The aquatic food water chestnut is named because which part of it resembles a horse's hoof? This is the Alipay question on November 1st. The correct answer is underground stems. The water chestnut was originally called water chestnut, which also means that it is an underground fruit.
Topic: The aquatic food water chestnut is named because which part resembles a horseshoe?
A. Underground stem
B. flowers
Correct answer: underground stem
The original name of horseshoe is water chestnut, and horseshoe also means the fruit under the ground. It is also named because the underground stems resemble horseshoes.
The above is brought to you: The aquatic food water chestnut is named because which part resembles a horseshoe? Alipay Answers November 1 Answers 2023 Ant Manor. Friends who want to know the answers to the latest questions must not miss it!