Many users have expressed that they want to participate in the 5.10th Anniversary Celebration Win and Free Orders event held by Taobao. Participate in the event to win the opportunity to win free orders. We also need to answer the free order questions in turn. Next, come and take a look at the 5.10th Anniversary Celebration Win and Free Orders event. question, and what’s the answer?
Taobao answer at 11 o'clock on May 7th: 110
Taobao free order at 16:00 on May 6 Answer: 112
1. The first step is to guess the amount by looking at the picture.
Each question has three pictures, each picture corresponds to a number (0-9), forming an amount.
2. The second step is to place the order on time
After the lottery starts, place an order according to the guessed amount and pay to win a free order, first come first served.
3. Receive the free order notification
Taobao free order SMS notification, or search Taobao free order query answers and winning results.
2. Free red envelopes arrive in your account
The qualifications for free orders can be checked in [My Taobao] - [Red Envelopes]. After all orders placed for guessing questions are received, the free order red envelopes can be used.