What are the csgo instruction codes? In the game, we can use command codes to help us complete some operations. Many friends don’t know which operations can use command codes. What are these codes? If you don’t know, follow the editor to learn about csgo. Instruction code collection 2024.
PS: It is recommended to use the ctrl+F shortcut key to query
//The source of all evil and simple instructions
sv_cheats 0/1 //*Close/enable cheat mode
noclip //flight mode switch
god //Invincible mode switch (but will lose armor if beaten)
gods //Everyone is invincible mode switch
kill //*Death on the spot
hurtme x //Cause x HP damage to yourself
echo text//Display text on the console
cvarlist text // View all instructions related to text (all in English), if you do not enter text, view all (3000+ consoles cannot be loaded)
//Instructions related to money settings
mp_maxmoney x //Set the upper limit of money to x
mp_startmoney x //Set the starting money to x
mp_afterroundmoney x //Set the reward money after each round to x (regardless of winning or losing, default is 0)
cash_player_bomb_defused 300 //bomb defused money
cash_player_bomb_planted 300 //Place money in the bag
cash_player_damage_hostage -30 //Money deducted for every 1 HP of hostage damage
cash_player_interact_with_hostage 300 //Interact with hostage
cash_player_killed_enemy_default 300 //The default money for kills without correction
cash_player_killed_enemy_factor 1 //Kill money correction, competitive is 1, casual is 0.5
cash_player_killed_hostage -1000 //Punishment for manslaughter of hostage
cash_player_killed_teammate -300 //Punishment for accidentally killing a teammate
cash_player_rescued_hostage 1000 //Successfully rescued the hostage
cash_team_elimination_bomb_map 3250 //In explosion mode, destroy all the opponent's money
cash_team_elimination_hostage_map_t 3000 //Hostage mode T destroys all the opponent's money cash_team_elimination_hostage_map_ct 3000 //Hostage mode CT destroys all the opponent's money
cash_team_hostage_alive 0 //The money CT gets for each hostage when there are hostages alive at the end
cash_team_hostage_interaction 600 //CT the whole team’s money when interacting with hostages
cash_team_loser_bonus 1400 //Basic money of the losing team
mp_starting_losses 1 //Both sides in the pistol round will lose one round by default (so the losing side in the pistol round will each get 1900) cash_team_loser_bonus_consecutive_rounds 500 //Money added at each level of economic compensation for consecutive losses cash_team_planted_bomb_but_defused 800 //T placed the package but was defeated Extra money from demolition
cash_team_rescued_hostage 600 //The money the CT team gets when successfully rescuing a hostage
cash_team_terrorist_win_bomb 3500 //The money that T wins by detonating the bomb (or completely destroying CT?) cash_team_win_by_defusing_bomb 3500 //The money that CT gets by winning by defusing the bomb
cash_team_win_by_hostage_rescue 2900 //CT money obtained by successfully rescuing all hostages and winning cash_team_win_by_time_running_out_hostage 3250 //T Money obtained by winning without rescuing the hostages cash_team_win_by_time_running_out_bomb 3250 //CT money obtained by winning by running out of time T without placing a package
//Other instructions related to game rules
mp_restartgame x //Refresh the game after x seconds, invalid when x is 0
//warm up
mp_warmup_end //End warmup
mp_warmuptime x //Set the warm-up time to x seconds
mp_warmuptime_all_players_connected x //Set the warm-up time after everyone is connected to x seconds
sv_warmup_to_freezetime_delay x //Set the freeze time after warm-up to x seconds
//Number of people
mp_autoteambalance 0/1 //Do not turn on/turn on automatic balance
mp_limitteams x //Limit the difference in the number of people between the two parties to x people at most. When x is 0, there is no limit.
