Photoshop brings out the fashionable blue-red color of beauty pictures
Author:Eve Cole
Update Time:2013-01-18 11:56:36
Source: Siyuan Forum Author: Hwj_betty
This tutorial introduces how to colorize cyan-red pictures. This color is very easy to match, especially when adjusting the color of the characters. Adjust the background to cyan and the character's skin color to light red. The overall effect is very refreshing, and the characters look very sweet.
Original picture
final effect
1. Open the original image material, create a level adjustment layer, and set the parameters: red: 0/0.91/244; green: 0/0.89/247; blue: 0/0.93/240.
2. Create a hue/saturation adjustment layer and adjust the entire image. Parameter settings: 0/+7/0.
3. Create an optional color adjustment layer, with values: red: -20/-18/-13/9; white: +43/0/0/0; neutral color: 0/0/0/+7; black :0/0/0/+26.
4. Create optional color adjustment layers: yellow: -12/-13/-33/0; white: +44/0/-11/0.
5. Create a curve adjustment layer: Output/Input: Red: 120/110; Green: 210/200; Blue: 210/190. Merge all layers after confirmation.
6. Select the menu: Image > Mode > Lab Color. After confirmation, execute: Image > Apply Image, select the a channel, the mode is "Soft Light", and the others are default. After confirming, select the menu: Image > Mode > RGB Color.
7. Create an optional color adjustment layer, with values: red: -38/-23/-21/+16; yellow: -18/-18/-100/+24.
8. Create a Curves adjustment layer, value: 132/126, to brighten the image.
9. Create a new layer with fill color: #81d2f8, change the blending mode to "Soft Light", and change the opacity to: 10%.
10. Select the blue area in the skin, execute the optional color adjustment layer, select white, and reduce the blue value. You can adjust it yourself until you are satisfied with the effect.
11. Select the white part of the eye, perform hue/saturation, and adjust the entire image. Value: 0/-32/34.
12. Create a new layer, press Ctrl + Alt + Shift + E to stamp the layer, execute: Filter > Others > Customize, set the parameters as shown below, and complete the final effect after confirmation.
Final effect: