"Kamen Rider" is a well-known animation series in Japan. Its classic passionate themes and super fighting scenes have made this work quickly occupy the market. And "Kamen Rider: Super Heroes" is the game work of this series. "Kamen Rider: Super Heroes" adopts the familiar battle mode as the game mode, and some knights from the "Witcher" series will also participate in the battle in this game. In addition, a new element of knight skills has been added to this game. When the knight skills are accumulated to a certain level, you can activate super-powerful nirvana skills. During this period, there will be some hot-blooded specific scenes interspersed.
Kamen Rider Super Peak Hero operation methods, introduction to the operation methods of ultimate move, energy storage, and combo moves, and cool action operations of each hero. It is a required course for friends who want to play this game!
Basic operations:
up, down, left, right
Up up = flash up
Xiaxia = flash downward
Switch to different forms in different directions (single player)
Push left and push right = substitution (when two people are involved)
Push up and push down = Summon teammates and copy your button actions (for two people)
L = Summon teammates and swap the knight you are using, teammates will act automatically (when two people are playing)
L=Special actions (teleport, instant jump, etc.)
L + ○ = cool action
R=The attack is quickly interrupted (you can take the next move), and the opponent is bounced away (when attacked, the defense gauge is consumed)
X+□=sure kill
Left or right +○ = special attack
Up or down +○=Special attack 2
When moving up and down + R = shooting (when holding a shooting weapon knight, gas consumption)
Kill combo:
There is a setting in the selection mode interface, which has key settings. After entering the battle, the START key has a combo guide.
I can't perform any combos, such as oral XX, left, right XX, and so on. I used to use the blade to cut more than ten knives easily, but now it's very difficult. I often can't get more than 5 hits.
To accumulate gas, press O. Press JK together to perform a small sure kill. You can also use the direction keys to release other small sure kills. For a big sure kill, press U and I together.