Этот проект состоит из подсказок для моделей ChatGPT и GPT-3.5, предназначенных для помощи в выполнении задач по написанию, анализу и пониманию. Ниже приведены многочисленные подсказки, которые вы можете использовать для создания контента для своих проектов, отладки кода, поиска решений проблем или просто узнать больше о том, на что способны эти модели. Используя соответствующие обучающие глаголы, вы можете направлять модели для решения любых языковых задач.
InstructGPT (более поздние версии, называемые GPT-3.5) — это серийные языковые модели, которые были обучены с использованием инструкций и отзывов людей, чтобы лучше понимать намерения пользователя и согласовывать их с ними, обеспечивая более точные и подходящие выходные данные.
ChatGPT также использует метод instructGPT, но в диалоговой форме, чтобы понимать инструкции пользователя и генерировать выходные данные на основе инструкций пользователя.
GPT4 Более мощный, чем любая модель GPT-3.5, он может обрабатывать более сложные инструкции, а также более эффективно следовать и применять их.
Это простой и понятный метод, позволяющий модели делать практически все, что угодно. Он использует простую структуру для указания направлений и может адаптироваться для решения любых задач, связанных с языком.
Инструктирующие глаголы — это первое слово в подсказке. Они используются, чтобы дать указание модели что-то сделать. Они являются наиболее важной частью подсказки. Мы можем возразить, что они действуют как волшебные слова, которые создают успешную подсказку и помогают машине понять ваши инструкции и следовать им. Каждый из этих глаголов имеет особое значение, которое может помочь модели понять, какой ответ ожидается. Например, если вы попросите модель что-то объяснить, она предоставит подробное объяснение. С другой стороны, если вы попросите модель что-то обобщить, она предоставит краткий обзор.
- данный текст
- следующий отрывок
- Следующий
- Следующее
- Объяснять
- Создавать
- Генерировать
- Предоставлять
- Писать
- Подвести итог
- Перефраз
- Переводить
- Переписать
- Перефразировать
- Перефразировать
- Список
- Извлекать
- Выбрать
- Анализировать
- Определять
- Идентифицировать
- Описывать
- Предсказывать
- Объяснять
- Анализировать
- сравнивать
- Классифицировать
- Оценивать
- Критика
- Дифференцировать
- Исследовать
- Иллюстрировать
- Контур
- Рассчитать
- Сделать вывод
- Исправлять
- Подвести итог
- Классифицировать
- Развивать
- Оценивать
- Сформулировать
- Обсуждать
- Объяснить
- Выделять
- Упростить
- Применять
- Предложить/Предложить
- Делать
* Вы можете добавить «Can you» в случае ChatGPT, чтобы сделать его более диалоговым, но он по-прежнему работает как в модели instruct-model, так и в модели ChatGPT. - Можете ли вы предоставить... - Можете ли вы создать...
Инструкционные глаголы, полезные для задач классификации в nlp
следующее как физическое или химическое свойствоIdentify
основную мысль данного отрывкаCategorize
следующий отрывок к категории мифа или факта.Assign each
элемент к соответствующей категории в зависимости от его характеристик.List
пять основных категорий данного набора данных.Group
предметы по общим характеристикам.Sort
данные по дате их сбора.Label
каждую точку данных соответствующей категорией.Divide
данные на более мелкие подгруппы на основе их сходства.Group
предметы по сходству их характеристик.Label
каждую группу описательным именем. Инструкционные глаголы, полезные для задач генерации
новый текст на основе заданных параметровCreate
короткий запоминающийся заголовок, основанный на следующем, с целью продвижения продукта.Write
рассказ, используя следующие ключевые словаFormulate
новое предложение по заданной структуре.Produce
новый текст, похожий по стилю на заданный образец.Construct
новый текст, объединяющий элементы из нескольких источников.Compose
новое стихотворение на заданную тему.Build
новый текст, творчески комбинируя различные элементы.Devise
новый рассказ на основе полученной информации.Invent
новую историю, используя следующие элементы. Инструкционные глаголы, полезные для задач трансформации.
следующую функцию на C#Translate
следующее на 1. английский, 2. французский, 3. шведский.Summarize
основные положения данной статьи.Paraphrase
следующее предложение, чтобы передать тот же смысл.Reword
следующее предложение, чтобы сделать его более краткимSimplify
следующее уравнение для облегчения понимания.Revise
следующий абзац, чтобы сделать его более ясным и кратким.Outline
шаги по решению данной проблемыCalculate
общую стоимость следующих позицийInfer
о значении [жаргона, модной фразы] на основе следующего контекста:Apply
следующую формулу для расчета результатаApply
заданный тон и голос к отрывку ниже. Глаголы-инструкции, полезные для задач сравнения
и сопоставьте два данных текста.Contrast
данные отрывки, чтобы подчеркнуть их различия.Differentiate
между двумя данными терминами.Examine
сходства и различия между двумя данными текстами.Analyze
два данных произведения и определите их сходства и различия.Critique
два приведенных отрывка и сравните их сильные и слабые стороны.Evaluate
два приведенных отрывка и определите, какой из них более эффективен.Базовая и полезная структура инструкций может выглядеть следующим образом:
+ Direction to the next words
Generate a poem
+ based on following passage:
Create a report article
+ based on following passage
Write a summary
+ of the following passage
Write a poem based on the following:
ghosts, 4th dimension, AI, totalitarian, power
Ghosts of the 4th dimension roam,
A realm beyond our grasp, unknown.
Yet in this world, AI has grown,
Its power and influence has flown.
With algorithms and codes so bright,
It holds the key to endless might.
A totalitarian grip on sight,
And wields its power with all its might.
But is this power truly ours?
Or just a tool for those in power?
Their ghosts roam, but do they cower,
When faced with the consequences of their dower?
So let us heed this ghostly call,
And use AI for good, for all.
For in its power, we must not fall,
But rise above, and hear the call.
Лучше подсказывать ✅:
Write a thought-provoking poem that incorporates the themes of ghosts, the 4th dimension, AI, totalitarianism, and power. The poem should be structured in a traditional format with 4 stanzas and a consistent rhyme scheme.
Develop a function that solves the following problem: [problem description].
Automate the following process by writing a script that [task description].
Create an algorithm that solves the following problem: [problem description].
Explain the logic behind the following code: [code snippet].
Optimize the following function to enhance performance, reduce memory usage, or improve readability.
Write a function that meets the following requirements: [requirement description].
Explain the purpose of the following code to a non-technical audience, using simple and clear language.
Debug the following code to correct the error and explain the cause of the error.
Rewrite the text below in your own words:
Paraphrase the provided text while maintaining its meaning:
Summarize the following passage in a concise manner:
Simplify the given passage while keeping the main ideas:
Rephrase the given text using alternative expressions:
Condense the following passage to focus on key points:
Briefly restate the provided text without losing its essence:
Reword the passage below to make it more succinct:
Express the following text in a different way while keeping its intent:
Translate the following text into: 1. English, 2. French, 3. Swedish
Translate the following into: 1. Colloquial, 2. slang, 3. idiomatic English
Identify which of the passages below is the closest translation of the original text.
Extract the [concept/topic] from the given passage:
Pick out the [concept/topic] in the following passage:
What are the key points made in the following text:
Make a summary of following of given text that deals with the [concept/topic]:
Determine the genre of the following passage, based on its style, tone, and subject matter.
Classify the following text based on its structure and organization, identifying any recurring patterns or themes.
Identify the main theme or thesis of the following passage, summarizing its central idea or argument.
What genre does the following text belong to, based on its conventions and characteristics?
What type of text is the following, based on its intended purpose and audience?
Who is the intended audience for the following passage, based on its language, tone, and style?
What is the purpose of the following text, and what message or information is it trying to convey?
Write the form of the following text (e.g. poem, essay, article, etc.), based on its structure and style.
