In the S12 season of "Golden Shovel War", Bastion Tristana's lineup is a very powerful combination, which can effectively utilize Tristana's output ability and the defensive characteristics of Bastion Guards. The following is detailed lineup matching, bond selection and equipment recommendations:
1. Lineup composition
Tristana, Poppy, Varus, Lilia, Ryze, Tariq, Zoe, Shen
2. Bond composition
Fortress Guard, Dimension Warlock, Cursed Witch, Balrog, Flower Fairy, Assault Gunner, Scholar
3. Strengthening runes
The first choice is Witch Bash, Portable Forge, and Prismatic Ticket. The second choice for strengthening runes is Level 5 Hurricane, Battle Bandage II, Magic Manifestation, United Resistance II, and Heroic Lucky Bag.
4. Equipment analysis
Rush to install order
Recurve Bow, Storm Sword, Negatron Cloak, Chainmail, Giant's Belt
Main C equipment
Tristana: Guinsoo's Furious Blade and Infinity Blade. The alternative equipment is the Last Whisper, Red Talisman, and Sharp Blade.
Other hero equipment
Poppy: Thorn Vest, Dragon Claw, Outlaw Armor
Varus: The Last Whisper, Infinity Blade, Red Talisman
Ryze: Blade of Shoji, Staff of Archangel
Tarik: Redemption
Zoe: Blue Ba Talisman
5. Operational ideas
Prioritize three-star roles
Tristana, Lilia, Poppy
Search card rhythm
In the early stage, five consecutive defeats are needed to maximize the economy, and then two-star Poppy will be released at 3-1. After 3-2, three-star Poppy and Xiaopao will be used. The perfect lineup is all three stars and 8 people at a low cost, and two stars at a high cost.
restraint analysis
It depends more on luck. If the cards you are dealt are not good, they are basically gone.
The above is all about how to match the Tristana lineup in S12 Fortress of "The Battle of the Golden Shovel". For more game strategies, please click the source code website.