Recently, we have written a lot of programs for HTTP remote access. We mainly come into contact with the WebHttpRequest class in the .NET class library and the common object Microsoft.XMLHTTP. With these convenient classes, we can simulate the Web through C#, ASP, and Javascript. Clients access other Web pages. But today I wanted to use PHP to implement a similar function, but I couldn't find the direction for a while, so I had to "have enough food and clothing" by myself.
At present, there is no class similar to HttpRequest in PHP. However, I found such a page of HttpRequest Class in the official online documentation, but it only mentioned that this function may only exist in the CVS version. Unfortunately...
To implement HTTP access is nothing more than sending a request using Socket and then reading the return information. So I wrote an HttpRequest class using Socket. Of course, it can also be implemented using the fsockopen() function, but the difference between the two is not very big. The specific code is in the attachment. Take a look for yourself.
<?php/*** Network: HTTP request object* Author: Li HouYu (Karajan Lee), Shanghai, China.*/class HttpRequest{var $sHostAdd;var $sUri;var $iPort;var $sRequestHeader;var $sResponse ;function HttpRequest($sUrl){$sPatternUrlPart = '/http://([az-.0-9]+)(:(d+)){0,1}(.*)/i' ;$arMatchUrlPart = array();preg_match($sPatternUrlPart, $sUrl, $arMatchUrlPart);$this->sHostAdd = gethostbyname($arMatchUrlPart[1]);if (empty($arMatchUrlPart[4])){$this- >sUri = '/';}else{$this->sUri = $arMatchUrlPart[4];}if (empty($arMatchUrlPart[3])){$this->iPort = 80;}else{$this-> iPort = $arMatchUrlPart[3];}$this->addRequestHeader('Host: '.$arMatchUrlPart[1]);$this->addRequestHeader('Connection: Close');}function addRequestHeader($sHeader){$this ->sRequestHeader .= trim($sHeader)."rn";}function sendRequest($sMethod = 'GET', $sPostData = ''){$sRequest = $sMethod." ".$this->sUri ." HTTP/1.1rn";$sRequest .= $this->sRequestHeader;if ($sMethod == 'POST'){$sRequest .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded rn";$sRequest .= "Content-Length: ".strlen($sPostData)."rn";$sRequest .= "rn";$sRequest .= $sPostData." rn";}$sRequest .= "rn";$sockHttp = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP);if (!$sockHttp){die('socket_create() failed!');}$resSockHttp = socket_connect($sockHttp, $this->sHostAdd, $this->iPort);if (!$resSockHttp){die('socket_connect() failed!');}socket_write($sockHttp, $sRequest, strlen($sRequest ));$this->sResponse = '';while ($sRead = socket_read($sockHttp, 4096)){$this->sResponse .= $sRead;}socket_close($sockHttp);}function getResponse(){return $this->sResponse;}function getResponseBody(){$sPatternSeperate = '/rnrn/';$arMatchResponsePart = preg_split($sPatternSeperate, $this->sResponse, 2);return $arMatchResponsePart[1 ];}function getResponseHead(){$sPatternSeperate = '/rnrn/';$arMatchResponsePart = preg_split($sPatternSeperate, $this->sResponse, 2);return $arMatchResponsePart[0];}} ?>