Purple Admin React Free vem com componentes essenciais, elementos de interface do usuário e páginas de amostra integradas para iniciar seu projeto.
Estamos entusiasmados em compartilhar este painel com você e aguardamos seus comentários!
Visite: https://www.bootstrapdash.com/demo/purple-react-free/template/demo_1/preview/dashboard
.Ícones de design de materiais
Cromo (mais recente)
FireFox (mais recente)
Safári (mais recente)
Ópera (mais recente)
Purple Admin React gratuito é lançado sob licença do MIT. Sinta-se à vontade para baixá-lo, usá-lo, compartilhá-lo e ser criativo.
No download você encontrará os seguintes diretórios e arquivos, agrupando logicamente ativos comuns e fornecendo variações compiladas e reduzidas. Você verá algo assim:
├── template
├── demo_1
├── src/
├── app/
├── assets/
├── images/
├── styles/
├── index.js
├── public/
├── .gitignore
├── package.json
├── documentation
├── README.md
# Click the Clone or Download button in GitHub and download as a ZIP file or you can enter the command
$ git clone https://github.com/BootstrapDash/purple-react-free.git in your terminal to get a copy of this template.
# After the files have been downloaded you will get a folder with all the required files
# You can install all the dependencies in the template by running the command 'npm install'. All the required files are in the node modules.
# You can serve the template with the command 'npm start'.
# Now that your project has now kick-started, all you need to do now is to code, code, and code to your heart's content.
# We love your contributions and we welcome them wholeheartedly. We believe the more the merrier. To contribute make sure you have a Node.js and npm installed.
Após a instalação do node e do npm, siga as etapas abaixo para contribuir.
1 - Fork and clone the repo of Purple React Admin.
2 - Run the command ' npm install ' to install all the dependencies.
3 - Enter the command ' npm start ' . This will open Purple React Admin in your default browser.
4 - Make your valuable contribution
5 - Submit a pull request.
Do you need a template with more features and functionalities ? Get more with our collection of the premium template with more plugins, eye catching animations, UI components, and sample pages all fitting together with a high-quality design. Visit https://www.bootstrapdash.com for more admin templates.