While the rise of medical AI-assisted diagnosis brings convenience, it also raises concerns among regulatory agencies. When doctors use AI tools that are not strictly regulated to assist patient diagnosis, the potential risks cannot be ignored. The working mechanisms of these AI models are often difficult to explain, making supervision more difficult and increasing the risk of medical malpractice litigation. How to effectively supervise the application of AI in the medical field has become an urgent problem that needs to be solved.
Doctors are using unregulated AI tools to aid patient diagnosis, raising concerns among regulators. Artificial intelligence models are difficult to explain their working principles, making supervision more difficult. Untested AI tools can lead to medical malpractice lawsuit risks. Medical schools and academic centers may be possible options for regulating AI medical tools.
It is urgent to solve the regulatory issues of AI medical tools. Government departments, medical institutions and technology companies need to work together to establish a complete regulatory framework and standards to ensure that the application of AI technology in the medical field is safe and reliable, and ultimately benefits patients.