Link: official website
PattysMoreStuff Mod uses resources already in the game to make more tools/blocks/items and other cool stuff.
Dyeing Blocks Dyeing Wooden Boards (v1.0.2) Dyeing Stairs Dyeing Cookie Jars Dyeing Stone Gemstones Dyeing Stone Slate (v1.0.2) Dyeing Stone Shelf Stairs Dyeing Ore (produces the same as Lazuli, but will randomly drop a variety of different dyes, Each dyeing is different) Ender pearlite (really rare) Oak, spruce, birch, jungle, acacia and black oak plank tiles Oak, Spruce, Birch, Jungle, Acacia and Black Oak Storage Chests (same size as double chests) Reinforced Obsidian & Glass (v1.0.2)
Infinite Bucket Obsidian Bar Wand of Time Information Booklet
Void Star Jade Obsidian Quartz Glowstone Redstone Slime Ender Pearl Flint Coal Nether Brick Red Nether Brick Brick Soul Sand Clay Snow Leather Sandstone Magma Frost Gunpowder Fire
Pick Ax Shovel Hoe Sword Tomahawk
Fried Eggs Raw Bacon Cooked Bacon French Bread Egg Baguette Bacon Baguette Egg and Bacon Baguette Iron Apple Diamond Apple Emerald Apple
iron gold diamond jade
Author: StuffTheChicken