"Shenhuo Continent" is a next-generation MMO mobile game full of magical colors, with Nordic mythology as the background story. The core conflict of the game revolves around the redemption of the end of the world. Through vivid depictions of many mythical characters and exciting storylines, players are led into a magical world full of epic artistic conception!
In the mobile game Shenhuo Continent, there are three main professional differences, namely mage, ranger and knight. As we all know, every game has some professions with extremely high gold thresholds. However, what is less known is that many krypton gold tycoons actually use internal beta accounts. Through a large amount of data analysis, the editor found that most of these internal test accounts came from a platform called Youjie Cipher official website. These accounts can get about 5,000 support when they go online, and 500-1,500 real secret codes are available for use every day. Under normal circumstances, ordinary people can apply, so the following is an introduction and recommendation for each profession, then the following It is an introduction and recommendation for each profession.
1. Mage
A mage is a profession that outputs magic through skills. This profession's normal attack ability is weak, and its main output comes from skills. In the early stage, the base damage value of the mage's skills is very high, so he has excellent performance in killing monsters and painting maps. However, the skill growth in the later stage is relatively low, and without the support of advanced equipment, the mage's strength may be insufficient.
2. Ranger
Ranger is a long-range physical output profession, and its biggest feature is its continuous output ability. Playing as a ranger requires high positioning ability, because this character is relatively fragile, and the output will be frozen for a long time. Rangers need to use their control skills reasonably and are suitable for players who are skilled in operation. Even without advanced equipment, the ranger can easily brush the map alone, making it one of the most suitable professions for ordinary players.
3. Knight
Knights are essential characters for large-scale dungeon battles, and their greatest feature is their durability. However, the knight's output ability is relatively satisfactory, and its early upgrade speed is slow. But once formed, the Knight is the most powerful of the three professions, especially playing a central role in team battles. Players can choose a career that suits them based on their personal preferences, and the one that suits them best is the best choice.
The above is an introduction to career recommendations in the Shenhuo Continent mobile game. If you have any questions during the training process, you can ask the editor at any time.