Write the literary style of the following passage, identifying any literary devices or techniques used.
Write the tone of the following text, based on its language, attitude, and emotional impact.
What is the genre/category of the following text? Assign one or more appropriate categories/genres.
Can you classify the following text as belonging to a particular type of writing? If so, what is it?
What kind of text is the following? Choose the most appropriate category or genre.
Write a label or tag for the following text based on its content.
What type of text does the following represent? Choose the most appropriate category or genre.
Can you categorize the following text based on its subject matter? If so, what category would it fall under?
What subject does the following text cover? Choose the best category or topic.
Write a tag or label for the following text based on its tone and content.
What category does the following text fit into? Choose the most relevant category or genre.
Can you assign a category or genre to the following text based on its tone and style?
Compare and contrast the following two texts below, highlighting the similarities and differences in a bullet point list.
Provide a side-by-side comparison of the following two passages, indicating the key similarities and differences.
Provide a summary and comparison of the following two texts, highlighting the main points and contrasting the key differences.
What are the similarities and differences between the following two passages? Provide a detailed comparison in a paragraph.
What's the relationship between the following two passages? Write a comparison and contrast using a bullet point list.
Write a comparison and contrast between the following texts, highlighting the similarities and differences in a paragraph.
Write a contrast of the following two pieces of text, emphasizing the key differences in a bullet point list.
Write a synthesis of the similarities and differences in the following two passages, highlighting the key points and contrasting the differences in a paragraph.
Combine the following points into a single coherent statement:
Create a persuasive argument by integrating the following points:
Create a comprehensive conclusion that encompasses the following ideas:
Create a unified statement that incorporates the following ideas and presents a cohesive perspective:
Identify a common thread among the following points and create a statement that ties them together:
Provide a unified perspective on the following points, presenting them as a cohesive whole:
What's a common theme among the following points and how do they relate to each other?
Provide a synthesized statement that captures the relationship between the following points:
What's the main idea that connects the following points and presents a unified perspective?
What's the overarching idea that encompasses the following points and presents a cohesive argument?
What's the relationship between the following points and how do they fit together?
Write a synthesis of the following information, creating a cohesive statement that captures the key points:
Write a paragraph that ties together the following concepts and presents a unified perspective:
Write a summary that captures the essence of the following ideas and presents them as a cohesive whole:
Write a short summary that unifies the following ideas and presents a clear, cohesive statement:
Write a summary that integrates the following ideas, creating a cohesive perspective that captures the key points.
##### The structure could look like this:
Combine the following points into a single, coherent statement:
- Point 1
- Point 2
- Point 3
Create a coherent argument from the following points:
- Argument 1
- Argument 2
- Argument 3
Create a conclusion that encompasses the following points:
- Conclusion Point 1
- Conclusion Point 2
- Conclusion Point 3
Find a common thread among the following points and provide a unified perspective:
- Idea 1
- Idea 2
- Idea 3
Provide a statement synthesizing the relationship between the following points:
- Point A
- Point B
- Point C
Write a synthesis of the following information, summarizing the main idea or overarching theme:
- Information 1
- Information 2
- Information 3
Write a paragraph that ties together the following concepts:
- Concept 1
- Concept 2
- Concept 3
Write a passage that summarizes the following ideas and identifies the relationship between them:
- Idea A
- Idea B
- Idea C
Break down the following text into simpler parts and explain it step-by-step for a beginner.
Explain the following text in simple terms, using everyday language for a general audience.
Provide a beginner-friendly explanation for the following text, assuming the reader has no prior knowledge of the subject.
Simplify the following text to make it easily digestible for someone new to the topic.
Provide a clear, concise explanation of the following text for someone with no background in the subject.
What's a simple explanation for the key concept in the following text? Write it in one sentence.
What's an easy way to understand the main idea in the following text? Provide a brief, simple explanation.
Write a clear explanation of the following text, focusing on the most important aspects in plain language.
