Question: It can be implemented when there are pictures in both layers, but it will not work if there is FLASH, which means that the pictures will always be covered by FLASH. What should I do?
Layers A layer
in Dreamweaver is an HTML page element that is assigned an absolute position - specifically, a div tag or any other tag.Layers can contain text, images, or anything else that can be placed within the body of an HTML document.
Note that
the layer mentioned in this chapter belongs to Dreamweaver's layout concept, not the layer tag.
Understand the concept of layers
With Dreamweaver, you can use layers to design the layout of your pages. You can place layers one behind the other, hide some layers while showing others, and move layers around the screen. You can place a background image in one layer and then in front of that layer place a second layer that contains text with a transparent background.
Layers provide great flexibility in placing content. However, site visitors using older versions of Web browsers may have trouble viewing the layer. To ensure that everyone can view your Web page, you can design the page layout using layers and then convert the layers into tables. For more information, see Convert Layers to Tables. However, if the visitors you're dealing with are likely to be using some of the latest browsers, you can design your layout entirely in layers without converting the layers into tables.
About a layer's HTML code
When you place a layer in a document, Dreamweaver inserts the layer's HTML tags in the code. By default, Dreamweaver creates layers using div tags.
Note that
you can also use two other tags to create layers: layer and ilayer. However, these tags are only supported by Netscape Navigator 4; Internet Explorer does not support these tags, and Netscape no longer supports these tags in newer browsers. Dreamweaver recognizes the layer and ilayer tags but does not use them to create layers.
When you draw a layer using the Draw Layers tool, Dreamweaver inserts a div tag into the document and assigns an id value to the layer (by default, Layer1 represents the first layer drawn, Layer2 represents the second layer drawn, and so on ). Later, you can rename the layer to whatever you want using the Layers panel or the Property inspector. Dreamweaver also uses embedded CSS in the document header to position layers and determine their exact dimensions.
Here is an example of HTML code for a layer:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<title>Sample Layers Page</title>
<style type="text/css">
#Layer1 {
<div id="Layer1"></div>
You can set properties for the upper layers of the page, including x and y coordinates, z-axis (also called stacking order), and visibility. For more information, see Setting Layer Preferences and Properties.