Original picture
final renderings
1. Open the original image and use the Dodge Tool to lighten the skin and hair to make them lighter. Be careful not to make them all the same tones and maintain shadows and brightness.
2. Duplicate the layer, then perform Gaussian blur with a blur radius of 1.5px, press Shift+Ctrl+U to remove color, and change the layer mode to "Lighten".
3. Continue to copy the layer, perform Gaussian blur, set the blur radius to 4.5, and change the layer mode to "Multiply".
4. Merge all the layers, use the Dodge tool to highlight the skin, clothes, and hair again, and then execute the "Filter" > "Sharpen" > "Further Sharpen" command.
5. Press D to set the default color, then add a Gradient Overlay adjustment layer, and then add a Curves adjustment layer.
6. Add a Levels adjustment layer.
7. The final panel is as shown below.