When doing SEO, sometimes you need to use web page redirection. The author has compiled five commonly used methods for everyone’s convenience.
1: body onload jump method
<body onload="parent.location='http://www.ieseo.net/'"> This method can also be recognized by search engines.
2: meta refresh jump method
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="10;url=http://www.ieseo.net/"> The "10" in the above html code is the delayed jump time, in seconds. If set to 0, it means an immediate jump. Since search engines can read HTML, search engines can automatically detect this automatic jump method. If the jump time is 0, it may be considered cheating and will be punished. If there is a time delay (usually more than 10 seconds), it will be considered a normal application.
Three: Form jump method
<form name="form1" action=http://www.ieseo.net/default.asp method="get"> </form> <script language="javascript"> document.form1.submit() </script > The name of form1 is arbitrary, but the two form1s should be unified. The URL address in the action must end with the file name. For example, "action=http://www.ieseo.net /" or "action=http://www.ieseo.net/post/" is not a standard way of writing. Since the search engine spider program does not fill in the form, the search engine cannot recognize the automatic jump of the web page achieved through this method.
Four: js jump method
<script language="javascript"> location.replace ( http://www.ieseo.net ) </script> where "http://www.ieseo.net" is the redirect target address. Since search engines cannot parse javascript, search engines cannot recognize automatic jumps using javascript scripts.
Five: Program jump method (response.redirect, server.transfer)
Both response.redirect and server.transfer can automatically jump to web pages. The former can jump to the on-site URL or the off-site URL, while the latter can only jump to the on-site URL, and the URL in the browser address bar will be remain unchanged.