Неофициальная библиотека, которая поможет с помощью взаимодействия API маркетолога текста.
composer require nessworthytextmarketer
$ apiCredentials = new Nessworthy TextMarketer Authentication Simple ( ' api_username ' , ' api_password ' );
$ httpClient = new GuzzleHttp Client ();
$ textMarketer = new Nessworthy TextMarketer TextMarketer ( $ apiCredentials , $ httpClient );
(по умолчанию)NessworthyTextMarketerTextMarketer::ENDPOINT_SANDBOX
. $ messageCommand = new Nessworthy TextMarketer Message SendMessage (
' This is a test message ' , // Your SMS Message.
[ ' 447777777777 ' ], // The array of contact numbers.
' TestCompanyInc ' , // Who the message was sent from.
' testmessage ' , // Optional: Tag your message for delivery report filtering.
24 , // Optional: Mark the message as time-sensitive: Should only be sent if it is within X hours.
true , // Optional: If true, if any recipient is matched in your STOP group the message will not be sent.
' [email protected] ' // Optional : Your txtUS enterprise email (txtUS accounts only).
$ deliveryResult = $ textMarketer -> sendMessage ( $ messageCommand );
if ( $ deliveryResult -> isSent ()) {
echo ' Message sent with the ID of ' . $ deliveryResult -> getMessageId ();
} elseif ( $ deliveryResult -> isQueued ()) {
echo ' Message queued with the ID of ' . $ deliveryResult -> getMessageId ();
} elseif ( $ deliveryResult -> isScheduled ()) {
echo ' Is scheduled with the ID of ' . $ deliveryResult -> getScheduledId ();
$ scheduledDate = ( new DateTimeImmutable )-> modify ( ' +1 month ' );
$ deliveryResult = $ textMarketer -> sendScheduledMessage ( $ messageCommand , $ scheduledDate );
// Scheduled message ID can be found from the delivery result for scheduled messages:
// $scheduledMessageId = $deliveryResult->getScheduledId();
$ textMarketer -> deleteScheduledMessage ( $ scheduledMessageId );
echo sprintf ( ' I have %d remaining credits! ' , $ textMarketer -> getCreditCount ());
$ transferResult = $ textMarketer -> transferCreditsToAccountById ( 100 , $ someAccountId );
// Or by credentials:
$ destinationCredentials = new Nessworthy TextMarketer Authentication Simple ( ' username ' , ' password ' ));
$ transferResult = $ textMarketer -> transferCreditsToAccountByCredentials ( 100 , $ destinationCredentials );
echo sprintf (
' I had %d credits. After transferring, I now have %d! ' ,
$ transferResult -> getSourceCreditsBeforeTransfer (),
$ transferResult -> getSourceCreditsAfterTransfer ()
echo ' <br> ' ;
echo sprintf (
' The target account had %d credits. After transferring, it now has %d! ' ,
$ transferResult -> getTargetCreditsBeforeTransfer (),
$ transferResult -> getTargetCreditsAfterTransfer ()
$ keyword = ' mykeyword ' ;
$ keywordAvailability = $ textMarketer -> checkKeywordAvailability ( $ keyword );
echo sprintf (
' The keyword "%s" %s available! It %s been recycled (used previously). ' ,
$ keyword ,
( $ keywordAvailability -> isAvailable () ? ' is ' : ' is not ' ),
( $ keywordAvailability -> isRecycled () ? ' has ' : ' has not ' )
$ groupCollection = $ textMarketer -> getGroupsList ();
echo sprintf (
' I have %s groups! ' ,
$ groupCollection -> isEmpty () ? ' no ' : $ groupCollection -> getTotal ()
echo ' <br> ' ;
echo ' Here is a summary of each group: ' ;
foreach ( $ groupCollection -> asArray () as $ groupSummary ) {
echo sprintf (
' Group name: %s (ID: %d) has %s numbers. It %s a stop group! ' ,
$ groupSummary -> getName (),
$ groupSummary -> getId (),
$ groupSummary -> getNumberCount (),
$ groupSummary -> isStopGroup () ? ' IS ' : ' IS NOT '
echo ' <br/> ' ;
$ numbersToAdd = new Nessworthy TextMarketer Message Part PhoneNumberCollection ([
' 44700000000 ' ,
' 44700000001 ' ,
' 44700000002 ' ,
$ result = $ textMarketer -> addNumbersToGroup ( ' MyGroupNameOrID ' , $ numbersToAdd );
// Of the numbers - which ones were actually added to the list.
echo ' Added numbers: ' . $ textMarketer -> getTotalAddedNumbers ();
echo ' Numbers added:<br> ' . implode ( ' <br> ' , $ textMarketer -> getAddedNumbers ();
echo ' <br> ' ;
// Of the numbers - which ones were not added because they were on a STOP list.
echo ' Stopped numbers: ' . $ textMarketer -> getTotalStoppedNumbers ();
echo ' Numbers added:<br> ' . implode ( ' <br> ' , $ textMarketer -> getStoppedNumbers ();
echo ' <br> ' ;
// Of the numbers - which ones were not added because they were already on it.
echo ' Duplicated numbers: ' . $ textMarketer -> getTotalDuplicateNumbers ();
echo ' Numbers added:<br> ' . implode ( ' <br> ' , $ textMarketer -> getDuplicateNumbers ();
$ group = $ textMarketer -> createGroup ( ' mygroup ' );
echo sprintf (
' A new group was created by the name "%s" with an assigned ID of "%d"! The group %s a stop group. ' ,
$ group -> getName (),
$ group -> getId (),
$ group -> isStopGroup () ? ' IS ' : ' IS NOT '
// You can also use getNumberCount() and getNumbers(), which will return 0 and an empty array, respectively.