maxplayers x //Set the maximum number of players to x (including robots)
//number of rounds and time
mp_roundtime x //The round time of death match is x minutes
mp_roundtime_defuse x //The time of each game in casual/competitive mode is x minutes
mp_maxrounds x //The maximum number of rounds in casual/competitive mode is set to x rounds
//Start freeze time
mp_freezetime x //Freeze time in place at the start of x seconds
mp_buytime x //The purchase time x seconds after the in-place freezing time at the start
mp_buy_anywhere 0/1 //Cannot/can buy weapons anywhere
sv_buy_status_override 0/1/2/3 //0 is normal, 1 only CT can be purchased, 2 only T can be purchased, 3 CT and T cannot be purchased
mp_randomspawn 0/1 //Resurrection at birth point/random resurrection
mp_respawn_on_death_t 0/1 //T cannot/can be resurrected
mp_respawn_on_death_ct 0/1 //CT cannot/can be resurrected (Note: If these two items are turned on, the gun cannot be thrown) mp_respawn_immunitytime x //Set the resurrection invincibility time to x seconds
//TK interacts with teammates
mp_friendlyfire 0/1 //Close/enable friendly fire
mp_autokick 0/1 //Disable/enable automatic kicking of players who hang up or tk
mp_teammates_are_enemies 0/1 //When the parameter is 1, teammates are enemies of each other (robot teammates will also attack each other)
ff_damage_reduction_bullets x //The damage multiplier caused by bullets to teammates
ff_damage_reduction_grenade x //The damage multiplier caused by the grenade to teammates
ff_damage_reduction_grenade_self x //Grenade causes damage multiplier to self
ff_damage_reduction_other x //The damage multiplier caused by the knife to teammates
mp_solid_teammates 0/1/2 //0 completely turns off teammate collision, 1 completely turns on teammate collision, and 2 only turns off horizontal teammate collision (can pass through the body or step on the head)
(Note: The reason why there is still no friendly damage after mp_friendlyfire 1 in casual mode is that the four ff_command parameters in this mode are all set to 0)
//Headshot mode
mp_damage_headshot_only 0/1 //Close/enable only headshots
//c4 and lightning clamp
mp_c4timer x //C4 detonation time x seconds
mp_anyone_can_pickup_c4 0/1 //CT prohibits/allows picking up and placing C4
mp_death_drop_defuser 0/1 //Turn off/enable death drop tongs
mp_defuser_allocation 0/1/2 //At the beginning, there are no CT thunder clamps 0, 1 is randomly assigned, and all 2 are present
mp_ignore_round_win_conditions 0/1 //0 is normal, 1 ignores the winning conditions (total destruction/c4 explosion/c4 demolition), it will end when time runs out
mp_match_can_clinch 0/1 //Close/enable early victory to end the game (the number of winning rounds is greater than half of the total number of rounds)
mp_overtime_enable 0/1 //Disable/allow overtime
//Knife, stun gun, armor
mp_drop_knife_enable 0/1 //Disable/allow knife dropping
mp_weapons_allow_zeus 0/1 //Prohibit/allow the use of stun guns
mp_taser_recharge_time x //Set the automatic recharge time of the stun gun. If x is a negative number, it will be discarded immediately after use and cannot be picked up. Even if x is as low as 0, quick combos cannot be performed.
mp_free_armor 0/1/2 //At the beginning, it comes with armor 0 no armor 1 half armor 2 full armor
//drop on death
mp_death_drop_grenade 0/1/2 //0 does not drop mines when dying, 1 drops the best mines, 2 is using or the best mines
mp_death_drop_gun //0 does not drop mines when dying, 1 drops the best gun, 2 is currently using or the best gun
//Team selection and observation
mp_force_pick_time x //Set the team selection time to x seconds
mp_forcecamera 0/1 //Close/enable only the team can be observed after death
//Continuous jump and airspeed
sv_autobunnyhopping 0/1 //Disable/enable automatic jumping (press and hold space)
sv_enablebunnyhopping 0/1 //Enable/cancel jump speed limit
sv_airaccelerate x //Limit the maximum airspeed to x
//Blood volume and blood sucking
sv_regeneration_force_on 0/1 //Disable/enable automatic blood regeneration (up to 100HP). The blood regeneration speed is faster but it can still be killed by continuous gunfire.
