Пользовательские интерфейсы для Rasa NLU и Rasa Core, упрощающие разработку ботов.
pip install rasa - host
Rasa-Host не зависит от Rasa (фактически не имеет зависимости от пакетов Rasa) и будет работать со всеми версиями.
from rasa_core . interpreter import RasaNLUInterpreter
from rasa_core . agent import Agent
interpreter = RasaNLUInterpreter ( 'models/current/nlu' )
agent = Agent . load ( "models/current/dialogue" , interpreter = interpreter )
from RasaHost import host
host . nlu_path = os . path . join ( current_dir , "data/nlu/" )
host . stories_path = os . path . join ( current_dir , "data/stories/" )
host . domain_path = os . path . join ( current_dir , "data/domain.yml" )
host . agent = agent
if __name__ == '__main__' :
host . run ()
# werkzeug - * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
# GET http://localhost:5005/conversations/daniel/respond?q={{message}}
from RasaHost import host
host . nlu_path = os . path . join ( current_dir , "data/nlu/" )
if __name__ == '__main__' :
host . run ()
from RasaHost import host
host . stories_path = os . path . join ( current_dir , "data/stories/" )
if __name__ == '__main__' :
host . run ()
from RasaHost import host
host . domain_path = os . path . join ( current_dir , "data/domain.yml" )
if __name__ == '__main__' :
host . run ()
Интерфейс чата для тестирования Rasa. По умолчанию GET http://{{host}}/conversations/{{sender_id}}/respond?q={{message}}
from RasaHost import host
host . agent = agent
if __name__ == '__main__' :
host . run ()
Разговоры сохраняются в SQLite.
from RasaHost import host
host . agent = agent
if __name__ == '__main__' :
host . run ()
Логи сохраняются в SQLite.
from RasaHost import host
host . agent = agent
if __name__ == '__main__' :
host . run ()
Анализируйте намерения, истории и области. Показывает предупреждения и предложения.
from RasaHost import host
host . nlu_path = os . path . join ( current_dir , "data/nlu/" )
host . stories_path = os . path . join ( current_dir , "data/stories/" )
host . domain_path = os . path . join ( current_dir , "data/domain.yml" )
if __name__ == '__main__' :
host . run ()
Декодировать данные политики запоминания.
from RasaHost import host
host . memoization_policy_path = os . path . join ( current_dir , "modelscurrentdialoguepolicy_1_MemoizationPolicy" )
if __name__ == '__main__' :
host . run ()
Вы также можете проводить действия с агентом или без него.
from rasa_core_sdk . executor import ActionExecutor
actionExecutor = ActionExecutor ()
actionExecutor . register_package ( 'actions' )
from RasaHost import host
host . actionExecutor = actionExecutor
if __name__ == '__main__' :
host . run ()
# werkzeug - * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
# POST http://localhost:5005/actions
Пример запуска приложения с агентом и настраиваемыми действиями.
from rasa_core . interpreter import RasaNLUInterpreter
from rasa_core . agent import Agent
from rasa_core import utils , server
from rasa_core_sdk . executor import ActionExecutor
# #rasa-host.endpoints.yml
# action_endpoint:
# url: "http://localhost:5005/actions"
action_endpoint_conf = utils . read_endpoint_config ( "rasa-host.endpoints.yml" , endpoint_type = "action_endpoint" )
interpreter = RasaNLUInterpreter ( 'models/current/nlu' )
agent = Agent . load ( "models/current/dialogue" , interpreter = interpreter , action_endpoint = action_endpoint_conf )
actionExecutor = ActionExecutor ()
actionExecutor . register_package ( 'actions' )
from RasaHost import host
host . nlu_path = os . path . join ( current_dir , "data/nlu/" )
host . stories_path = os . path . join ( current_dir , "data/stories/" )
host . domain_path = os . path . join ( current_dir , "data/domain.yml" )
host . agent = agent
host . actionExecutor = actionExecutor
if __name__ == '__main__' :
host . run ()
# werkzeug - * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
# GET http://localhost:5005/conversations/daniel/respond?q={{message}}
# POST http://localhost:5005/actions
Поддерживает каналы. Все разговоры будут записываться.
from rasa_core . channels . botframework import BotFrameworkInput
input_channel = BotFrameworkInput (
app_id = "" ,
app_password = ""
from RasaHost import host
host . agent = agent
host . channels = [ input_channel ]
if __name__ == '__main__' :
host . run ()