Link: official website
Cannibal MOD allows players to eat themselves or others if they need to survive, it is very important that you need to do this.
Knife: Right clicking on them will cause the target to take 2.5-3 damage and cut off a piece of their flesh. Additionally, right-clicking on mobs that normally drop food (including villagers) will cause them to cut off their respective flesh and take damage on this scale:
Cow: 1.5 - 2 hearts damage. Chickens: When they need the body for food, the chickens are killed first. Pig: 1.5 - 2 Heartbreaks. Sheep: 1.25~1.5 heartache. Villager: 2.5~3 Heartbroken. Wizard: 2.5~3 Heartache. Rumor has it that you must go crazy and eat the body of a witch. Zombies: 2.5 - 3 Heartbreaks. Other players: 2.5 - 3 Heartbreak.
Player flesh (left) restores 2 hunger, while cooked player flesh (right) restores 4. When the player dies, use a knife to cut off the meat.
Villager Meat: Raw villager meat (left) restores 2 and cooked villager meat (right) restores 4. When a villager dies, cut it with a knife.
Witch Meat : Cannot be cooked, restores 2 hunger points when consumed. Due to the decay of the body, the blood will also be reduced by 2. If used by Wendigo, the player will gain additional hunger and saturation, depending on how high their culture level is.
Wendigo: Summoned (once per player) when someone turns into a cannibal. This is a powerful creature with 50 hearts and high counterattack ability. Regardless of armor and potion effects, it will deal 5 damage to the player while knocking them into the air. Mobs are disabled by default.
Wendigo level mechanism (only enabled when Wendigo is enabled)
This represents a significant amount of time for players to suffer, and when it reaches a high enough point, it resets, causing Wendigo to spawn near the player (about 30-50 blocks away). Death will also cause a reset to occur, but no Wendigo will spawn. Eating player flesh or villager flesh will increase the player's level.
Depending on how high the player is, they will gain Speed I/II, Strength III, and/or Resistance II buffs at the cost of a higher hunger drain, depending on how far they've traveled. When players reach a halfway point where a Wendigo spawns, they receive a temporary nausea and stun buff.
By default, when using a knife, the player will use their own "damage" sound. This can be changed to using ghast's smile sound in the mod's config file, or via Forge's config GUI found in the mods list tab. You can also change the volume of the sound.
Author: SoraZodia
No need for Forge version reference mod. Installation method 2. Forge version reference mod. Installation method 1.