Recently, foreign media The Verge reported that ByteDance was suspended from its OpenAI account for using the OpenAI API to train its own large model. The incident began when OpenAI launched an investigation into whether ByteDance violated its terms of use. ByteDance responded that it only used the API in the initial exploration phase, and both parties said they would further investigate and verify. This incident triggered a discussion in the industry about large model training and API usage specifications, and also highlighted the importance of companies complying with rules and regulations in the context of the rapid development of artificial intelligence.
According to foreign media The Verge, ByteDance is using the OpenAI API to train its own large models, and OpenAI has subsequently suspended ByteDance’s account. OpenAI stated that it needed to investigate whether ByteDance violated regulations, while ByteDance claimed that it had only used the API in the initial exploration phase. Both parties said they would conduct further investigation and verification.
This incident reflects the complexity and importance of API usage specifications in the development of large-scale language models. It also reminds companies to be cautious when using external APIs and abide by relevant terms of service. The results of subsequent investigations by both parties are worthy of attention, as they will provide valuable experience for the future development of the AI industry.