action_size ):
self . device = torch . device ( "cuda:0" if torch . cuda . is_available () else "cpu" )
self . state_size = state_size
self . action_size = action_size
self . local_qnetwork = Network ( state_size , action_size ). to ( self . device )
self . target_qnetwork = Network ( state_size , action_size ). to ( self . device )
self . optimizer = optim . Adam ( self . local_qnetwork . parameters (), lr = learning_rate )
self . memory = ReplayMemory ( replay_buffer_size )
self . t_step = 0
def step ( self , state , action , reward , next_state , done ):
self . memory . push (( state , action , reward , next_state , done ))
self . t_step = ( self . t_step + 1 ) % 4
if self . t_step == 0 :
if len ( self . memory . memory ) > minibatch_size :
experiences = self . memory . sample ( 100 )
self . learn ( experiences , discount_factor )
def act ( self , state , epsilon = 0. ):
state = torch . from_numpy ( state ). float (). unsqueeze ( 0 ). to ( self . device )
self . local_qnetwork . eval ()
with torch . no_grad ():
action_values = self . local_qnetwork ( state )
self . local_qnetwork . train ()
if random . random () > epsilon :
return np . argmax ( action_values . cpu (). data . numpy ())
else :
return random . choice ( np . arange ( self . action_size ))
def learn ( self , experiences , discount_factor ):
states , next_states , actions , rewards , dones = experiences
next_q_targets = self . target_qnetwork ( next_states ). detach (). max ( 1 )[ 0 ]. unsqueeze ( 1 )
q_targets = rewards + discount_factor * next_q_targets * ( 1 - dones )
q_expected = self . local_qnetwork ( states ). gather ( 1 , actions )
loss = F . mse_loss ( q_expected , q_targets )
self . optimizer . zero_grad ()
loss . backward ()
self . optimizer . step ()
self . soft_update ( self . local_qnetwork , self . target_qnetwork , interpolation_parameter )
def soft_update ( self , local_model , target_model , interpolation_parameter ):
for target_param , local_param in zip ( target_model . parameters (), local_model . parameters ()):
target_param . data . copy_ ( interpolation_parameter * local_param . data + ( 1.0 - interpolation_parameter ) * target_param . data )
agent = Agent ( state_size , number_actions )
number_episodes = 2000
maximum_number_timesteps_per_episode = 1000
epsilon_starting_value = 1.0
epsilon_ending_value = 0.01
epsilon_decay_value = 0.995
epsilon = epsilon_starting_value
scores_on_100_episodes = deque ( maxlen = 100 )
for episode in range ( 1 , number_episodes + 1 ):
state , _ = env . reset ()
score = 0
for t in range ( maximum_number_timesteps_per_episode ):
action = agent . act ( state , epsilon )
next_state , reward , done , _ , _ = env . step ( action )
agent . step ( state , action , reward , next_state , done )
state = next_state
score += reward
if done :
scores_on_100_episodes . append ( score )
epsilon = max ( epsilon_ending_value , epsilon_decay_value * epsilon )
print ( ' r Episode {} t Average Score: {:.2f}' . format ( episode , np . mean ( scores_on_100_episodes )), end = "" )
if episode % 100 == 0 :
print ( ' r Episode {} t Average Score: {:.2f}' . format ( episode , np . mean ( scores_on_100_episodes )))
if np . mean ( scores_on_100_episodes ) >= 200.0 :
print ( ' n Environment solved in {:d} episodes! t Average Score: {:.2f}' . format ( episode - 100 , np . mean ( scores_on_100_episodes )))
torch . save ( agent . local_qnetwork . state_dict (), 'checkpoint.pth' )
import glob
import io
import base64
import imageio
from IPython . display import HTML , display
from gym . wrappers . monitoring . video_recorder import VideoRecorder
def show_video_of_model ( agent , env_name ):
env = gym . make ( env_name , render_mode = 'rgb_array' )
state , _ = env . reset ()
done = False
frames = []
while not done :
frame = env . render ()
frames . append ( frame )
action = agent . act ( state )
state , reward , done , _ , _ = env . step ( action . item ())
env . close ()
imageio . mimsave ( 'video.mp4' , frames , fps = 30 )
show_video_of_model ( agent , 'LunarLander-v2' )
def show_video ():
mp4list = glob . glob ( '*.mp4' )
if len ( mp4list ) > 0 :
mp4 = mp4list [ 0 ]
video = io . open ( mp4 , 'r+b' ). read ()
encoded = base64 . b64encode ( video )
display ( HTML ( data = '''<video alt="test" autoplay
loop controls style="height: 400px;">
<source src="data:video/mp4;base64,{0}" type="video/mp4" />
</video>''' . format ( encoded . decode ( 'ascii' ))))
else :
print ( "Could not find video" )
show_video ()
// Resultado Final