mp_damage_vampiric_amount 0/1 //Disable/enable blood-sucking mode, which can suck up to 200HP by default (that is, twice the upper limit of blood volume)
ent_fire !self addoutput "max_health x" //Set the upper limit of your own blood volume to x (that is, you can suck up to 2x when you suck blood)
//Switch mode and map
exec gamemode_mode//Switch game mode, essentially executing the mode preset in the cfg folder
map de_inferno //Switch the map to de_inferno (Purgatory Town), the same applies to other maps
mp_display_kill_assists 0/1 //Close/enable assist display
mp_competitive_endofmatch_extra_time x //Set the scoreboard display time after the competition ends to x seconds
host_ timescale x //Set the game speed to x times, the default is 1
//guns and throwing objects
//Buy and give
buy weapon code //Buy weapons (weapon code removes the weapon_ prefix)
give weapon code//generate/give weapons
cl_autobuy weapon code //Set automatic purchase, there can be multiple weapon codes (remove the weapon_ prefix), separated by spaces
autobuy //Automatic purchase (need to set the previous one first)
//hitbox and bullets
sv_showlagcompensation 0/1 //Disable/enable viewing hitbox
sv_showimpacts 0/1/2 //Display the bullet hit point, 0 does not display, 1 displays red and blue squares, 2 only displays red squares
sv_showimpacts_time x //The bullet hit point is displayed for x seconds
sv_showimpacts_penetration 0/1 //Close/display bullet penetration details
//Infinite bullets
sv_infinite_ammo 0/1/2 //0 bullets are normal, 1 current magazine is unlimited, 2 spare magazines are unlimited, 0 projectiles are normal, 1/2 projectiles are unlimited
//Set default weapon
mp_ct_default_melee weapon_knife
mp_ct_default_secondary weapon_usp_silencer //CT default pistol USP
mp_ct_default_primary weapon_m4a1_silencer //CT default primary weapon m4a1-s
mp_t_default_melee weapon_knife
mp_t_default_secondary weapon_glock
mp_t_default_primary weapon_ak47
//Throwing objects
mp_buy_allow_grenades 0/1 //Prohibit/allow the purchase of grenades
mp_t_default_grenades "weapon_flashbang weapon_hegrenade weapon_smokegrenade weapon_molotov" //T starts with smoke, flash and thunder
mp_ct_default_grenades "weapon_flashbang weapon_hegrenade weapon_smokegrenade weapon_incgrenade" //CT starts with smoke, lightning and thunder
inferno_scorch_decals 0/1 //Close/enable incendiary bomb burn marks and grenade explosion marks
inferno_friendly_fire_duration x //Issue a warning when using incendiary bombs to injure teammates for x seconds
inferno_damage x //Set the damage of incendiary bombs to x HP/s (default 40)
inferno_flame_lifetime x //Set the burning time of the incendiary bomb to x seconds (default 7)
inferno_max_range x //Set the maximum expansion range of incendiary bombs to x (default 150)
mp_molotovusedelay x //Incendiary bomb (T) use delay x seconds
r_drawparticles 0/1 //0 is normal, 1 turns off display effects such as flames/smoke bombs (but normal when in smoke)
ammo_grenade_limit_flashbang x //Set the maximum number of flashbangs to x
ammo_grenade_limit_total x //Set the maximum total number of thrown objects to x
sv_grenade_trajectory 0/1 //Hide/show the trajectory of the thrown object after being thrown
sv_grenade_trajectory_thickness x //Set the thickness of the trajectory line to x
sv_grenade_trajectory_time x //Set the trajectory display time to x seconds
cl_grenadepreview 0/1 //Enable throwing object trajectory preview
cl_sim_grenade_trajectory x //Fix the current trajectory for x seconds
sv_rethrow_last_grenade //Rethrow the last thrown object
//*Game settings
//Sight (it is recommended to use the creative workshop map to modify)
cl_crosshairgap x //Set the gap size in the middle of the crosshair to x
cl_crosshairsize x //Set the length of the four lines of the crosshair to x (default value is 5)
cl_crosshairthickness x //Set the thickness of the crosshair to x (minimum is 1)
cl_crosshairdot 0/1 //No/Add a dot in the middle of the crosshair
cl_crosshairalpha x //Set the crosshair transparency to x (the lower, the more transparent)
cl_crosshair_drawoutline 0/1 //Disable/enable the black outline of the crosshair
cl_crosshaircolor x //Set the crosshair color code to x (0 red 1 green 2 yellow 3 blue 4 cyan 5 purple)
cl_crosshaircolor_r x
cl_crosshaircolor_g y
cl_crosshaircolor_b z
//The above three items set the RGB color of the crosshair (xyz can be filled in 0-255)
cl_crosshairstyle x //Set the crosshair style to x (0 default, 1 classic static, 2 classic, 3 classic dynamic, 4 classic static, 5cs1.6 crosshair)
cl_crosshair_sniper_width x// Set the sniper rifle crosshair width to x
//Display (some settings can be changed in the game settings)
fps_max x //Set the highest fps to x
cl_drawhud 0/1 //Close/enable HUD
hud_scaling x //The overall hud ratio is x
cl_draw_only_deathnotices 0/1 //Disable/enable recording frag mode (only sight, arm and kill information)
cl_hud_color x //Customize HUD color (x is a number between 1 and 10)
cl_hud_playercount_showcount 0/1 //How to display surviving players (0 displays the avatar, 1 displays the number of players, default 0)
cl_hud_playercount_pos 0/1 //Scoreboard position (0 top, 1 bottom)
cl_hud_radar_scale x //Set the radar size, x is between 0.8 and 1.3, the default is 1
cl_radar_scale x //Set the radar display range size, x is between 0.25 and 1, and the default is 0.7. The smaller the number, the larger the display range.
cl_radar_always_centered 0/1 //Your position in the radar is not centered/centered
cl_radar_icon_scale_min x //The size of teammate points in the radar is x
cl_radar_rotate 0/1 //Disable/enable radar content rotation
//Show gun
cl_righthand 0/1 //0 holds the gun in the left hand, 1 holds the gun in the right hand
viewmodel_offset_x x //Gun holding position, minimum -2.5 (close to the middle of the screen) maximum 2.5 (closest to the edge of the screen)
viewmodel_offset_y y //Gun holding position, maximum 2 (closest to the top of the screen) minimum -2 (closest to the bottom of the screen)
viewmodel_offset_z z //Gun holding position, maximum 2 (farthest) minimum -2 (nearest)
viewmodel_presetpos 1/2/3 //Three presets for the gun position, 1 defaults to 2 left and 3 right
viewmodel_fov x //x range 54-68, control the distance of holding the gun
fov_cs_debug x //Viewing distance 0 is the default, 1-89 is zooming in 90, which is equivalent to the default 91-179, zooming out the viewing angle 180 to enter a different world (fog) 180 or above is similar
//Information display
cl_showfps 0/1 //Turn off/display FPS in the upper left corner of the screen
net_graph 0/1 //Close/display the current values of fps, ping, loss, choke, and tick
cl_hud_healthammo_style 0/1 //Change the blood armor display mode, 0 displays bars and numbers, 1 displays only numbers
//Control (can be changed in game settings)
sensitivity x //Mouse sensitivity is x
zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse x //The sensitivity of the sniper after opening the scope is x
m_rawinput 0/1 //Disable/enable mouse raw input
cl_autowepswitch 0/1 //Disable/enable automatic pickup of weapons
voice_enable 0/1 //Disable/enable voice
sv_ignoregrenaderadio 0/1 //Enable/disable projectile radio
cl_idealpitchscale x //Set the sound effect size to x, the default is 0.8
snd_mvp_volume x //Set mvp music volume to x
snd_setmixer dialog vol 0 //Turn off the sound of throwing objects
//bot related
bot_add //Add a bot randomly
bot_add_ct //Add a CT
bot_add_t //Add a T
bot_kick //Kick all computers
bot_kill //Execute all computers
bot_quota x //Set the maximum number of bots to x (default 10)
bot_stop 0/1 //1 means the bot stands still.
bot_freeze 0/1 //1 means freezing all bots
bot_crouch 0/1 //bot stand/crouch
bot_place //Place a bot here
bot_dont_shoot 0/1 //1 means the bot stops shooting (but the bot will shoot randomly if it is dodged)
bot_mimic 0/1 //Close/enable bot imitation (recommended to be used with bot_stop 1)
notarget //bot will not react to you in any way
bot_knives_only //bot can only use knives
bot_pistols_only //Bot can only use pistols
bot_snipers_only //Bot can only use snipers
bot_all_weapons //Bot can use all weapons
bot_allow_grenades 0/1 //Bot cannot/can use grenades (doubtful)
bot_coop_force_throw_grenade_chance x //The probability of bot throwing grenade is x (doubtful)
bot_chatter normal/off //bot chat normal/off
bot_difficulty x //bot difficulty
custom_bot_difficulty x //also bot difficulty
(bot_difficulty 0 to 3 represent easy, normal, difficult, and expert respectively; custom_bot_difficulty is the local game bot difficulty value from 0 to 5)
//*Screenshot and recording
jpeg file name//screenshot
record file name //Start recording
stop //Stop recording
playdemo file name//play video
host_framerate x //Set the number of frames per second
startmovie file name avi //Start recording the video as a video
endmovie //End recording
demo_pause //recording pause
demo_resume //Resume video playback
demo_timescale x //The video playback speed is x times, the default is 1
demo_togglepause //Switch between play and pause states
//*Binding (Note: +/- before the command can be understood as holding/releasing)
key_listboundkeys //List all bound keys and functions bind "key" "Command 1;Command 2;....." //Bind one or more commands to the key
bindToggle "key" "command" //You can only bind a command with parameters 0 and 1, that is, press the button to switch between 0 and 1. Compared with the bind command, you can save keys.