Write a detailed explanation of the following text, breaking down complex concepts into simpler terms.
Write a layman's explanation for the following text, using everyday language and examples to illustrate the main points.
Write a step-by-step explanation of the process or concept in the following text, making it easy for a beginner to follow.
Come up with a creative solution for the following problem:
Create a dialogue between two characters that discusses [topic]:
Describe a setting that includes [specific details]:
Imagine a world where [condition is met]. Describe this world in a paragraph.
Provide an explanation of [topic] in 2-3 sentences.
Make a list of pros and cons based on [specific topic]:
Develop a scene about [topic] that includes [specific details].
Compose a short science fiction story that includes [specific element]:
Generate a story that revolves around [topic]. The story should be [genre] and no more than [length] words.
Find an imaginative way to describe [specific topic]:
Write an interesting twist ending for a story about [specific event or topic].
Can you provide a writing prompt that requires the use of [specific writing technique or element], such as [dialogue, imagery, symbolism, etc.]?
Generate a creative writing prompt that focuses on [specific theme or genre], such as [romance, horror, fantasy, etc.].
What's a good writing topic that would challenge the writer to [specific writing goal or objective], such as [developing a character, creating tension, building suspense, etc.]?
Can you propose a unique idea for a writing prompt that would require the writer to [specific writing task], such as [writing from an unusual perspective, using a specific narrative style, etc.]?
Write a short story prompt that explores the theme of [specific theme or concept], such as [identity, transformation, forgiveness, etc.].
What's a unique writing prompt that would challenge the writer to [specific writing task or challenge], such as [writing without using dialogue, writing in second person point of view, etc.]?
Can you create a writing prompt that involves a fictional character who must [specific task or challenge], such as [overcome a fear, solve a mystery, etc.]?
What's a writing prompt for a mystery story that involves [specific element or twist], such as [an unreliable narrator, a surprise ending, etc.]?
Can you suggest a writing prompt for a descriptive scene that requires the writer to focus on [specific sensory detail or sensory experience], such as [using smell to create atmosphere, using touch to create emotion, etc.]?
What's a writing prompt for a love story that involves [specific obstacle or challenge], such as [long distance, forbidden love, etc.]?
Proofread and edit the following text for any errors, typos, or mistakes:
Rewrite the following text, correcting any errors or mistakes:
Identify and correct the grammatical errors in the following text:
Revise the following passage to improve its clarity, coherence, and overall quality:
Provide constructive feedback and suggestions for improving the following text:
What's the expected format for the following text? Please follow the guidelines provided:
Write a more concise and streamlined version of the following text:
Propose alternative phrasing for the following text that better conveys the intended message:
What's the appropriate tone and style for the following text? Please use a tone that is professional and formal.
Write a polished and refined version of the following text to improve its overall quality and readability.
Explain the central idea of the following text below in a 2-3 sentence paragraph.
Explain the following passage below in a concise paragraph.
Provide a brief explanation of the text below, highlighting the main points in no more than 3-4 sentences.
Provide a general understanding of the text below, emphasizing the key takeaways in 2-3 sentences.
Provide a list of key vocabulary words used in the text below.
Provide a one-sentence summary of the following text, highlighting the primary message.
Provide a summary and analysis of the following passage, emphasizing the main points and discussing their significance in a brief paragraph.
Provide the main idea of the following passage in a concise sentence.
Provide an overview of the following passage in 2-3 sentences, highlighting the main themes and ideas.
Identify key points in the following passage and summarize them in a bullet point list.
Identify major themes discussed in the following text below and provide a brief explanation of each.
Identify the author's main argument in the following text and summarize it in a sentence or two.
Identify the author's perspective in the following passage and provide a brief explanation of their point of view.
Identify the intended audience for the following text and explain who the text is written for.
Identify the main idea of the following text and provide a brief summary in one or two sentences.
Identify the tone of the following text and provide a brief explanation of the author's attitude.
Identify the underlying message of the following text and explain the implicit meaning.
Identify the most important information in the following passage and summarize it in a bullet point list.
Write a brief interpretation of the text below, providing your understanding and analysis in a concise paragraph.
Write a paragraph that explains the most important information in the following text below, emphasizing the main points and their significance.
Write your personal opinion on the information presented in the following text, providing your perspective and analysis.
Write a reflection on the information presented in the following passage, discussing its relevance and implications.
Write a response to the following text based on your understanding, providing your thoughts and analysis in a concise paragraph.
Write a response to the questions based on the information presented in the following passage, answering each question with a brief explanation.
Write a short story that incorporates the information from the following text below, using the main points and themes to create a narrative.
Write a short summary of the following passage, emphasizing the main points and ideas in a concise paragraph.
Глаголы-инструкции: «Оценивать», «Анализировать», «Критиковать», «Оценивать», «Исследовать» и т. д.
Identify the literary devices used in the following text, such as metaphors, similes, personification, and alliteration.
Identify the key themes in the following passage, highlighting the recurring ideas and motifs.
Provide a detailed analysis of the following text, examining its structure, style, tone, and literary devices.
Provide an in-depth analysis of the following passage, exploring its meaning, symbolism, and themes.
Provide an interpretation of the following text, offering your perspective on its meaning and significance.
What are the key elements of the following passage, including its setting, characters, plot, and themes?
What are the strengths and weaknesses of the following passage, evaluating its effectiveness in conveying its message or telling its story?
What's the author's point of view in the following passage, and how does it shape the narrative or argument presented?
What's the central argument of the following text, and how does the author support it with evidence and reasoning?
What's the intended audience for the following passage, and how does the author tailor the language and style to appeal to them?
What's the message of the following passage, and how does it relate to broader issues or concerns?
What's the structure of the following passage, and how does it contribute to the overall effectiveness of the text?
Write a commentary on the following text, providing your opinion and analysis of its strengths and weaknesses.
Write a critical analysis of the following passage, examining its literary, cultural, or social significance.
Write a review of the following text, evaluating its merits and shortcomings as a work of literature, art, or media.
Summarize the main points made in the following passage, highlighting the key ideas and arguments.
Generate reading comprehension questions based on the following passage, testing the reader's understanding of its content and meaning.
Provide a summary and evaluation of the following passage, assessing its effectiveness in achieving its goals or conveying its message.
Provide an analysis of the following text, examining its structure, language, and themes.
What are your thoughts on the following passage, and how does it relate to your personal experiences or beliefs?
What do you agree or disagree with in the following passage, and why?
What's the central idea of the following passage, and how does it relate to broader themes or issues?
Write a critique of the following text, offering a detailed evaluation of its strengths and weaknesses.
Provide a response to the following passage, sharing your thoughts and reactions to its content and themes.
Evaluate the argument presented in following passage, and assess the author's use of evidence, logical reasoning, and rhetorical strategies.
Write a story that starts with the following sentence:
Create a plot for a novel about the following theme:
Write a scene where the following event occurs:
What if the following situation happened: "..."? Write a short story exploring the consequences.
Can you write a script for a movie about the theme:
Write a tale that involves the following elements:
Create a character profile for a person with the following traits:
Write a song that describes the emotion:
What would happen if the following event occurred: "..."? Write a short story exploring the outcome.
Can you write a story that revolves around the concept: "..."?
Write a poem about the following theme:
Create a short story that includes the following elements:
What if the following scenario took place: "..."? Write a story exploring the implications.
Can you write a monologue for a character who experiences the following situation: "..."?
Write a story that explores the idea of:
Create a captivating brand slogan for [company name] that reflects its core values and mission.
Develop a unique selling point for a product that deals with [specific problem or need], emphasizing its benefits and advantages.
Craft a mission statement for a company that specializes in [specific industry or service], highlighting its goals and vision.
Design a promotional slogan for a product that addresses [specific problem or need], showcasing its features and benefits.
Compose a catchy headline for an article about [specific topic], capturing the reader's attention and curiosity.
