2. Use characters of the same color as the background color to complete the insertion of spaces. This method is more cumbersome and difficult to modify, and when the browsing content is selected, the hidden characters are exposed.
2. Use HTML language
Use HTML language to realize Chinese paragraph indentation. It is a bit difficult for beginners who do not understand HTML.
1. Preformat (PRE)
Source files written in preformatted formats are displayed according to the typesetting in the source file, and blank lines and spaces can be clearly distinguished. For example, the source file is:
--Preformatted display...
The web page will be displayed according to the display mode you set in advance, that is, there will be two empty spaces for Chinese characters in front of the "pre-formatted display".
2. Insert the special space character " "
" " represents a non-display space character. Indenting Chinese paragraphs can also be achieved by inserting several " " characters separated by semicolons (;) or spaces. However, in Netscape 3.01, only lowercase letters can be written, while in IE, both uppercase and lowercase letters can be written. (This method is prone to garbled characters and is not recommended)
3. Use full-width input method
If you are using the smart ABC pinyin input, please press SHIFT+space. At this time, the half-moon shape on the property bar of the input method will become a circle. Then press the space bar again, and the spaces will appear. In addition, the full-width mode of intelligent Chenqiao Wubi can also directly input spaces. This method is relatively simple. The disadvantage is that under the English character set, full-width spaces will become garbled characters.
4. Alternative methods
1. Insert point diagrams or graphics:
Dot image means that there are only one or a few pixels in the picture, which cannot be seen with the naked eye. When we insert such a dot image at the beginning of a paragraph, and use the HSPACE and VSPACE properties to adjust the left, right, top and bottom spaces of the dot image to achieve paragraph indentation.
2. Insert a table without borders and content:
This method is similar to the above-mentioned method of inserting graphics. The table has no borders and content but is an empty table. Use the WIDTH and HEIGHT properties of TABLE to adjust the size of the table to suit indentation needs. Using tables for positioning is generally more reliable. This method can easily make the source file of the page larger. Therefore, it may not be the first choice for format control.
Finally, I will tell you the most original method: copy the spaces in some text editing software (such as Notepad), and then paste them in Dreamweaver.
5. CSS method
This can be achieved by adding some attributes to the <p> tag, <P style="TEXT-INDENT: 2em"> and that's it! This site recommends this method. In the future, the web teaching website will also be revised to a website that meets WEB standards. There are so many types introduced, which one is best to use? You can decide according to your own preferences.