In recent years, Internet Explorer 6 has gone from being the darling browser of web designers to being a hot potato. Security issues, JavaScript bugs and confusing CSS rendering weirdness made it the subject of many jokes. As IE6 enters its era of decline, and support from big companies like Google wanes, it's time to take a full look back at our old nemesis. In this blog post we are going to look at the past of Internet Explorer 6 and analyze why its image has changed over the years. You can see a larger version of the comic here.
Do we need to review our project in Internet Explorer 6? Can we not support IE6? If not, how should we deal with the needs of these users who are still using IE6? If it can't be supported, how can we encourage IE6 users to upgrade? Or how can we convince bosses who won’t let their employees upgrade to older browsers? What do you think? We look forward to hearing from you in the comments after this article!