The Patagonia resource pack is probably the most unique resource pack we've seen recently, as it's not really designed to be used as resource pack filler. Most resource packs running Minecraft are usually designed to give the game's visuals a makeover so players can have a better experience, but this particular pack wasn't designed for that purpose. Instead, Patagonia Resource Packs cater to players who want to take advantage of a specific art style in order to create some interesting game worlds. This pack will give you access to tons of different assets that you can utilize so that you feel like you're doing something really great in Minecraft.
Patagonia resource pack textures are not extraordinary, so you can simply go and make incredible things. The pack features a medieval themed art style, a fun style that gives players access to a ton of unique textures not found in most traditional resource packs. The amount of detail in the textures isn't particularly high, but they look smooth and seem to be noise-free, so you'll enjoy looking at them.
The Patagonia resource pack's textures have a resolution of x32, which is a step up from the standard x16, but that's not surprising because while there may not be an incredible amount of detail in the textures, they're still much better than the vanilla textures Detailed, all possible because of the higher resolution.
How to install Paragonia resource pack?
Start Minecraft. Click "Options" in the Start menu. Click "Resource Packs" in the options menu. In the resource pack menu, click Open Resource Pack Folder. Place the .zip file you downloaded in the resource pack folder.Download Link Paragonia Resource Pack
For Minecraft 1.12.X