Original picture
final renderings
1. Open the original image.
2. Create a new layer.
3. Use the brush tool, a circle brush of 100 pixels, and fill red dots on the face with the color of your choice.
4. After clicking on the red plug, use Filter-Blur-Gaussian Blur and set the radius to 15 pixels.
5. Merge all layers (layer one merges all layers)
6. Duplicate the background layer (Ctrl+J)
7. The next key is to negative wash, click to copy layer 1.
8. Select the channel, red channel, image-apply image, leave everything else unchanged, and change the blend to color deepen.
9. Select the green channel, Image-Apply Image, modify the blending to Multiply, check Invert, and set the Opacity to 25%.
10. Select the blue channel, Image-Apply Image, modify the blending to Multiply, check Invert, and set the Opacity to 55%.
11. RBG channel, click negative to rush out! Go back to layers and merge the layers.
12. Adjust the font color a little, play with patterns and so on, everyone can use it to their own advantage, and the final rendering is: