Hello everyone, I am Xiao Z. The topic I bring to you today is a bit big. I will try my best to explain it in a simple way, but I still want to say "Practice is the only criterion for testing truth". Learning theoretical knowledge alone is not enough.
1. Needs, desires and needs. Human needs are the cornerstone of marketing, that is, people's innate basic needs; desire refers to the desire to obtain specific satisfaction; demand refers to people's ability to pay and willingness to purchase a product.
Excellent webmasters always use various methods to deeply understand the needs, desires and needs of users, and formulate their own promotion strategies accordingly. They carefully study user behavior and preferences, and analyze relevant user surveys, product guarantees and services, etc. Data, observe and compare users of your own website and rival websites to understand their preferences, and train customer service staff so that they can discover unsatisfied desires.
The core idea of “serving everyone” needs to be emphasized here. By seizing this point, my website users have a high return rate, and many people are used to visiting it every day, even if I don't do much SEO.
2. Products and services. In marketing, a product refers to anything that satisfies people's needs and desires. The value of a product lies in the satisfaction it brings to people's desires. Products are really just vehicles for obtaining services. To put it simply, people buy cars not to get a machine, but to get the transportation services it provides.
Webmasters must be clearly aware that no matter what the shape of the website is, how optimized it is, or how beautiful the art is, if it cannot meet the needs and desires of netizens, it will inevitably fail. The main needs of my site users are news, housing information, stock guidance, and leisure and relaxation. I can make some key arrangements for these needs.
3. Utility, cost and satisfaction. To illustrate this point directly, if someone wants to solve the transportation needs to go to work every day, he will consider the product combination that meets this need (such as bicycles, motorcycles, taxis, cars, etc.) and the combination he needs (such as speed) , safety, convenience, comfort, economy, etc.) to conduct a comprehensive evaluation to determine which product can provide the greatest satisfaction.
Webmasters' profit methods are different, but they can all be combined with the above theory. Both merchants and users will comprehensively measure the cost and effectiveness of the website, and choose to use or purchase the website that can maximize the effectiveness of every cent spent.
4. Exchange, transactions and relationships. Exchange refers to getting what you need from others and giving something of yourself in return; transaction is the basic unit of exchange; marketing based on transaction can become transaction marketing.
What should be emphasized here is the application of relationship marketing in website operation. Webmasters should establish and maintain long-term cooperative relationships with valuable users, suppliers, advertisers, technical personnel, etc. Among them, establishing long-term cooperative relationships with users is the core content of relationship marketing. Relationship marketing can save transaction time and costs and maximize the interests of both parties, that is, achieving a "win-win" and transforming the competition of websites into the competition of the entire relationship network team.
Finally, I repeat the words at the beginning of the article, "Practice is the only criterion for testing truth." I wish everyone and my own website Jidong Oilfield Bar http://www.jdyt8.com/ become more and more popular.
Thanks to thljz for your contribution