$ group = $ textMarketer -> getGroupInformation ( ' mygroup ' );
echo sprintf (
' The group is called "%s" with an assigned ID of "%d"! The group %s a stop group. ' ,
$ group -> getName (),
$ group -> getId (),
$ group -> isStopGroup () ? ' IS ' : ' IS NOT '
echo ' <br/> ' ;
echo sprintf (
' The group has %d numbers. Here they are:<br>%s ' ,
$ group -> getNumberCount (),
implode ( ' <br> ' , $ group -> getNumbers ())
$ reportCollection = $ textMarketer -> getDeliveryReportList ();
echo sprintf (
' I have %s reports in total! ' ,
$ reportCollection -> isEmpty () ? ' no ' : $ reportCollection -> getTotal ()
foreach ( $ reportCollection -> asArray () as $ report ) {
echo ' <br> ' ;
echo sprintf (
' Report %s (last updated: %s) has extension %s. ' ,
$ report -> getName (),
$ report -> getLastUpdated -> format ( ' d-m-Y H:i:s ' ),
$ report -> getExtension ()
Все вызовы, связанные с отчетами, возвращают результаты в том же формате, что и выше.
$ reportCollection = $ textMarketer -> getDeliveryReportListByName ( ' ReportName ' );
$ from = new DateTimeImmutable ();
$ to = $ from -> modify ( ' -1 week ' );
$ dateRange = new Nessworthy TextMarketer DateRange ( $ from , $ to );
$ reportCollection = $ textMarketer -> getDeliveryReportListByNameAndDateRange ( ' ReportName ' , $ dateRange );
$ from = new DateTimeImmutable ();
$ reportCollection = $ textMarketer -> getDeliveryReportListByNameAndTag ( ' ReportName ' , ' mytag ' );
$ from = new DateTimeImmutable ();
$ to = $ from -> modify ( ' -1 week ' );
$ dateRange = new Nessworthy TextMarketer DateRange ( $ from , $ to );
$ reportCollection = $ textMarketer -> getDeliveryReportListByNameTagAndDateRange ( ' ReportName ' , ' mytag ' , $ dateRange );
Все методы здесь возвращают экземпляр NessworthyTextMarketerAccountAccountInformation
. Эти объекты содержат как учетные данные, так и учетные данные API - было бы целесообразно не кеш или иным образом сохранять их как есть!
$ accountInformation = $ textMarketer -> getAccountInformation ();
echo ' Account ID: ' . $ accountInformation -> getId ();
echo ' <br>Company Name: ' . $ accountInformation -> getCompanyName ();
echo ' <br>Account Created At: ' . $ accountInformation -> getCreatedDate ()-> format ( ' d/m/Y H:i:s ' );
echo ' <br>Remaining Credits: ' . $ accountInformation -> getRemainingCredits ();
echo ' <br>Notification Email: ' . $ accountInformation -> getNotificationEmail ();
echo ' <br>Notification Mobile Number: ' . $ accountInformation -> getNotificationMobile ();
echo ' <br>Account Username: ' . $ accountInformation -> getUiUserName ();
echo ' <br>Account Password: ' . $ accountInformation -> getUiPassword ();
echo ' <br>API Username: ' . $ accountInformation -> getApiUserName ();
echo ' <br>API Password: ' . $ accountInformation -> getApiPassword ();
Примечание: идентификатор учетной записи должен быть напечатан как строка.
$ accountInformation = $ textMarketer -> getAccountInformationForAccountId ( $ accountId );
Примечание. Невозможно обновить информацию другой учетной записи - вы должны использовать их учетные данные.
Все поля для UpdateAccountInformation
являются необязательными - пройти null
, если вы не хотите менять конкретное поле.
Определенные ограничения применяются при обновлении информации вашей учетной записи. Смотрите здесь для того, что вы можете использовать.
$ newAccountDetails = new Nessworthy TextMarketer Account UpdateAccountInformation (
' uiusername ' , // The new UI Username.
' uipassword ' , // The new UI Password.
' apiusername ' , // The new API Username.
' apipassword ' , // The new API Password.
' Company Name ' , // The new company name.
' [email protected] ' , // The new notification email address.
' 447000000000 ' , // The new notification mobile number.
$ updatedAccountInformation = $ textMarketer -> updateAccountInformation ( $ newAccountDetails );
Примечание. Создание новой учетной записи отключена по умолчанию - вам нужно будет связаться с текстовым маркетологом, чтобы включить это. Например, обновление вашей учетной записи, вы должны, по крайней мере, предоставить адрес электронной почты уведомления или номер мобильного телефона уведомления
Эти поля подлежат тем же ограничениям, что и при обновлении информации об учетной записи.
$ subAccount = new Nessworthy TextMarketer Account CreateSubAccount (
' uiusername ' , // The new account's username
' uipassword ' , // Optional: The new account's password. If null is given, a random password will be generated.
' Company Name ' , // The new account's company name.
' [email protected] ' , // Optional: The new account's notification email address.
' 447000000000 ' , // Optional: The new account's notification mobile number.
false , // Whether to use the same pricing as the parent account.
' PROMOCODE ' // Optional : A promo code for the account if you have one.
// All exceptions extend NessworthyTextMarketerTextMarketerException.
try {
// Send a text marketer request.
} catch ( Nessworthy TextMarketer Endpoint EndpointException $ e ) {
// $e->getMessage() and $e->getCode() return the first message & message code.
// Or for all errors...
foreach ( $ e -> getAllEndpointErrors () as $ error ) {
error_log ( sprintf ( ' TextMarketer Message Error: [%s] %s ' , $ error -> getCode (), $ error -> getMessage ()));