Alexa has always been world-renowned for its website rankings, but Alexa rankings have always been very unstable in China, which has caused quite a stir in the Chinese Internet community. Therefore, the objectivity and authority of Alexa rankings have been questioned by us in the country. Because it is a rogue software, why do I say Alexa like this? I will explain it to you below.
The first point is, no matter how high the weight of your website is, as long as you install the Alexa software, an unknown small website can rise to 100,000 overnight, or even higher. Because Alexa can cheat, the rankings of portal websites like Sina are bungee jumping. Not to mention other small websites, they have real ups and downs. Although the founders of Alexa knew that such a problem existed, they were unable to solve it. Isn't this a hooligan thing?
The second point is that Alexa also has a future-predicting skill. It can predict the rankings for the next week. But it sees something that hasn’t happened yet. Isn’t this predicting the future? As long as you add the Alexa Toolbar (Alexa Toolbar) in the IE browser, it will send a string of codes back to Alexa when the user visits each web page, telling Alexa the relevant information about the visit. You can see the ranking information of all websites in the world on this toolbar, but it can also give rankings for websites that no one has browsed yet. This technology for predicting the future is really high-end.
The third point is that if a person has a high influence in society, then he may be called a celebrity. Of course, the ranking of the website also depends on his influence and comprehensive strength! But Alexa, the “rogue software”, does not judge the ranking of websites in this way. It is understood that Alexa has been in the Internet market for more than ten years. When it was first founded in 1996, it was just a small website, mainly doing classified navigation. But with just one more plug-in, Alexa has turned into a "referee" on the Internet, a referee without technical content.
That’s why I say Alexa is a hooligan on the Internet, a hooligan who has no technical skills but wants to be a referee.
This article comes from; www.alexacn.org. Please keep the address for reprinting.
Thanks to Desert Lone Wolf for your contribution