Recently, many players have asked for help on how to unlock Carlo's hidden graveyard in Elden's Circle DLC. Below, the editor of will explain it to you in detail. Let's take a look.
Answer : Carlo's Hidden Cemetery is located on the upper level of Côte d'Azur. The specific location is marked in red on the Côte d'Azur map.
1. In the same way as the way to reach Spike Mountain, we can start from the blessing point in the middle of Tongzhu Slope.
2. Go south along the road and pass many decapitated dragon statues along the way.
3. Eventually, we will arrive at a place called Dragon Cave.
4. We need to defeat the Boss Ancient Dragon in the depths, and then leave from the exit of the Dragon Cave.
5. Continue heading south until you reach the Dragon Feast Altar.
6. Then pass through the dragon's corpse and head to the west to successfully enter the new area - Carlo's Hidden Cemetery.