PHP uses code to download files
Author:Eve Cole
Update Time:2009-06-05 16:38:06
We generally implement downloads by calling URLs, but we cannot use this method when encountering files that IE can recognize when opening, such as downloading a picture, HTML web page, etc. In this case, programming is required to implement it. The following PHP code can solve the problem. :
if( empty($_GET['FileName'])|| empty($_GET['FileDir'])|| empty($_GET['FileId'])){
echo'<script> alert("Illegal connection!"); location.replace ("index.php") </script>'; exit();
$file_dir = $file_dir."/";
if (!file_exists($file_dir.$file_name)) { //Check whether the file exists
echo "File not found";
} else {
$file = fopen($file_dir . $file_name,"r"); // Open the file
//Input file tag
Header("Content-type: application/octet-stream");
Header("Accept-Ranges: bytes");
Header("Accept-Length: ".filesize($file_dir . $file_name));
Header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=" . $file_name);
// Output file content
echo fread($file,filesize($file_dir . $file_name));