bind "key" "incrementvar parameter command minimum value maximum value step" // Example: bind "F12" "incrementvar 0 2 1" Initial r_drawothermodels 1 normal mode, click it to change to r_drawothermodels 2 perspective mode, click it again to change to r_drawothermodels 0 Transparent mode, click again to change to r_drawothermodels 1 Normal mode......... This cycle (maximum and minimum value steps can be negative numbers)
alias "Customized command name" "Existing command 1; Existing command 2;....." //Customize a command, which is a collection of multiple commands (see the original post of source 1 for detailed applications)
unbind "key" //unbind
//*Practical instructions and scripts
//big jump
alias +sjump "+jump; +duck"
alias -sjump "-jump;-duck"
bind KEY "+sjump"
//jump shot
alias +jumpthrow "+jump;-attack"
alias -jumpthrow "-jump"
bind KEY "+jumpthrow"
//Clear blood stains (can be tied to wsad at the same time, so that as long as these keys are pressed, blood stains can be cleared)
bind "shift" "+speed; r_cleardecals"
//Hook up and spin (just input directly into the console)
+left (to close, just -left, right, jump, etc. are the same)
//One-click transmission
getpos //After execution, a line of red letters will appear on the console: setpos xxx xxx xxx;setang xxx xxx xxx; (setpos means transmission and setang means setting direction) If you want to send it to the place where getpos is executed, just copy this text and execute it. It is recommended Do not use it against the wall as it may get stuck on the wall.
retry //*Reconnect to the server you last accessed
exit/quit //*Quit the game
disconnect //*Quit the server being connected
say text//global chat
say_team text//Team chat
maps //List all maps on this server
sv_password 123 //Set the server password to 123
mm_dedicated_search_maxping x //Set the maximum ping of the searched server to x
cl_hideserverip 0/1 //Show/hide the server's IP in the console
//Complete Guide to White Whore Knife (requires mp_drop_knife_enable 1)
give weapon_knifegg//golden knife (cannot be viewed by f)
give weapon_knife_butterfly;ent_fire weapon_knife addoutput "classname weapon_knifegg"//Butterfly Knife
give weapon_knife_bayonet;ent_fire weapon_knife addoutput "classname weapon_knifegg"//bayonet
give weapon_knife_m9_bayonet;ent_fire weapon_knife addoutput "classname weapon_knifegg"//M9 Bayonet
give weapon_knife_css;ent_fire weapon_knife addoutput "classname weapon_knifegg"//Seal dagger
give weapon_knife_flip;ent_fire weapon_knife addoutput "classname weapon_knifegg"//folding knife
give weapon_knife_gut;ent_fire weapon_knife addoutput "classname weapon_knifegg"//Intestinal Knife
give weapon_knife_karambit;ent_fire weapon_knife addoutput "classname weapon_knifegg"//Claw Knife
give weapon_knife_ursus;ent_fire weapon_knife addoutput "classname weapon_knifegg"//Xiong Dao
give weapon_knife_stiletto;ent_fire weapon_knife addoutput "classname weapon_knifegg"//Dagger
give weapon_knife_widowmaker;ent_fire weapon_knife addoutput "classname weapon_knifegg"//serrated claw
give weapon_knife_falchion;ent_fire weapon_knife addoutput "classname weapon_knifegg"//Machete
give weapon_knife_tactical;ent_fire weapon_knife addoutput "classname weapon_knifegg"//Hunter-killer dagger
give weapon_knife_push;ent_fire weapon_knife addoutput "classname weapon_knifegg"//Shadow Double Dagger
give weapon_knife_survival_bowie;ent_fire weapon_knife addoutput "classname weapon_knifegg"//Bowie
give weapon_knife_gypsy_jackknife;ent_fire weapon_knife addoutput "classname weapon_knifegg"//Jackknife
give weapon_knife_canis;ent_fire weapon_knife addoutput "classname weapon_knifegg"//survival dagger
give weapon_knife_cord;ent_fire weapon_knife addoutput "classname weapon_knifegg"//Tether dagger
give weapon_knife_outdoor;ent_fire weapon_knife addoutput "classname weapon_knifegg"//Wanderer Dagger
give weapon_knife_skeleton;ent_fire weapon_knife addoutput "classname weapon_knifegg"//Skeleton dagger
give weapon_knife_ghost;ent_fire weapon_knife addoutput "classname weapon_knifegg"//Ghost folding knife
(Note: The second sentence in these instructions has an invalid key binding, which makes it impossible to simply brush the knife with one click. The reason is unknown)
Supplement: The reason for the inability to bind is because there are double quotes in the command, and the double quotes do not distinguish between left and right, and the nearest match is
//Weapon code (the complete code is used for give, without the weapon_ prefix when using buy; the last four can only be given)
Glock 18 weapon_glock
P2000 weapon_hkp2000
USP weapon_usp_silencer
Double gunweapon_elite
FN57(CT) weapon_fn57
P250 weapon_p250
Desert Eagle weapon_deagle
TEC-9(T) weapon_tec9
Nova weapon_nova
XM1014 weapon_xm1014
MAG-7 (CT) weapon_mag7
Sawed off(T) weapon_sawedoff
//machine gun
M249 weapon_m249
Negev weapon_negev
//submachine gun
MAC-10(T) weapon_mac10
MP9 weapon_mp9
MP7 weapon_mp7
UMP45 weapon_ump45
P90 weapon_p90
PP19 BIZON weapon_bizon
Galil AR(T) weapon_galilar
FAMAS F1(CT) weapon_famas
AK-47(T) weapon_ak47
M4A4(CT) weapon_m4a1
M4A1-S(CT) weapon_m4a1_silencer
AUG (CT) weapon_aug
SG 556(T) weapon_sg552
SSG-08 weapon_ssg08
AWP weapon_awp
G3 SG/1(T) weapon_g3sg1
SCAR 20(CT) weapon_scar20
//Throwing objects
High explosive grenadeweapon_hegrenade
Smoke bomb weaponon_smokegrenade
Decoy bomb weapons_decoy
Molotov (bandit) weapon_molotov
Incendiary bomb (police) weapon_Incgrenade
stun gunweapon_taser
bomb disposal pliersdefuser
Bulletproof vest (half armor) vest
Body armor plus helmet (full armor) vesthelm
C4 weapon_c4
Explosion-proof shieldweapon_shield
Remote control bomb (cannot explode) weapon_breachcharge
Heavy armor item_heavyassaultsuit
cash_player_get_killed 0/1 //Do not get/get money when killed
cash_player_respawn_amount x //Set the amount of money obtained by being killed and resurrected to x (that is, you will get 2x if you die and resurrect)
mp_consecutive_loss_max x //Maximum number of consecutive loss compensation games (default 4)
mp_damage_scale_ct_body 1.0 //CT body injury correction coefficient
mp_damage_scale_ct_head 1.0 //CT head injury correction coefficient
mp_damage_scale_t_body 1.0 //T body injury correction coefficient
mp_damage_scale_t_head 1.0 //T head injury correction coefficient
mp_death_drop_c4 0/1 //Does not drop when dead/drops c4 (if not dropped, it will disappear immediately after death..)
mp_economy_reset_rounds 0/1 //Close/enable economic reset for each round (reset to the value of mp_startmoney)
mp_equipment_reset_rounds 0/1 //Close/enable equipment reset for each round (reset to default equipment)
mp_give_player_c4 0/1 //T starts without/with C4
mp_global_damage_per_second x //X HP is deducted from everyone every second. It will not cause death. Negative numbers are invalid.
bot_allow_grenades 0/1
bot_allow_machine_guns 0/1
bot_allow_pistols 0/1
bot_allow_rifles 0/1
bot_allow_rogues 0/1
bot_allow_shotguns 0/1
bot_allow_snipers 0/1
bot_allow_sub_machine_guns 0/1
Complete bot restriction instructions, 0 disabled and 1 allowed, from top to bottom are throwing objects/machine guns/pistols/rifles/loafing/shotguns/sniper rifles/submachine guns
Shotguns and machine guns/pistols/rifles/submachine guns
The default is -1, which allows purchases. Other values do not allow purchases.
After executing the command, the weapon still in hand can still be used, but it will be automatically discarded after resurrection and cannot be used.
sv_accelerate 5.5 //Moving starting acceleration
sv_friction 5.2 //Ground friction
sv_maxspeed 320 //Maximum speed, proportional to the maximum speed of walking and flying
sv_stopspeed 80 //Stop speed, the larger the value, the slower the acceleration and the faster the emergency stop.
bot_ignore_enemies 0/1 //bot does not ignore/ignore enemies
bot_ignore_players 0/1 //bot does not ignore/ignore non-bot players
bot_join_after_player 0/1 //0 is normal, 1bot joins after the player
bot_mimic_yaw_offset 180 //The angle between the bot's direction and your direction when bot_mimic is turned on (change it to 0 to make the bot face the same direction as you)
bot_pistols_only //Bot can only use pistols
bot_snipers_only //Bot can only use snipers
cl_lock_camera 0/1 //Normal/lock camera position (out of body)
cl_phys_timescale 1 //Death animation playback rate
endround //restart this round
explode //Another way to die in place
healthshot_allow_use_at_full 0/1 // Prohibit/allow the use of health shot at full health
healthshot_health 50 //The healing amount of the blood recovery gun
healthshot_healthboost_damage_multiplier 1 //Don't know
healthshot_healthboost_speed_multiplier 1 //Same as above
healthshot_healthboost_time 0 //Stand still time (seconds) when using the blood recovery gun
sv_falldamage_scale 1 //Fall damage correction coefficient
sv_falldamage_to_below_player_multiplier 1 //Enable the fall damage sharing mechanism (that is, if you fall on someone else's head, both people will have their blood deducted)
sv_falldamage_to_below_player_ratio 0 //Sharing ratio, 0 falls the full amount, 0.5 is divided equally, those below 1 get the full amount, the one who falls is not injured, and those below 1 will deduct more, kill in this way, kill the weapon What is shown is the weapon in the hand of the person who dropped it at the time of contact. The kill reward is 200.
Send out a radio to guard this position to prevent the bot from running around. It can be used in conjunction with bind.
sv_showbullethits 0/1/2 //0 normal, 1 uses large "bullets" to show the bullets that almost hit the enemy and the bullets that hit the enemy, 2 only shows the bullets that hit the enemy
sv_spawn_afk_bomb_drop_time x //C4 carrier will automatically drop C4 after hanging up for x seconds at the start (default 15 seconds)
weapon_auto_cleanup_time x //Weapons dropped on the ground will automatically disappear after x seconds when there are no players around.
_restart //Restart the engine
addip xxx.xxx.xx.xx//Add an IP to the blacklist
cl_timeout x //Automatic reconnection time for x seconds after disconnection
crosshair 0/1 //Close/enable crosshair
drawcross xyz //Draw a cross at (x,y,z)
drawline x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2 //Draw a line between (x1,y1,z1) and (x2,y2,z2)
(The above two are recommended to be used with getpos)
ff_damage_bullet_penetration 0/1 //Bullets that hit teammates will not/will damage teammates behind them (always damage enemies behind them)
r_drawtracers_firstperson 0/1 //Do not display/display tracer bullets in first person
thirdperson_mayamode //Lock/unlock third-person perspective
hud_saytext_time x //Set the chat display time to x seconds (default 12)
impulse 202 //Spray some oil on the wall at the crosshair
impulse 203 //Remove the entity at the crosshair. I tried it and it seems to only work on TVs.
killserver //Close the server
ammo_item_limit_healthshot x //Set the upper limit of the number of health shots to x (default 4)
mp_c4_cannot_be_defused 0/1 // 0 normal, 1 C4 cannot be defused
mp_only_cts_rescue_hostages 0/1 // 1 normal, 0 T can also rescue hostages
mp_plant_c4_anywhere 0/1 // 0 normal, 1 C4 can be placed anywhere
mp_teamcashawards 0/1 // 1 normal, 0 no team reward after each round
sv_disable_radar 0/1 // 0 normal, 1 disable radar
sv_talk_enemy_dead 0/1 //Dead teammates cannot/can hear the news of dead enemies
sv_talk_enemy_living 0/1 //Surviving teammates cannot/can hear messages from surviving enemies
sv_deadtalk 0/1 //Dead players cannot/can communicate with surviving players
sv_health_approach_enabled 0/1 //The blood return gun returns blood instantly/slowly.
sv_health_approach_speed x //Set the slow blood return rate of the blood return gun to x HP/s
view_recoil_tracking x //View vibration when strafing (default 0.45)
mp_hostages_max 2 //The number of hostages at the beginning
mp_hostages_rescuetime 1 //The number of minutes the round time increases when a hostage is rescued
mp_hostages_run_speed_modifie 1 //Hostage escape speed modification coefficient
mp_hostages_spawn_farthest 0/1 //0 is normal, 1 always forces hostages to be spawned farthest away
mp_hostages_spawn_force_positions 0 //Force to change the spawn position. It seems that the parameter is the coordinate?