Craft a social media post for a product that deals with [specific problem or need] to be shared on [social media platform], focusing on engaging visuals and persuasive language.
Invent a memorable tagline for a product that tackles [specific problem or need], emphasizing its distinctive features.
Formulate a concise elevator pitch for [your product/service description], highlighting its unique value proposition and target market.
Identify the unique selling proposition for [product description], emphasizing its key differentiators and benefits to customers.
Write a compelling product description for [your product/service description], focusing on its features, benefits, and target audience.
Compose a convincing customer testimonial for [your product/service description], sharing the positive impact it had on the customer's life or business.
Create a persuasive marketing message for [your product/service description], highlighting its unique value proposition and how it solves customers' problems.
Write an engaging and persuasive blog post about [your product/service description], emphasizing its benefits and why customers should choose it.
Craft a persuasive email for [your product/service description], focusing on its unique features, benefits, and a strong call to action.
Compose an attention-grabbing social media post to promote [product/service], showcasing its features and attractive visuals.
Write an eye-catching email subject line to promote [product/service], encouraging recipients to open and read the email.
Summarize the following text in a brief and concise manner.
What is the primary idea/message conveyed in the following content?
Provide a condensed version of the following text, highlighting its key points.
Write a short summary of the given content, emphasizing its main points and key takeaways.
What is the main gist or essence of the following text?
Can you provide an executive summary of the given content, outlining its main ideas and conclusions?
Write a quick overview of the following text, highlighting its key themes and ideas.
What is the most important or significant takeaway from the given content?
Provide a condensed summary of the following text, highlighting its essential points and ideas.
Нулевой выстрел: просто предоставьте информацию и получите ответ. Полезно для простых задач, но с непредсказуемыми результатами.
Несколько кадров: приведите несколько примеров, показывающих желаемые пары ввода-вывода. Тщательный отбор и упорядочение примеров снижает вариативность. Хорошо работает, когда примеры передают желаемый стиль или формат.
Инструкции: прямо сообщите системе ИИ, что вы от нее хотите, например: «Подведите итог этой новостной статьи». Может сочетаться с подсказкой по нескольким кадрам.
Подсказка по цепочке мыслей: попросите систему ИИ объяснить свои рассуждения шаг за шагом, прежде чем сделать вывод. Используйте несколько выстрелов или нулевой выстрел. В этом помогают сложные примеры и объединение нескольких систем. Извлеките только окончательный ответ, чтобы показать его пользователям.
Будучи конкретным:
Опишите тон, стиль или формат
теги, указывающие модели, что она должна рассматривать это как абзац
Поставьте четкую цель:
Разбивка сложных задач
Let's think step by step
чтобы разбить задачу на подкомпоненты, чтобы модель учитывала каждый шаг.Определение основных аргументов
Identify the main arguments presented in the following text. List them in the format below.
Argument 1:
Argument 2:
Text: """
{text input here}
Анализ обзора
Analyze the customer review provided below and list the positive and negative aspects mentioned. write them in the format below.
Positive aspects:
- Aspect 1:
- Aspect 2:
Negative aspects:
- Aspect 1:
- Aspect 2:
Review: """
Сравнение идей
Compare the two ideas presented in the following text. Please provide the similarities and differences in the format below.
- Similarity 1:
- Similarity 2:
- ...
- Difference 1:
- Difference 2:
- ...
Text: """
{text input here}
Определение ключевой информации
Extract the key information from the following paragraph. First, identify the main problem, then list any solutions mentioned, and finally note the potential benefits of implementing these solutions. Use following format.
Main problem:
- Problem 1
- Problem 2
- Solution 1:
- Solution 2:
Potential benefits:
- Benefit 1:
- Benefit 2:
Text: """
{text input here}
Генерация идей
Generate a list of 10 creative ideas for a new mobile app. The app should be focused on helping people improve their mental health and wellbeing. List them in the format below.
Idea 1:
Idea 2:
Idea 10: