Use Lab channel to quickly create personalized oil painting pictures
Author:Eve Cole
Update Time:2013-01-25 15:39:38
The effect of this tutorial is very personalized. When making it, you only need to copy the b channel to the brightness channel in Lab mode to get the preliminary effect. Later, we can adjust the color and sharpen appropriately to get the effect we need.
Original picture
final effect
1. First convert the image mode from RGB mode to LAB mode (open the image, find Image->Mode->Select LAB color item in the edit bar of the menu), and enter the channel panel:
2. Adjust the color in the LAB channel: Select the B channel Control+A, use Control+C to copy the channel, select the brightness channel Control+V to paste the B channel you just copied, and Control+D to cancel the selection. The purpose of this is to brighten the yellow and darken the blue so that the colors are intensified, resulting in the following image.
3. Color adjustment: The basic effect has been released. Now let’s adjust other detailed aspects: adjust hue and saturation (yellow +10, green +27, magenta -10), color balance (midtone: green -8), or You can adjust it to your liking.
4. Sharpen the image: Merge the visible layers, sharpen the image in the brightness channel, and then convert the image mode from LAB mode back to RGB mode:
5. Final effect: Hold down Control+J to copy the layer, change the blending mode to Soft Light, and the transparency to 50%. Finally enter the optional color panel (magenta: cyan +24%, black +21%; green: cyan +30, black +40, yellow -11, yellow: cyan +6, black +5; neutral color: cyan +15 ) or adjust as needed, the final effect is as follows:
Final effect: