Link: official website
Special Weapons and Armor is undoubtedly one of the most unique item-based mods for Minecraft currently available. Even though there are many similar mods available for the game, they all feel the same, as they implement very simple object transformations, with good statistics, but their functionality is very similar to the original object. However, as the name suggests, this particular mod makes special objects in the game a joy to use, as they enable players to take advantage of a variety of unique abilities when using them.
In terms of specifics, Special Weapon and Armor mods will allow you to acquire numerous special items in Minecraft, which are very interesting as they provide unique abilities. For example, there are fire and snow shooters, which are basically guns that shoot fire and snow respectively. There is an ice sword that slows down creatures on hit. There's a lightning ax that can summon lightning that creates blinding rays, a levitation wand that can levitate, and many other great objects to use.
In addition to the weapons, the special weapons and armor in the armor are spectacular. There is an elemental armor that will give you resistance to all elements, and a psychic armor that will give you night vision and fortune. Speed armor where you can move faster, power armor where you will be able to get more damage than usual, and apart from these there are many other armors that can be used. Overall, this is definitely a good mod and we highly recommend it if you are looking for special items to use in Minecraft.
For Minecraft 1.10.2
Special Weapons and Armor[1.10.2].jar
For Minecraft 1.9.4
Special Weapons and Armor[1.9.4].jar
Author: CyberRocky
Mod installation instructions and frequently asked questions:
No need for Forge version reference mod. Installation method 2. Forge version reference mod. Installation method 1.