LG Electronics announced at the CES2025 exhibition to increase its investment in humanoid robots. It plans to launch a humanoid robot based on its AI Smart Q9, the goal is to enhance home productivity. The move marked the active layout of LG Electronics in the humanoid robot competition with modern and Samsung competitors, and also reflects the global technology giants' attention to the humanoid robot market. LG Electronics will focus on the development of humanoid robots suitable for the family environment, and cooperate with Microsoft to expand the application of Q9 in many scenarios such as households, cars, and hotels.
The Korean electronics giant LG Electronics recently announced at the CES2025 exhibition that it will increase its investment in humanoid robots and use its AI intelligent technology Q9 to try to make breakthroughs in this field. In recent years, LG has launched a series of service robots, such as LG CLOI Servebot and Guidebot. These robots are mainly wheeled and have limited flexibility and dexterity.
Zhao Zhou, the CEO of LG Electronics, said at the press conference that robots are an important direction for human future development. The company will focus on the development of humanoid robots applicable to families, hoping to improve productivity through collaboration with humans. The core of the humanoid robot project will be the Q9AI intelligence that is about to be released this year. It is planned to be officially launched in South Korea in September after the February and March test.
The chief technician of LG Electronics revealed that the research and development team is studying the basic technologies of humanoid robots, including gestures, gait, etc. These technologies will be improved based on Q9 cognitive and joint technologies. In addition, LG also announced a strategic cooperation with Microsoft. The two parties will jointly promote the development of AI technology, including applying Q9 to families, cars, hotels and offices and other scenarios.
In the context of increasingly fierce humanoid robot competitions, LG e -measures marked that they hope that competitors in the same city such as Hyundai Motor Group and Samsung Electronics are in the field. Last year, Tesla also launched its second -generation humanoid robot Optimus and plans to commercialize this year. Tesla CEO Elon Musk said he unswervingly promoted the Optimus project and looked forward to these humanoid robots to play a reform role in various industries.
In the future, LG Electronics considers the launch of Q9 as a subscription service, or integrates into its smart home platform LG Thinq, so that users can make it easier to use. The research and development of LG Electronics on humanoid robots not only pay attention to technology innovation, but also expects to enhance the user's life experience through intelligent products.
LG Electronics plans to launch AI Smart Q9 -based humanoid robots in 2025, which aims to improve home productivity.
LG has established strategic cooperation with Microsoft to promote the application of AI technology to various scenarios, covering families, cars and hotels.
竞 The humanoid robot competition has intensified, and competitors such as Tesla are also actively developing related technologies, and the market prospects are broad.
All in all, LG Electronics's entry into the field of humanoid robots is not only an important step in its own strategic layout, but also indicates that competition in the humanoid robot market will become increasingly fierce and the future development potential is huge. Q9 Application and cooperation with Microsoft will further promote the application and popularization of AI technology in more fields.