mp_hostages_spawn_same_every_round 0/1 //Hostages are randomly generated every round/generated at the same location
mp_hostages_takedamage 0/1 //Hostages cannot/can be harmed
mp_drop_grenade_enable 0/1 //Disable/allow dropping of thrown objects
sv_cs_player_speed_has_hostage 200 //The speed when carrying a hostage
sv_hegrenade_damage_multiplier x //High explosive grenade damage correction coefficient
sv_hegrenade_radius_multiplier x //High explosive grenade range correction coefficient
sv_noclipspeed x //The multiple of flight mode relative to walking speed
cash_team_winner_bonus_consecutive_rounds x //Set the winning streak reward to x
cl_bob_lower_amt x //Set the muzzle depression amplitude when moving to x (default 21, range 5-30)
cl_bobamt_lat x //Set the left and right swing amplitude of the muzzle when moving to x, (default 0.33, range 0.1-2)
cl_bobamt_vert x //Set the up and down shaking amplitude when moving to x, (default 0.14, range 0.1-2)
(Note: Adjust the above three items to the lowest level and there will be no shaking)
viewmodel_recoil x //Set the muzzle elevation when shooting to x, (default 1, range 0-1)
sv_ladder_scale_speed x //Up and down ladder speed (default 0.58, range 0-1)
sv_weapon_encumbrance_scale x //Set the load deceleration ratio
weapon_air_spread_scale x //Set the air walking debuff strength to x (default 1, 0 disables the debuff)
weapon_accuracy_nospread 0/1 //0 is normal, 1 turns off all walking debuffs
weapon_recoil_decay1_exp x //Set the decay 1 exponential coefficient to x (default 3.5)
weapon_recoil_decay2_exp x //Set the decay 2 (vertical?) exponential coefficient to x (default 8)
weapon_recoil_decay2_lin x //Set the decay 2 (vertical?) linear coefficient to x (default 18)
weapon_recoil_scale x //Set the strafing scale to x, affecting walking, muzzle raising, and visual angle vibration moving up (default 2)
view_recoil_tracking x //Set the upward movement of the visual angle vibration when strafing to x (default 0.45)
viewmodel_recoil x //Set the muzzle elevation when strafing to x (default 1, range 0-1)
weapon_recoil_view_punch_extra x //Set the visual angle vibration amplitude when strafing to x (default 0.055)
weapon_debug_spread_gap 1 //Unknown
weapon_recoil_cooldown 0 //Same as above
weapon_recoil_suppression_shots 500 //Same as above
mp_death_drop_taser 0/1 //Does not drop upon death/drops stun gun
mp_death_drop_healthshot 0/1 //Does not drop after death/drops back to health shot
In addition: mp_death_drop_gun 0/1/2//0 does not drop the gun when dying, 1 drops the best gun, 2 is currently using or the best gun
In deathmatch mode or when resurrection is enabled, you can only throw guns by setting this command to 1 or 2. The price is that there will be guns all over the ground later.
Moreover, weapon_auto_cleanup_time 0 makes weapons dropped on the ground disappear. The reason is unknown.
mat_draw_resolution 0/1/2 //0 is normal, 1/2 turns on green mode
r_drawtracers 0/1 //1 normal, 0 turns off tracer bullet display in first person and other people
r_drawplayers 0/1/2/3 //1 normal, 0 all players invisible, 2/3 cube people
r_drawgray 0/1 //0 normal, 1 gray mode
game_type x //Switch game type
game_mode y //Switch game mode
//xy combination corresponds to different modes:
00 Casual, 01 Competitive, 02 2v2 partner, 03 5v5 melee
10 Arms Race, 11 Arms Race Demolition Mode, 12 Arms Race Deathmatch Mode
20 individual training
40 cooperation, 41 cooperation tasks
50 encounters
60 Survival
thirdperson_lockcamera 0/1 //Unlock/lock the third person camera position
give parachute //parachute
weapon_debug_spread_show 0/1 //Close/enable spread size display
Reissue a post regarding purchase issues in death mode
mp_buy_during_immunity 0/1 //In death mode, 0 can only be purchased during the purchase time, 1 can be purchased during the purchase time or invincibility time
(Note: Death mode buytime is calculated from the start of the game, not from resurrection)
When mp_autokick 1, there are also the following instructions
mp_td_dmgtokick 300 //Players with a total friendly damage count higher than this value will be kicked out of the game
mp_td_dmgtowarn 200 //Players with total friendly damage higher than this value will be warned
mp_td_spawndmgthreshold 50 //Players who cause friendly damage higher than this value at the beginning of the round will be warned (first time)/kicked from the game (second time)
mp_halftime 0 //Determine whether the game changes sides at halftime
mp_halftime_duration 15 //Half-time break time (seconds)
mp_halftime_pausematch 0/1 //0 normal, 1 halftime pause, must vote or cancel the pause by the administrator
mp_halftime_pausetimer 0/1 //1 can stay in half time indefinitely, 0 can continue timing
molotov_throw_detonate_time x //The explosion time after the incendiary bomb is thrown
mp_spawnprotectiontime x //tk within x seconds after the freeze ends will be regarded as the opening tk
ent_list_report //Code to list all objects in the map
hostage_is_silent 0/1 //0 normal, 1 hostage is silent (there will be no sound when being beaten)
mp_hostages_max 2 //Maximum number of hostages (measured office maximum 9)
mp_hostages_spawn_same_every_round 0/1 //Hostages are randomly generated every round/generated at the same location
mp_hostages_spawn_force_positions x,y,z,... //Force to determine the spawn position. If the parameter is -1, there will be no hostages. When the parameters are multiple, the preset hostage positions will be determined (the number does not exceed the value of mp_hostages_max)
sv_cs_player_speed_has_hostage 200 //Speed when carrying a hostage (actual maximum speed is knife holding speed, default 250)
Time slows down when you left-click to splash water
alias "+a" "+attack;host_timescale 0.5"
alias "-a" "-attack;host_timescale 1;"
bind "mouse1" "+a"