Original picture
final renderings
1. Open the original image, press Ctrl+j to copy a layer to get layer 1, then execute Image-Adjustment-Match Color, check Neutralize, and leave the others as default.
2. Press Ctrl+j to make a copy of layer 1, change the blending mode to Screen, and the opacity to 80%.
3. Press Ctrl+shift+Alt+e to stamp the layer to get layer 2, then go to Image-Mode-LAB Color, click Uncombined in the pop-up window, Image-Apply Image, and set the parameters as shown below:
4. Enter the channel panel, select the brightness channel, use Filter - Blur - Surface Blur to skin the character. The parameters are as follows:
5. Then use Filter - Sharpen - USM Sharpening. The parameters are as follows:
6. Click on the LAB channel, return to the layer panel, select Layer 2, Image-Mode-RBG Color, click on the red icon in the picture below, and create a new adjustment layer, Brightness/Contrast.
7. Brightness/Contrast, the parameters are set as shown below:
Complete the final effect