Apple is about to enable its artificial intelligence feature, Apple Intelligence, by default in iOS 18.3, iPadOS 18.3, and macOS 15.3 updates. This feature will be automatically activated for eligible users, including iPhone 15 Pro and newer models, iPads and Macs equipped with Apple Silicon M1 chips or newer chips, and the latest version of iPad mini. Both new users and upgraded users can experience the convenience brought by Apple Intelligence, such as AI-driven notification summaries, image processing tools Image Playground, and text rewriting. However, Apple also provides a convenient option for users to manually turn off this feature.
Picture source note: The picture is generated by AI, and the picture authorization service provider Midjourney
This AI update is not available for all devices, but is limited to models that support Apple Intelligence, including iPhone 15 Pro and newer models, iPads and Macs equipped with Apple Silicon M1 chips or newer chips, and the latest version of iPad mini.
For new Mac users who purchase or upgrade to macOS 15.3, Apple Intelligence will be automatically activated during the device startup setup process. Users can use related functions immediately after completing the settings. However, if you wish to disable Apple Intelligence, Apple also provides a convenient option: users only need to enter the "Apple Intelligence and Siri" settings panel and turn off the "Apple Intelligence" toggle switch to easily disable the AI function on the device.
This means that after updating your device, you will need to manually disable Apple Intelligence if you don't want to use features such as AI-powered notification summaries, image processing tools Image Playground, and text rewriting. Users have full autonomy to choose whether to enable this feature.
It is worth noting that last week, users of the iOS 18.3 beta version discovered that the AI notification summary function of the news and entertainment application was flawed, such as incorrectly summarizing a BBC news headline. Apple has embarked on improvements that will make notification summary identification on the lock screen clearer and clearly states that the summary "may contain errors" to reduce users' high expectations for the accuracy of AI summaries.
All in all, the default activation of Apple Intelligence will bring a new AI experience to some Apple users, but Apple has also fully considered the user's right to choose and actively responded to the deficiencies in AI functions. This move not only reflects Apple's active exploration in the field of AI, but also shows its emphasis on user experience.