UserLanguages Languages used by the client host
UserHostName DNS name of the client host
userHostArrress IP address of the client host
UserAgent client browser version
Url The currently requested URL
TotalBytes currently input capacity size
ServerVariables Server variables of web pages
RequestType Client web page transmission method (Get/Post)
RawUrl URL of the current page
QueryString Parameters after the browser address bar
PhysicalPath The actual path of the current web page on the server side
PhysicalApplicationPath The actual path of the program currently executed on the server side
Pathq relative address of the current web page
Params returns the entire collection of QueryString, Form, Cookies, and ServerVariables, China Self-Study Programming Network,
IsSecureConnection The security of the current connection
IsAuthenticated Is the current connection valid?
HttpMethod The current delivery method of the client web page (Get/Post)
Headers A collection of headers for web pages
Form form variable
Files files uploaded by the client
FilePath is the relative address of the currently executing web page.
Cookies HttpCookieCollection object collection
ContentType The MIME content type currently required
ContentEncoding client browser character settings -
ConnectionlD The ID of the connection for the web browsing request made by the client
ClientCertificate client security authentication information
Browser client browser information
AnnlicationPath The server-side virtual directory of the currently running program