StarDict ( is a very good free dictionary. Its main body is actually just a dictionary engine. But because there are many enthusiastic people who have worked tirelessly to contribute many dictionary files (, the database of this free dictionary has become very huge. There are many things you want in it. Unexpected content.
Back to the topic of this article, because StarDict has Windows and Linux versions (and more versions adapted to different operating system platforms), and their dictionary files are the same, so if everyone’s computer is installed at the same time like mine For Windows and Linux, only one dictionary file is actually enough. The method is as follows:
Install the corresponding versions of StarDict on Windows and Linux, then download the StarDict dictionary files from the Internet, and extract these files to the Dic directory under the StarDict installation directory of the Windows system. For example, the location of the Landau Chinese-English dictionary installed on my machine is:
D:Program FilesStarDictdicstardict-langdao-ce-gb-2.4.2
There should be a file like this (or similar)
After installing the Windows program, go back to your Linux and find the installation directory of your StarDict dictionary. I will take my machine as an example. If your machine also installed StarDict from the Ubuntu source, then the dictionary file will be placed exist:
After determining the location, then run the following statement (please modify the installation directory according to your own machine)
ln -s "/media/wind/Program Files/StarDict/dic/stardict-langdao-ce-gb-2.4.2" "/usr/share/stardict/dic/stardict-langdao-ce-gb-2.4.2"
(Note: /media/wind is the mount point of my Windows D: drive under Linux.)
In this way, a soft connection to the directory under Windows can be established in /usr/share/stardict/dic. Through this soft connection, StarDict under Linux can find the corresponding dictionary file.
But if you go the other way and place the dictionary file under Linux, then according to the current situation, there is no way to make StarDict under Windows obtain the shared dictionary.
Reasons: First, because there is currently no perfect solution for reading Ext2/Ext3 under Windows.
Second, there is no soft connection function under Linux/Unix under Windows.