"Inhuman Academy" is a nonsensical comic-style 5V5 battle game independently developed by NetEase Games' Inception studio. The game uses the well-known legendary characters in Chinese mythology as the background, and tells the funny lives of Feito in a two-dimensional style. Players can participate in this school showdown by playing heroes.
How to play Nonhuman Academy Duobao?
Nonhuman Academy Duobao is positioned as psychic power/long range attack/group control/kite flying, with a three-star operational difficulty. The editor will briefly talk about its equipment recommendations below.
First of all, the first big piece is to make the Buddha pendant to increase the magic power.
In the mid-term, the Antarctic walking stick and Wusan training manual will be produced.
Choose Oxford shoes for shoes, which can increase the number of ways to wear them
In the later stage, you can replenish certain defensive equipment.