Conch AI has recently launched a new voice model T2A-01-HD. This model has been upgraded based on the previous audio model, significantly improved the audio quality and cloning accuracy, and can generate emotional voice. Compared with the previous version, the T2A-01-HD has improved significantly in terms of the accuracy of voice cloning, providing users with a better voice synthesis experience. The model is currently not open source, but users can experience it freely through the official website of Conch AI.
Following the launch of the AI voice clone function at the end of 2024, Hailuo AI recently launched the new voice model T2A-01-HD. T2A-01-HD's new voice model also supports voice cloning, which can generate emotional voice.
According to the official introduction, on the basis of the original audio model, T2A-01-HD enhanced the audio quality and has an excellent clone accuracy
However, the T2A-01-HD is not yet open source, and users can use it for free on the upper limit of the webpage. After entering the Hailuo AI audio page, you can see the model in the upper right corner. If you want to experience the new model, you can use it as long as you choose "T2A-01-HD".
After the experience, the audio quality generated by T2A-01-HD will be higher and clearer than the original version. Interested users can experience themselves.
Project entrance:
All in all, the launch of the T2A-01-HD model marks another improvement of Conch AI in AI voice synthesis technology. Its clearer and more natural voice output will bring users a better experience. Welcome to the official website to experience this new voice model.